Start Procedure - RedFoxDK/CDIO-Gruppe-15 GitHub Wiki

The starting procedure of ARdrone consists of the following:

You must open 4 seperate terminals.

T1: run the command:

>> rosmake CDIO

This command build the project that we have make. Just in case if we have push and forgot to build with our changes into them.

T2: run the command:

>> roscore

This command starts the Master Node, which provides name registration and lookup for the rest of the nodes in the ROS-Network. Having this node in the network is the minimum requirement for communication between nodes, services, messages etc. in our system.

T3: run the command:

>> rosrun ardrone_atonomy ardrone_driver>

This command starts the ar_atonomy driver, which creates the library we will be using in our project.

T4: run the command:

>> rusrun CDIO <node name>

This command starts the code we have built, and runs the node specified in the code.

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