High Explosive - RedDeadlyCreeper/ArmoredCombatExtended GitHub Wiki

Hello Bois, Im YumaJero and im here to talk about High Explosive


Gun launched anti tank guided missile Anti tank missile, who have been controlled in command link range, by gun angle, or optical computer


High explosive This type of ammo used fragments to damage in blast radius


High explosive fin stabilizated This type of ammo used fragments to damage in blast radius and stabilized by fin only for smoothbore


High explosive anti tank This type of ammo used explosion to speed up linear to hyper sonic speeds, HEAT better penetrate solid armor, but useless if target have combinated armor or ERA


High explosive anti tank fin stabilizated This type of ammo used explosion to speed up linear to hyper sonic speeds, HEAT better penetrate solid armor, but useless if target have combinated armor or ERA, only for smoothbore


Tandem High explosive anti tank This type of ammo used explosion to speed up linear to hyper sonic speeds, HEAT better penetrate solid armor and ERA, but useless if target have combinated armor


High explosive squash head This type of ammo squash after hit with armor and explode, shockwave creating cloud of armor fragments