Squash multiple commits into one new commit - RedHatInsights/red-hat-ansible-automation-platform-documentation GitHub Wiki

Use git rebase -i to squash several commits into one new commit.

  1. Navigate to the local branch that contains the commits you want to squash.

    $ git checkout <local_branch>
  2. Run git log to view the commit log. You can

    $ git log [--oneline] [-n <num_commits_to_view>] [<root_branch>..]
    • The --oneline option displays one commit per line.

    • The -n <num_commits_to_view> option displays the 20 most recent commits.

    • Use the <root_branch>.. option to display only the commits you made since you created the branch:

      $ git log [--oneline] main..
  3. Identify the commits you want to squash.

  4. Use the git rebase -i command to squash the commits. Specify which commits to squash using one of the following options:

    • To squash the <n> most recent commits:

      $ git rebase -i HEAD~<n>
    • To preserve <commit_id> and squash all the commits newer than <commit_id>:

      $ git rebase -i <commit_id>

The rebase process has three stages.

  1. The /red-hat-ansible-automation-platform-documentation/.git/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo file opens. It lists the commits that your rebase command specified, starting with the oldest commit and finishing with the newest.

    • Make sure that you want to squash these commits. If you made a mistake in the rebase command, cancel the rebase by quitting the file without editing it.

    • Change pick to reword in the first line (representing the oldest commit)

    • Change the rest of the instances of pick to squash.

    • Save and quit the file.

  2. The /red-hat-ansible-automation-platform-documentation/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG file opens. It contains the message for the commit that you labelled with reword in the previous step.

    • Change the commit message to the message you would like to appear in the final squashed commit.

    • Save and quit the file.

  3. The /red-hat-ansible-automation-platform-documentation/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG file opens. This file contains the reworded message for the oldest commit, and the unchanged messages for the newer commits in the previous step.

    • The first message in the list is for the final squashed commit

    • Add a # character at the beginning of the lines containing the other messages.

    • Save and quit the file.

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