Intro.js - RedPhantom/DiagManager GitHub Wiki

Edited to match 29/01/2017-build, commit 1a8cc29

Intro.js (js/Intro.js) is the first customized script loaded onto the applications. It is used to:

  • Update the data source to read from.
  • Handle the page-loading event.
  • Process the loaded data to a bi-dimensional array.
  • Get and set cookies.


This function gets the ID of the selected data source from the #source dropdown. The data-path configuration is set at the top of Intro.js, inside the datasource dictionary:


window.datasource = {}; // data sources dictionary
window.datasource[0] = "resources/data/CMS32_DESC_LONG_SHORT_DX.csv"; // index 0 is set to the appropriate CSV file.

The code sends an HTTP GET request to read the file and sends it to processData(). Some output is written to the console.


Takes the text read from the CSV file and processes it. The row separator in this case is the pipe | character. After the bidimensional array is created (lines[tableRow][tableColumn]) it is written to a global variable


var headers = allTextLines[0].split('|'); // Separate by the pipe | character.


Returns the value of a cookie named cname. It does simple string processing.

setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays)

Sets the cookie named cname to value cvalue and expiring date to exdays days.