Starfall - RedDeadlyCreeper/ArmoredCombatExtended GitHub Wiki

This is just a very bad quickly copy pasted functions and descriptions straight from the source code, if you wanna see what it actually does or how it works go to actual file found HERE

Function Description
acf_library.infoRestricted() Returns true if functions returning sensitive info are restricted to owned props
acf_library.dragDivisor() Returns current ACF drag divisor
acf_library.effectiveArmor(armor, angle) Returns the effective armor given an armor value and hit angle
acf_library.createMobility(pos, ang, id, frozen, gear_ratio) Creates a engine or gearbox given the id or name
acf_library.getMobilitySpecs(id) Returns the specs of the engine or gearbox
acf_library.getAllMobility() Returns a list of all mobility components
acf_library.getAllEngines() Returns a list of all engines
acf_library.getAllGearboxes() Returns a list of all gearboxes
acf_library.createFuelTank(pos, ang, id, fueltype, frozen) Creates a fuel tank given the id
acf_library.getFuelTankSpecs(id) Returns the specs of the fuel tank
acf_library.getAllFuelTanks() Returns a list of all fuel tanks\
acf_library.createGun(pos, ang, id, frozen) Creates a fun given the id or name
acf_library.getGunSpecs(id) Returns the specs of gun
acf_library.getAllGuns() Returns a list of all guns
acf_library.createAmmo(pos, ang, id, gun_id, ammo_id, frozen, ammo_data) Creates a ammo box given the id
acf_library.getAmmoSpecs(id) Returns the specs of the ammo
acf_library.getAllAmmo() Returns a list of all ammo types
acf_library.getAllAmmoBoxes() Returns a list of all ammo boxes
acf_library.getCurrentVersion() Returns server version of acf
Function Description
:acfNameShort () Returns the short name of an ACF entity
:acfCapacity () Returns the capacity of an acf ammo crate or fuel tank
:acfGetActive () Returns true if the acf engine, fuel tank, or ammo crate is active
:acfSetActive ( on ) Turns an ACF engine, ammo crate, or fuel tank on or offTurns an ACF engine, ammo crate, or fuel tank on or off
:acfHitClip( hitpos ) Returns true if hitpos is on a clipped part of prop
:acfLinks () Returns the ACF links associated with the entity
:acfName () Returns the full name of an ACF entity
:acfType () Returns the type of ACF entity
:acfLinkTo ( target, notify ) Perform ACF links
:acfUnlinkFrom ( target, notify ) Perform ACF unlinks
:acfGetLinkedWheels () Returns any wheels linked to this engine/gearbox or child gearboxes
:acfIsEngine () Returns true if the entity is an ACF engine
:acfIsElectric () Returns true if an ACF engine is electric
:acfMaxTorque () Returns the torque in N/m of an ACF engine
:acfMaxTorqueWithFuel () Returns the torque in N/m of an ACF engine with fuel
:acfMaxPower () Returns the power in kW of an ACF engine
:acfMaxPowerWithFuel () Returns the power in kW of an ACF engine with fuel
:acfIdleRPM () Returns the idle rpm of an ACF engine
:acfPowerband () Returns the powerband min and max of an ACF Engine
:acfPowerbandMin () Returns the powerband min of an ACF engine
:acfPowerbandMax () Returns the powerband max of an ACF engine
:acfRedline () Returns the redline rpm of an ACF engine
:acfRPM () Returns the current rpm of an ACF engine
:acfTorque () Returns the current torque of an ACF engine
:acfFlyInertia () Returns the inertia of an ACF engine's flywheel
:acfFlyMass () Returns the mass of an ACF engine's flywheel
:acfPower () Returns the current power of an ACF engine
:acfInPowerband () Returns true if the RPM of an ACF engine is inside the powerband
:acfGetThrottle () Returns the throttle value
:acfSetThrottle ( throttle ) Sets the throttle value for an ACF engine
:acfFuelRemaining () Gets the fuel remaining for an ACF engine
:acfIsGearbox () Returns true if the entity is an ACF gearbox
:acfGear () Returns the current gear for an ACF gearbox
:acfNumGears () Returns the number of gears for an ACF gearbox
:acfFinalRatio () Returns the final ratio for an ACF gearbox
:acfTotalRatio () Returns the total ratio (current gear * final) for an ACF gearbox
:acfTorqueRating () Returns the max torque for an ACF gearbox
:acfIsDual () Returns whether an ACF gearbox is dual clutch
:acfShiftTime () Returns the time in ms an ACF gearbox takes to change gears
:acfInGear () Returns true if an ACF gearbox is in gear
