Plugins - RedHatter/Splat GitHub Wiki
Handles the base TextView. Also contains the gutter (line numbers). [title=Untitled] [id?]
Creates a new document named title.
If id is set will attempt to load contents from cache.
Returns the document id.
document.insert [id] [text] [location=*]
Inserts text at location in document signified by id. location defaults to end of document.
document.delete [id] [start] [end]
Removes the segment start to end from the document signified by id.
document.contents [id] [start=0] [end=?]
Returns the segment start to end from the document signified by id. end defaults to the end of the document.
Returns the id of the last active (focused) document.
Partial - needs more commands.
All file related operations. [id] [path=?]
Writes the contents of the document signified by id to the file at path. If path is absent will attempt to retrieve where it was loaded from. [path]
Opens a new document from file at path.
Returns the id of the new document.
files.dialog [isOpen=true]
Opens a dialog for the user to select a file.
Returns the path to the file the user picked.
Partial - Unimplemented features.
- Menu item for recently open files.
- Open
in working directory or last open directory. - Drag and drop files to load.
Undo and redo.
history.undo [id]
Steps the stack for id back.
history.redo [id]
Steps the stack for id forward.
Open a view of the stack.
Note: Can only be one history view. It will show the active document.
Partial - Unimplemented features.
- Undo in selection.
- Undo an edit not at the head of the stack.
- On new edit instead of erasing undone edits split the stack.
- Save/load undo stack.
- History view should show where the stack head is.
- The stack LinkedList is unneeded. Use the TreeStore directly.
Find, find and replace, goto etc.
Opens search gui.
search.set_flags [flag] ...
Set all flags to true.
REGEX Is search a regular expression?
CASELESS Is search case sensitive?
SCOPE_FILE Search in active file.
SCOPE_ALL_FILES Search in all open files.
SCOPE_SELECTION Search in selection.
search.clear_flags [flag] ...
Set all flags to false.
search.set_search [search] [replace]
Set next search to find search and replace with replace.
search.find_next [id] [pos=?]
Highlight the next match. Call set_search first pos defaults to last match or cursor position.
search.find_prv [id] [pos=?]
Same as find_next
, search backwards.
search.replace_all [id]
Replace all matches.
search.replace [id] [pos=?]
Replace next match. pos defaults to last match or cursor position.
Partial - Unimplemented features.
- Find all.
- Highlight all matches.
- Quick find floating input.
- Multi-line entries.
AST building and theming (syntax highlighting). Sublime and TextMate language and theme definitions formate.
syntax.set_theme [id] [theme]
Sets the theme of document id.
Syntax.set_lang [id] [lang]
Sets the language of document id.
Partial - Unimplemented features.
- Implement language context, and import from other language.
- Overlapping tags (vala return types?).
- Guess language from file name.
- Restyle on delete.
- Asynchronous styling.