Expression 2 - RedDeadlyCreeper/ArmoredCombatExtended GitHub Wiki

This page will be focused on bringing to you the list with all Expression 2 custom functions which ACE has.

Is it possible to find all functions in game?

  • Yes, you just have to open Expression 2 editor, which you can find on top right of the window(look at the picture). image

  • Once editor is open, enter acf in the search bar and all functions are going to appear. Снимок экрана_20230413_194700


  • if function has e inside of parenthesis, then it requires(takes) entity as an input

Example: acfActive(e:)

  • if function has e:n inside of parenthesis, then it requires(takes) number from entity as an input

Example: acfActive(e:n)

  • Some commands could have a name / functionality change in future updates. This will be marked by [/].


  • acfIsEngine - Returns 1 if the entity is an ACF engine.
  • acfIsGearbox - Returns 1 if the entity is an ACF gearbox.
  • acfIsGun - Returns 1 if the entity is an ACF gun.
  • acfIsRack - Returns 1 if the entity is an ACF rack. Added as git 488
  • acfIsRadar - Returns 1 if the entity is an ACF radar. Added as git 488
  • acfIsAmmo - Returns 1 if the entity is an ACF ammo crate.
  • acfIsFuel - Returns 1 if the entity is an ACF fuel tank.
  • acfActive(e:) - Returns whether an ACF engine, ammo crate, or fuel tank is active.
  • acfActive(e:n) - Sets whether an ACF engine, ammo crate, or fuel tank is active.
  • acfHitClip - Returns 1 if hitpos is on a clipped part of prop.
  • acfNameShort - Returns the short name of an ACF entity. Improved as git 488
  • acfName - Returns the full name of an ACF entity. Improved as git 488
  • acfType - Returns the type of ACF entity. Improved functionality in the dev branch.
  • acfLinkTo - Link various ACF components together.
  • acfUnlinkFrom - Unlink various ACF components.
  • acfCapacity - Returns the capacity of an ACF ammo crate or fuel tank.
  • acfInfoRestricted - Returns 1 if functions returning sensitive info are restricted to owned props.
  • acfLinks - Returns all the entities which are linked to this entity through ACF.
  • acfGetLinkedWheels - Returns any wheels linked to this engine/gearbox or its children links.
  • acfDragDiv - Returns current ACF drag divisor.
  • acfHeat - Returns heat of an ACF entity
  • acfVersion - Returns latest git version of acf
  • acfCurVersion - Returns current version of acf
  • acfWindVector - Returns acf wind direction as a vector


  • acfPropHealth - Returns the current health of an entity.
  • acfPropHealthMax - Returns the max health of an entity.
  • acfPropArmor - Returns the current armor of an entity.
  • acfPropArmorMax - Returns the max armor of an entity.
  • acfPropDuctility - Returns the ductility of an entity.
  • acfEffectiveArmor - Returns the effective armor of a given nominal armor value and angle, or from a trace hitting an entity.
  • acfPropMaterial - Returns the material of an entity.
  • acfPropArmorData - Returns a table with armor data of the prop. Keys: Curve = [N], Effectiveness = [N], HEATEffectiveness = [N], Material = [S]


  • acfMaxTorque - Returns the maximum torque (in N/m) of an ACF engine.
  • acfMaxPower - Returns the maximum power (in kW) of an ACF engine.
  • acfMaxTorqueWithFuel - Returns the maximum torque (in N/m) of an ACF engine with fuel linked.
  • acfMaxPowerWithFuel - Returns the maximum power (in kW) of an ACF engine with fuel linked.
  • acfIdleRPM - Returns the idle RPM of an ACF engine.
  • acfPowerbandMin - Returns the powerband minimum of an ACF engine.
  • acfPowerbandMax - Returns the powerband maximum of an ACF engine.
  • acfRedline - Returns the redline RPM of an ACF engine.
  • acfRPM - Returns the current RPM of an ACF engine.
  • acfTorque - Returns the current torque (in N/m) of an ACF engine.
  • acfFlyInertia - Returns the inertia of an ACF engine's flywheel.
  • acfFlyMass - Returns the mass of an ACF engine's flywheel.
  • acfPower - Returns the current power (in kW) of an ACF engine.
  • acfInPowerband - Returns 1 if the ACF engine RPM is inside the powerband.
  • acfThrottle(e:) - Gets throttle (0-100) for an ACF engine.
  • acfThrottle(e:n) - Sets throttle (0-100) for an ACF engine.
  • acfFuelRemaining - Returns the amount of fuel remaining for an ACF engine, in litres or kilowatt-hours.
  • acfGetFuelTanks - Returns a list of all the fuel tanks of an ACF Engine. Added as git 488