:acfGearRatio ( gear ) Returns the ratio for a specified gear of an ACF gearbox
:acfTorqueOut () Returns the current torque output for an ACF gearbox
:acfCVTRatio ( ratio ) Sets the gear ratio of a CVT, set to 0 to use built-in algorithm
:acfShift ( gear ) Sets the current gear for an ACF gearbox
:acfShiftUp () Cause an ACF gearbox to shift up
:acfShiftDown () Cause an ACF gearbox to shift down
:acfBrake ( brake ) Sets the brakes for an ACF gearbox
:acfBrakeLeft ( brake ) Sets the left brakes for an ACF gearbox
:acfBrakeRight ( brake ) Sets the right brakes for an ACF gearbox
:acfClutch ( clutch ) Sets the clutch for an ACF gearbox
:acfClutchLeft( clutch ) Sets the left clutch for an ACF gearbox
:acfClutchRight ( clutch ) Sets the right clutch for an ACF gearbox
:acfSteerRate ( rate ) Sets the steer ratio for an ACF gearbox
:acfHoldGear( hold ) Applies gear hold for an automatic ACF gearbox
:acfShiftPointScale( scale ) Sets the shift point scaling for an automatic ACF gearbox
:acfIsGun () Returns true if the entity is an ACF gun
:acfReady () Returns true if the ACF gun is ready to fire
:acfMagSize () Returns the magazine size for an ACF gun
:acfSpread () Returns the spread for an ACF gun or flechette ammo
:acfIsReloading () Returns true if an ACF gun is reloading
:acfFireRate () Returns the rate of fire of an acf gun
:acfMagRounds () Returns the number of rounds left in a magazine for an ACF gun
:acfFire ( fire ) Sets the firing state of an ACF weapon
:acfSetROFLimit ( rate ) Sets the ROF limit of an ACF weapon
:acfUnload () Causes an ACF weapon to unload
:acfReload () Causes an ACF weapon to reload
:acfAmmoCount () Returns the number of rounds in active ammo crates linked to an ACF weapon
:acfTotalAmmoCount () Returns the number of rounds in all ammo crates linked to an ACF weapon
:acfReloadTime () Returns time to next shot of an ACF weapon
:acfReloadProgress () Returns number between 0 and 1 which represents reloading progress of an ACF weapon. Useful for progress bars
:acfMagReloadTime () Returns time it takes for an ACF weapon to reload magazine
:acfIsAmmo () Returns true if the entity is an ACF ammo crate
:acfRounds () Returns the rounds left in an acf ammo crate
:acfRoundType () Returns the type of weapon the ammo in an ACF ammo crate loads into
:acfAmmoType () Returns the type of ammo in a crate or gun
:acfCaliber () Returns the caliber of an ammo or gun
:acfMuzzleVel () Returns the muzzle velocity of the ammo in a crate or gun
:acfProjectileMass () Returns the mass of the projectile in a crate or gun
:acfFLSpikes () Returns the number of projectiles in a flechette round
:acfFLSpikeMass () Returns the mass of a single spike in a FL round in a crate or gun
:acfFLSpikeRadius () Returns the radius of the spikes in a flechette round in mm
:acfPenetration () Returns the penetration of an AP, APHE, or HEAT round
:acfBlastRadius () Returns the blast radius of an HE, APHE, or HEAT round
:acfDragCoef() Returns the drag coef of the ammo in a crate or gun
:acfPropHealth () Returns the current health of an entity
:acfPropArmor () Returns the current armor of an entity
:acfPropHealthMax () Returns the max health of an entity
:acfPropArmorMax () Returns the max armor of an entity
:acfPropDuctility () Returns the ductility of an entity
:acfPropArmorData() Returns the armor data of an entity
:acfIsFuel () Returns true if the entity is an ACF fuel tank
:acfFuelRequired () Returns true if the current engine requires fuel to run
:acfRefuelDuty ( on ) Sets the ACF fuel tank refuel duty status, which supplies fuel to other fuel tanks
:acfFuel () Returns the remaining liters or kilowatt hours of fuel in an ACF fuel tank or engine
:acfFuelLevel () Returns the amount of fuel in an ACF fuel tank or linked to engine as a percentage of capacity
:acfFuelUse () Returns the current fuel consumption in liters per minute or kilowatts of an engine
:acfPeakFuelUse () Returns the peak fuel consumption in liters per minute or kilowatts of an engine at powerband max, for the current fuel type the engine is using
:acfRadarData() Returns a table containing the outputs you'd get from an ACF tracking radar, missile radar, or IRST
:acfHeat() Returns heat of an entity
:acfGetCrew() Returns a table of all crewseats linked to an acf entity