Getting Started - RedSquirrelLabs/eddiebot GitHub Wiki
- Setup a catkin work space setup. Following this tutorial
- Change into source directory
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
- Clone the git repo:
git clone
- Ensure that the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH includes: /home/USERNAME/catkin_ws/src/:/opt/ros/groovy/share/:/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/
- If you need to modify the path:
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/home/USERNAME/catkin_ws/src/:/opt/ros/groovy/share/:/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/
- Install dependencies:
- Install KDL
rosdep install kdl
- Make KDL
rosmake kdl
- Change into source directory
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
- Clone App Manager
git clone
- Install App Manager
sudo easy_install app_manager
- Install Joystick Drivers
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-joystick-drivers
- Install Openni Camera
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-openni-camera
- Install Openni Camera Launch
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-openni-launch
- Eddibot Dependencies Install
rosdep install eddiebot
- Eddiebot Install
rosmake eddiebot
- Install KDL
- At this point, you should plug in the Eddiebot USBs into your machine if you have yet to do so. Plugging in the main board will result in the board showing as /dev/ttyUSB.
- Ensure the permissions on the device are modified
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
- Ensure the permissions on the device are modified
#Running Eddiebot
- Now from the catkin work space, you should be able to launch Eddiebot.
- Again, ensure your catkin workspace is setup and the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is configured as above
- From the catkin_ws, execute:
roslaunch eddiebot_bringup minimal.launch
#Controlling Eddiebot via Joystick If you have the full set of hardware, including a XBox controller as well as the Microsoft XBox receiver installed and plugged in, you can start by launching the Eddiebot services and controlling the robot via XBox controller.
- An additional set of git libraries are required
- Change directories into the catkin source
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
- Clone the git repository
git clone
- Got a bit confused on install, but I believe to install you will execute the following:
- Make `rosmake eddiebot_teleop'
- Run in catkin directory
- Change directories into the catkin source
- Execute the following command to control via XBox controller: `roslaunch eddiebot_teleop ps3_teleop.launch'
- One thing I noticed is the xbox controller light remains blinking even though its connected and you can control eddie
- Make sure you also have the eddie node running but having a separate command window running (again same parameters configured for ROS_PACKAGE_PATH) and execute the minimal.launch command above.
#Getting Kinect Operational
- Install Git Rep: `git clone'
- Run
rosmake pointcloud_to_laserscan
- Install Openni package:
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-openni-camera ros-fuerte-openni-launch