  • acfGear - Returns the current gear of an ACF gearbox.
  • acfNumGears - Returns the number of gears of an ACF gearbox.
  • acfFinalRatio - Returns the final ratio of an ACF gearbox.
  • acfTorqueRating - Returns the maximum torque (in N/m) an ACF gearbox can handle.
  • acfIsDual - Returns 1 if an ACF gearbox is dual clutch.
  • acfShiftTime - Returns the time in ms an ACF gearbox takes to change gears.
  • acfInGear - Returns 1 if an ACF gearbox is in gear.
  • acfTotalRatio - Returns the total ratio (current gear * final) of an ACF gearbox.
  • acfGearRatio - Returns the ratio of a specified gear of an ACF gearbox.
  • acfTorqueOut - Returns the current torque output (in N/m) an ACF gearbox. A bit jumpy due to how ACF applies power.
  • acfCVTRatio - Sets the gear ratio of a CVT. Passing 0 causes the CVT to resume using target min/max rpm calculation.
  • acfShift - Shift to the specified gear for an ACF gearbox.
  • acfShiftUp - Set an ACF gearbox to shift up.
  • acfShiftDown - Set an ACF gearbox to shift down.
  • acfBrake - Sets the brake for an ACF gearbox. Sets both sides of a dual clutch gearbox.
  • acfBrakeLeft - Sets the left brake for an ACF gearbox. Only works for dual clutch.
  • acfBrakeRight - Sets the right brake for an ACF gearbox. Only works for dual clutch.
  • acfClutch - Sets the clutch for an ACF gearbox. Sets both sides of a dual clutch gearbox.
  • acfClutchLeft - Sets the left clutch for an ACF gearbox. Only works for dual clutch.
  • acfClutchRight - Sets the right clutch for an ACF gearbox. Only works for dual clutch.
  • acfSteerRate - Sets the steer ratio for an ACF double differential gearbox.
  • acfHoldGear - Set to 1 to stop ACF automatic gearboxes upshifting.
  • acfShiftPointScale - Sets the shift point scale for an ACF automatic gearbox.


  • acfIsReloading - Returns 1 if an ACF weapon is reloading.
  • acfReady - Returns 1 if an ACF weapon is ready to fire.
  • acfMagSize - Returns the magazine capacity of an ACF weapon.
  • acfMagReloadTime - Returns time it takes for an ACF weapon to reload magazine.
  • acfReloadTime - Returns time to next shot of an ACF weapon.
  • acfReloadProgress - Returns number between 0 and 1 which represents reloading progress of an ACF weapon. Useful for progress bars.
  • acfSpread - Returns the spread of an ACF weapon.
  • acfFireRate - Returns the rate of fire of an ACF weapon.
  • acfSetROFLimit - Sets the rate of fire limit of an ACF weapon.
  • acfFire - Sets the firing state of an ACF weapon. Kills are only attributed to gun owner. Use wire inputs on gun if you want to properly attribute kills to driver.
  • acfUnload - Causes an ACF weapon to unload.
  • acfReload - Causes an ACF weapon to reload.
  • acfMagRounds - Returns the rounds remaining in the magazine of an ACF weapon.
  • acfAmmoCount - Returns the number of rounds in active ammo crates linked to an ACF weapon.
  • acfTotalAmmoCount - Returns the number of rounds in all ammo crates linked to an ACF weapon.
  • acfGetAmmoCrates - Returns a list of all the ammo crates of an ACF Weapon. Added as git 488
  • acfGetCrew - Returns a list of all the crew seats of an ACF Entity. Added as git 488


  • acfRounds - Returns the number of rounds in an ACF ammo crate.
  • acfAmmoType - Returns the type of ammo in an ACF ammo crate or ACF weapon.
  • acfRoundType - Returns the type of weapon the ammo in an ACF ammo crate loads into.
  • acfCaliber - Returns the caliber of the weapon or ammo.
  • acfMuzzleVel - Returns the muzzle velocity of the ammo in an ACF ammo crate or weapon.
  • acfProjectileMass - Returns the mass of the projectile in an ACF ammo crate or weapon.
  • acfFLSpikes - Returns the number of projectiles in a flechette round.
  • acfFLSpikeRadius - Returns the radius (in mm) of the spikes in a flechette round.
  • acfFLSpikeMass - Returns the mass of a single spike in a FL round in a crate or gun.
  • acfPenetration - Returns the penetration of an AP, APHE, HEAT or FL round in an ACF ammo crate or weapon. Improved as git 488
  • acfBlastRadius - Returns the blast radius of an HE, APHE, or HEAT round in an ACF ammo crate or weapon.
  • acfDragCoef - Returns the drag coefficient of ammo in an ACF ammo crate or weapon.


  • acfRadarData() - Returns a table containing the outputs you'd get from an ACF tracking radar, missile radar, or IRST. Check radar wire outputs for key names.