V. Responsibilities of Members - RedbudCoop/Redbud-Constitution GitHub Wiki

Responsibilities of Members

Meal Plan

See Meal Plan section of the house rules.

House Jobs

House members are expected to do a house job and do it well. The jobs are expected to take up to 1.5 hours a week. The house manager posts signup sheets with people's names ordered randomly.1 Halfway through the semester, another signup sheet goes up, with the names reversed. Permission has been granted to the house manager to produce a "shame list" of those members who have not done their house job for at least two weeks.


It is required that each resident complete an eight-hour House Improvement Project per semester by 7 days after the last day of exams.27 If a HIP is not done for a semester (excluding exempt officers), 2.5 infractions will be issued. The house member28 can make up the HIP within a semester to remove the infractions from their record.24

Rooms and Keys

Anyone on meal plan who does not live in Von Cramm Hall will be given the door code. Every house member28, upon leaving, is expected to return any room keys. Otherwise, $20 per key will be taken out of the returned incidental fee. If the house manager decides that the lock must be changed, that cost will be deducted from the incidental fee as well.3 Every house member28, upon moving into their room is required to fill out a Room Inventory & Condition (RIC) form.24 Every house member28, upon moving out of a room, is expected to return room keys to an officer and to arrange to have an officer conduct a brief inspection of the room to ensure the room is left in good order. Failure to fulfill responsibility to have this inspection conducted will result in a $200 fine.45 Leaving a room trashed or with extensive damage as determined by the officer team (excluding any damage asserted by the resident in their RIC form) will result in a $40 fine. The fine for leaving a room trashed or with extensive damage and the fine for failing to conduct an inspection will be billed through Bursar.24

House Cleanup

House Cleanup occurs either the weekend before or the weekend after classes begin, from 8 am to whenever, usually no later than 6 pm, though it may go later, and members are expected to continue to participate.24 It is followed by a dinner. All house members must participate. Those who will be away must notify the house managers at least 48 hours in advance. Members who miss house cleanup must make arrangements to make up the work by the Saturday after house cleanup and complete the make-up work within 30 days.266

Failure to notify the house managers at least 48 hours in advance must make up the work for the number of hours that house cleanup takes plus 2 hours. Failure to make up the work entirely will result in 3 infractions.2624

Kitchen Sanitation and Etiquette

  • Don’t put meat in the compost
  • Label all leftovers including date
  • Don’t store food in metal containers
  • Wash any pot you use
  • Wait until food cools somewhat before putting it in the refrigerator

Late Night

Every cooking group is expected to do late night for that day. Late night involves, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Do all the dishes with the beast
  • Wash and put away all dishes in sink
  • Put away all dishes in drying rack
  • Take out trash, recycling and compost
  • Wipe counters, and generally clean the kitchen
  • Wipe down the dining room tables
  • Make sure dining room windows are locked.
  • Sweep and mop the floors


Housing charges cover everything room, utilities except phone, and meal plan.8 For non-residents, the meal plan costs the same if they cook, and it costs extra—as determined by the stewards—if the non-resident chooses not to cook. Billing is done once a semester through the Cornell Bursar.9 Summer residents must pay the upcoming months' rents before they live here and will be billed each month, in addition to having a $200 incidental fee with the house.10 This incidental fee will be returned in full at the end of a member's residence at Von Cramm Hall minus any charges incurred during their residence as outlined in the Constitution.24 Summer rent is determined by the following formula: (the current cost of living in a single for a semester) / (50-60) per week.11 This is rate is for past, current, and future house members28; summer rent for non-house members28 is this rate plus $20. Every house member is also required to pay a semesterly activity fee of $35.12


At Redbud, it is customary to have two big banquets, one at the end of each semester. Alumni should be invited to both events.

  • Fall semester: The theme has traditionally been “thanksgiving” and it requires semi-formal attire
  • Spring semester: The theme of the banquet is usually decided by taking a vote in the beginning of the semester. The spring banquet doesn’t usually require formal attire. All members of the house are required to help with the preparation/cleanup of each banquet regardless of whether or not they choose to attend the event.

Social Gatherings13

It is expressly prohibited to hold private gatherings at Von Cramm Hall without the consent of 2/3 of house members. Private gatherings are defined as gatherings that are explicitly exclusive of house members. Private gatherings may be held at the house. These must be hosted by one or more house members who are required to take responsibility for all guests at all times during the event. If the house member(s) responsible for hosting the event cannot take on the responsibility or delegate it to another house member, the event may be terminated by any house officer.

House Meetings

House members must attend every house meeting. If two house meetings in a row are missed, the secretary will inform the officers, and an intense interrogation will follow.14 If a house member must miss a house meeting, he/she must inform the house secretary of this at least 48 hours before the meeting.


