Ordnance Fuze Types - RedDeadlyCreeper/ArmoredCombatExtended GitHub Wiki

In this section you will find information about the Fuzes ACE has.


This fuze is the default one. This allows to the munition to detonate agaisnt the surface by direct contact. Note all missiles can detonate by contact.


This one is very similar to the Contact, with the difference it can detonate when the distance between the missile/bomb and the surface in front meets the specified distance. The ordnance doesnt have to really hit the target to detonate but must be in front.


The fuze here has a proximity detonator. It will trigger the explosion when the ordnance is in the desired distance from a detected entity. The munition doesnt have to really hit the target neither being in front of it.


As the name suggests, this fuze will detonate when the specified amount of time to detonate is reached. The Timer is started once missile was fired.


This fuze will split the initial charge into multiple bomblets once it reaches a desired distance from a surface. With HE, its Used to damage and destroy infantry or light vehicles.


This fuze will rotate the detonation direction 90° to the bottom part of the missile (ground). Dedicated specially for missiles with capacity to attack from above. Note this fuze is experimental and further changes are expected to have.