Objective - RedRiotPapon/CardiacRecorder GitHub Wiki

Our "Cardiac-Recorder" app will provide the user to monitor his blood pressure and heart rate.

Each measurement have the following field:

  • date(presented in dd-mm-yyyy format)
  • time(presented in hh:mm format)
  • systolic pressure in mm Hg (non-negative integer)
  • diastolic pressure in mm Hg (non-negative integer)
  • heart rate in beats per minute (non-negative integer)
  • comment (textual, up to 20 characters)

The app should allow the user to:

  • show a list of measurements
  • add a new measurement (which always appends to the bottom end of the list)
  • view and edit the details of an existing measurement
  • delete a measurement
  • see unusual blood pressures Highlighted