Points are awarded on the following basis:

  • Living in Von Cramm Hall, and fulfilling responsibilities27: 25
  • One semester on meal plan only15: 10
  • One semester living in a double room: 10
  • One semester living in a triple room16: 15
  • Moving from one single to another single: -25

If there is no record of how many points a returning house member28 had, it is assumed that the person had 30 points per semester that the person lived here. HIPs must be done before the room selection for the points to count toward the next semester (or special arrangements must be made with the house manager). HIPs must be proposed to and approved by House Managers. Satisfactory completion is determined by House Managers. Points will be awarded accordingly.17


It has generally been the policy that guests have been tolerated (or encouraged) for a week, after which they are expected to pay weekly at the same rate as anyone else, and cook and clean side by side with us. If the stay is long enough, permission should be sought. No squatter's rights have been granted to guests, although they can earn points. However, if the guest stays with someone who has a single, the person with the single doesn't earn points for living in a double.

Anyone who is a guest at Von Cramm Hall for more than two weeks and does not have a local residence is charged 50% of the living cost (excluding meal plan cost) plus the full cost of meal plan if they are on meal plan. Any damage done by a guest will be repaired with money from the host's incidental fee. Special arrangements may be made in extenuating circumstances.18

Infractions of responsibilities

An infraction is committed in the event that a house member does not complete one of the following:

  • Their weekly house chore
  • Cook group
  • Attend house meeting 19
  • Any other offense deemed serious enough by the house officers.20

In the case that a house member commits three (3) infractions, a ⅔ majority of the house vote is taken at the house meeting following the issuing of the third infraction on whether the house member will be permitted to live at Von Cramm Hall the following semester. Summer and fall terms are viewed as different semesters under this rule. If a house member commits five (5) infractions in one semester, a ⅔ majority of the house vote is taken at the house meeting following the issuing of the fifth infraction on whether or not their lease should be terminated immediately. If a house member accumulates 7 or more infractions on their record during their entire time at Von Cramm Hall (non-consecutive), a ⅔ majority of the house vote is taken at the house meeting following the issuing of the third infraction on whether the house member will be permitted to live at Von Cramm Hall the following semester. In each situation, any refund is determined by Campus Life (see contract). When the house votes to remove someone in the case that they pose a threat to the mental or physical health of others, two-thirds of the house must agree that the individual poses a threat to the mental or physical health of others in the house, for reasons including but not limited to acts of hate speech, verbal harassment or aggression, and threats to emotional, physical, and social well-being. 26

If the house votes for the immediate termination of a house member’s lease, the house member must be given at least two weeks to move out of Von Cramm Hall and Redbud must work to ensure Housing has been secured by the University for said individual. If said member poses a direct threat to safety, or exhibits dangerous behavior then the member shall be removed at the earliest possible date.26</26>

If the house votes not to remove the house member according to the above guidelines, a vote to remove the house member may be taken for each additional full infraction that house member incurs in that semester. The consequences of additional votes may be raised in accordance with the above guidelines (i.e., if the house member first commits 3 infractions and a vote is taken as to whether to allow them to live at Von Cramm Hall next semester, but then accrues 2 additional infractions for a total of five infractions, a new vote may be taken on whether or not to terminate the house member’s lease immediately).

If house officers feel that the situation is severe enough such that it is pertinent to hold a vote on the removal of the house member prior to the next house meeting, they may host an electronic ⅔ house majority vote. In this case, the officers should publish a written document outlining the reasoning for each infraction issued alongside the electronic vote. The defendant may also publish together a written document outlining why they believe they should be able to continue living in the cooperative.

A non-resident meal planner may be blocked from joining the meal plan in the future if they commit 3 infractions and two-thirds of the house vote in favor of the blocking. They may be removed from the meal plan immediately and permanently if they commit 5 infractions and two-thirds of the house vote in favor of the removal.26

In general, some form of warning is given before an infraction is written up against an individual as outlined below. Infractions are cumulative, regardless of what type. Officers should discuss whether an infraction has been committed for a given offense before officially filing the infraction against the individual in question.21

The conditions for committing a house chore infraction are as follows (days can change but time between events should remain the same):

