lab 6 starting the client - RedHatWorkshops/FIS-Demo-Workshop-Yasumi GitHub Wiki

Starting the Client

Once all the PODs are deployed, it is time to test the environment and check if we can beat our 25 seconds defined goal.

Compiling the Client

Go to the Github clone and perform the following:

  • cd Labs/Lab 6/Solution/FISGuiScaleOut

  • Edit the file:

    • src/main/resources/resources/

    • Locate the property:
      **blocks.jms.url **and set its value to your exposed Broker.
      This is the hostname on the top-right of the YASUMI AMQ pane. Replace the http with tcp and add port **30616 **to it. The URL will look something like: tcp://broker-amq-tcp-yasumi.shift.pc2017.local:30616

    • From the Project Directory run: mvn clean install

Running the Client

  • Once the build is successfully done perform:
    java -jar target/FISGuiScaleout-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

  • Next the application should come up:

  • Then select the New Interactive button to start the puzzle

  • Do some timeing

Change some Parameters

As this is a big OpenShift Cluster, you can now use this system to perform some tests:

  • put all pods on 1 replica and see what happens
  • give the calculation pod at least 2 CPU to get the work done (to get better results)
  • increase the number of calculation pods to 5
  • Increase the pods to 25

In my testing, 10-12 seconds is the minimum range on this platform.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️