:acfNameShort () |
Returns the short name of an ACF entity |
:acfCapacity () |
Returns the capacity of an acf ammo crate or fuel tank |
:acfGetActive () |
Returns true if the acf engine, fuel tank, or ammo crate is active |
:acfSetActive ( on ) |
Turns an ACF engine, ammo crate, or fuel tank on or offTurns an ACF engine, ammo crate, or fuel tank on or off |
:acfHitClip( hitpos ) |
Returns true if hitpos is on a clipped part of prop |
:acfLinks () |
Returns the ACF links associated with the entity |
:acfName () |
Returns the full name of an ACF entity |
:acfType () |
Returns the type of ACF entity |
:acfLinkTo ( target, notify ) |
Perform ACF links |
:acfUnlinkFrom ( target, notify ) |
Perform ACF unlinks |
:acfGetLinkedWheels () |
Returns any wheels linked to this engine/gearbox or child gearboxes |
:acfIsEngine () |
Returns true if the entity is an ACF engine |
:acfIsElectric () |
Returns true if an ACF engine is electric |
:acfMaxTorque () |
Returns the torque in N/m of an ACF engine |
:acfMaxTorqueWithFuel () |
Returns the torque in N/m of an ACF engine with fuel |
:acfMaxPower () |
Returns the power in kW of an ACF engine |
:acfMaxPowerWithFuel () |
Returns the power in kW of an ACF engine with fuel |
:acfIdleRPM () |
Returns the idle rpm of an ACF engine |
:acfPowerband () |
Returns the powerband min and max of an ACF Engine |
:acfPowerbandMin () |
Returns the powerband min of an ACF engine |
:acfPowerbandMax () |
Returns the powerband max of an ACF engine |
:acfRedline () |
Returns the redline rpm of an ACF engine |
:acfRPM () |
Returns the current rpm of an ACF engine |
:acfTorque () |
Returns the current torque of an ACF engine |
:acfFlyInertia () |
Returns the inertia of an ACF engine's flywheel |
:acfFlyMass () |
Returns the mass of an ACF engine's flywheel |
:acfPower () |
Returns the current power of an ACF engine |
:acfInPowerband () |
Returns true if the RPM of an ACF engine is inside the powerband |
:acfGetThrottle () |
Returns the throttle value |
:acfSetThrottle ( throttle ) |
Sets the throttle value for an ACF engine |
:acfFuelRemaining () |
Gets the fuel remaining for an ACF engine |
:acfIsGearbox () |
Returns true if the entity is an ACF gearbox |
:acfGear () |
Returns the current gear for an ACF gearbox |
:acfNumGears () |
Returns the number of gears for an ACF gearbox |
:acfFinalRatio () |
Returns the final ratio for an ACF gearbox |
:acfTotalRatio () |
Returns the total ratio (current gear * final) for an ACF gearbox |
:acfTorqueRating () |
Returns the max torque for an ACF gearbox |
:acfIsDual () |
Returns whether an ACF gearbox is dual clutch |
:acfShiftTime () |
Returns the time in ms an ACF gearbox takes to change gears |
:acfInGear () |
Returns true if an ACF gearbox is in gear |
:acfGearRatio ( gear ) |
Returns the ratio for a specified gear of an ACF gearbox |
:acfTorqueOut () |
Returns the current torque output for an ACF gearbox |
:acfCVTRatio ( ratio ) |
Sets the gear ratio of a CVT, set to 0 to use built-in algorithm |
:acfShift ( gear ) |
Sets the current gear for an ACF gearbox |
:acfShiftUp () |
Cause an ACF gearbox to shift up |
:acfShiftDown () |
Cause an ACF gearbox to shift down |
:acfBrake ( brake ) |
Sets the brakes for an ACF gearbox |
:acfBrakeLeft ( brake ) |
Sets the left brakes for an ACF gearbox |
:acfBrakeRight ( brake ) |
Sets the right brakes for an ACF gearbox |
:acfClutch ( clutch ) |
Sets the clutch for an ACF gearbox |
:acfClutchLeft( clutch ) |
Sets the left clutch for an ACF gearbox |
:acfClutchRight ( clutch ) |
Sets the right clutch for an ACF gearbox |
:acfSteerRate ( rate ) |
Sets the steer ratio for an ACF gearbox |