  1. House chores are due Sunday at midnight. House members28 must physically complete their chore and check it off on the chore check-off sheet in order for their chore to be considered complete.
  2. House members28 have 2 slip days per semester for chores. House members28 do not have to inform HMs when they are using a slip day. It will be assumed a slip day has been used if the chore is not complete by the deadline and no pre-arranged extensions have been given for the chore. Multiple slip days may be used on the same chore. HMs should give back a slip day if the chore was incomplete only due to forgetting to check off the chore.
  3. Both house managers (HMs) check for completion of chores on Monday evening.
  4. HMs decide that a reasonable effort has not been made to complete the chore. HMs must be able to document the current progress of the chore in a detailed and understandable manner if asked.
  5. HMs contact the person responsible for the chore with a written note and informs them that their chore has not been completed satisfactorily. House members28 can request that the HMs provide additional information about what they need to do to complete the chore satisfactorily.
  6. A half infraction occurs if the person does not complete the chore to the HMs’ satisfaction within 24 hours of contacting the member with a note or providing additional information about what the person needs to do to complete their chore satisfactorily, whichever comes last.
  7. An addition half infraction is given for each additional 24 hours the person does not complete the chore satisfactorily.25
  8. If the house member does not complete the chore by the next time the chore is due to be completed, the house member must work with the HMs to find an equivalent makeup task. Additional half infractions will continue to be given for each 24 hours the makeup task remains incomplete.25

The conditions for committing a cook group infraction are outlined in the section titled Meal Plan. They are summarized as followed, but the other section is the full policy:

  1. External meal planners can receive infractions that impact their standing with the meal plan in the same way they impact house standing. Additionally at three infractions, the external meal planner does not receive house points for that semester.
  2. Failure to complete their meal plan responsibility (cook group, floater, or clean up crew) earns the member an infraction.
  3. Meal plan infractions may be erased by completing two shifts for other people without them taking a shift for you or through some other arrangement made with your cook group. Stewards must be informed in order for an infraction to be made up.
  4. In the case of prelims, an infraction may be erased by doing only one additional shift rather than two.
  5. In the case of illness—both physical and mental—an infraction may not be awarded if a reasonable effort to find a sub is made. A reasonable effort is defined under the meal plan section.22

The conditions for committing a house meeting infraction are as follows:

  1. If there is a reasonable conflict, an email must be sent to the secretary at least 48 hrs before the meeting.
  2. Informing the secretary ahead of time warrants an Excused Absence (if conflict is deemed reasonable at the discretion of the secretary).
  3. Being more than 30 minutes late and/or leaving the meeting early, without appropriate notice, counts as an Unexcused Absence.
  4. Acquiring two unexcused absences from house meetings is grounds for an infraction.
  5. Additionally, three consecutive absences (excused or otherwise) is also grounds for an infraction. Infractions from excused house meeting absences will be discussed by the officers and extenuating circumstances will be considered with empathy.29 Every additional consecutive absence is grounds for another infraction.25

Those who do not plan on living in Von Cramm Hall the following semester but for whom the infraction system applies (including but not restricted to graduating house members, external meal plan members) will be responsible for a fee for each infraction, in addition to making up the cleaning/cooking, etc. for which the infraction was given. House members agree in signing this constitution, and external meal plan members agree in their meal plan contract. The charges are as follows: {1st infraction $25, 2nd infraction $50, 3rd infraction $100}. Those who prefer may pay the charge through service hours at the rate of the current NYS working wage ($15.11 per hour 2018). The fee is due within four weeks of the date of the infraction for deposit into the checking account. The status of current house members is established by the occupancy sheet for the following semester, which is typically circulated at the first or second house meeting of the semester.23

Infractions last for 6 months or one academic semester from when a person first signs a contract to live in the house, and are reset to zero after this period has passed (summer months are considered a ‘semester’)

Exceptions for an infraction will be made only in case of sickness, injury or serious emergency or crisis. If a majority of the house contests the eviction or ‘un-invitation’ of a house member, the decision will go to a vote. In the event of a vote, a 2/3 majority of the house is required to overturn the decision.


Any exception to the above duties on the part of a member must be approved by 2/3 of the members present at a house meeting.


  • [1] Passed 04/19/1998
  • [2] Passed 01/19/1992, reevaluated 02/26/1995
  • [3] Passed 02/26/1995
  • [4] Passed 04/2004
  • [5] Passed 12/06/2011
  • [6] Passed 05/2004
  • [7] Passed Fall 2002
  • [8] Passed 04/19/1998
  • [9] Passed 04/19/1998
  • [10] Passed 12/06/2011
  • [11] Passed 03/01/1992
  • [12] Passed 05/02/2010
  • [13] Passed 2006, revised 09/2014
  • [14] Passed 01/19/1992
  • [15] Only give meal plan points to those who do not live at Von Cramm Hall, but still eat here
  • [16] Passed 02/25/2018
  • [17] Passed 08/2002
  • [18] Passed 02/07/1993
  • [19] Passed 05/02/2010
  • [20] Passed 05/02/2010
  • [21] Passed 05/02/2010
  • [22] Passed 03/12/2017
  • [23] Passed 05/13/2018
  • [24] Passed 04/28/2019 (implementation of incidental fee)
  • [25] Passed 09/01/2019
  • [26] Passed 11/17/2019
  • [27] Passed 03/01/2020
  • [28] Passed 04/05/2021
  • [29] Passed 03/27/2022
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