Contract Specification - Redoudou/Leaseatblock GitHub Wiki



owner = msg.sender


struct Landlord {
    address landlordAddress,
    stage   (pending/approve),

Landlord[] public Landlords;


struct House {
    string   houseInfo,
    belongTo LandLordAddress,
    uint     RentFee,
    uint     Rent increment, 
    stage   (pending/approve),

House[] public Houses;


struct Tenant {
    string   tenantInfo,
    belongTo TenantAddress,
    stage   (pending/approve),

Tenant[] public tenants;


struct Lease {
    address Landlord,
    address Tenant,
    address House,
    date    startDate,
    date    expiringDate,
    status  (L/O/E),
    uint depositAmount,

Lease[] public leases;

Public Function

Tenant register

This is where the tenant create the account and ask to be connected to a Lease.

Landlord register

The Landlord can create the account and the HCR will validated it.

Get data function

HCR Function

HRC Create Lease

The HCR create an Lease contract with the basic information inside. BIN, number of cosigner, BBL and address.

Accept/Reject Landlord

When Landlord create and account and submit for create the HCR will validate it.

Accept/Reject Tenant

Accept/Reject Landlord's house request

Landlord Function

Edit Lease

The landlord can only edit or modify a lease because the Lease is created by the HCR. The landords can edit all informations besides BIN, number of cosigner and BBL.

Signed/Not signed Lease

House register

Tenant Function

Create/Edit Lease

Accept/Reject Lease


  • Lease will change to L stage when both Tenant and LandLord agree
  • Lease is on Open when HCR create the Lease
  • When there is a

Future improvement

  • Import erc721