:acfHoldGear( hold ) |
Applies gear hold for an automatic ACF gearbox |
:acfShiftPointScale( scale ) |
Sets the shift point scaling for an automatic ACF gearbox |
:acfIsGun () |
Returns true if the entity is an ACF gun |
:acfReady () |
Returns true if the ACF gun is ready to fire |
:acfMagSize () |
Returns the magazine size for an ACF gun |
:acfSpread () |
Returns the spread for an ACF gun or flechette ammo |
:acfIsReloading () |
Returns true if an ACF gun is reloading |
:acfFireRate () |
Returns the rate of fire of an acf gun |
:acfMagRounds () |
Returns the number of rounds left in a magazine for an ACF gun |
:acfFire ( fire ) |
Sets the firing state of an ACF weapon |
:acfSetROFLimit ( rate ) |
Sets the ROF limit of an ACF weapon |
:acfUnload () |
Causes an ACF weapon to unload |
:acfReload () |
Causes an ACF weapon to reload |
:acfAmmoCount () |
Returns the number of rounds in active ammo crates linked to an ACF weapon |
:acfTotalAmmoCount () |
Returns the number of rounds in all ammo crates linked to an ACF weapon |
:acfReloadTime () |
Returns time to next shot of an ACF weapon |
:acfReloadProgress () |
Returns number between 0 and 1 which represents reloading progress of an ACF weapon. Useful for progress bars |
:acfMagReloadTime () |
Returns time it takes for an ACF weapon to reload magazine |
:acfIsAmmo () |
Returns true if the entity is an ACF ammo crate |
:acfRounds () |
Returns the rounds left in an acf ammo crate |
:acfRoundType () |
Returns the type of weapon the ammo in an ACF ammo crate loads into |
:acfAmmoType () |
Returns the type of ammo in a crate or gun |
:acfCaliber () |
Returns the caliber of an ammo or gun |
:acfMuzzleVel () |
Returns the muzzle velocity of the ammo in a crate or gun |
:acfProjectileMass () |
Returns the mass of the projectile in a crate or gun |
:acfFLSpikes () |
Returns the number of projectiles in a flechette round |
:acfFLSpikeMass () |
Returns the mass of a single spike in a FL round in a crate or gun |
:acfFLSpikeRadius () |
Returns the radius of the spikes in a flechette round in mm |
:acfPenetration () |
Returns the penetration of an AP, APHE, or HEAT round |
:acfBlastRadius () |
Returns the blast radius of an HE, APHE, or HEAT round |
:acfDragCoef() |
Returns the drag coef of the ammo in a crate or gun |
:acfPropHealth () |
Returns the current health of an entity |
:acfPropArmor () |
Returns the current armor of an entity |
:acfPropHealthMax () |
Returns the max health of an entity |
:acfPropArmorMax () |
Returns the max armor of an entity |
:acfPropDuctility () |
Returns the ductility of an entity |
:acfPropArmorData() |
Returns the armor data of an entity |
:acfIsFuel () |
Returns true if the entity is an ACF fuel tank |
:acfFuelRequired () |
Returns true if the current engine requires fuel to run |
:acfRefuelDuty ( on ) |
Sets the ACF fuel tank refuel duty status, which supplies fuel to other fuel tanks |
:acfFuel () |
Returns the remaining liters or kilowatt hours of fuel in an ACF fuel tank or engine |
:acfFuelLevel () |
Returns the amount of fuel in an ACF fuel tank or linked to engine as a percentage of capacity |
:acfFuelUse () |
Returns the current fuel consumption in liters per minute or kilowatts of an engine |
:acfPeakFuelUse () |
Returns the peak fuel consumption in liters per minute or kilowatts of an engine at powerband max, for the current fuel type the engine is using |
:acfRadarData() |
Returns a table containing the outputs you'd get from an ACF tracking radar, missile radar, or IRST |
:acfHeat() |
Returns heat of an entity |
:acfGetCrew() |
Returns a table of all crewseats linked to an acf entity |