Console Commands List - RedDeadlyCreeper/ArmoredCombatExtended GitHub Wiki

This page will be focused on bringing to you the list with all the console commands which ACE provides you. Note you normally dont require know this, as you can access to these commands by using the serverside/clientside panel built in menu, but nothing to have it here if still wants see them.

Disclaimer: This section may contain commands which were never tested before. To let you know, they will be tagged with a [X] next to the command.

Additional Note: Some commands could have a name change in future updates. This will be marked by [/] as well.


ConCmd Description
sbox_max_acf_gun Defines the amount of guns to be spawned per player
sbox_max_acf_rapidgun Defines the amount automatic guns to be spawned per player
sbox_max_acf_largegun Defines the amount of guns above 100mm to be spawned per player
sbox_max_acf_rack Defines the amount of racks/pods to be spawned per player
sbox_max_acf_smokelauncher Defines the amount of smoke launchers to be spawned per player
sbox_max_acf_ammo Defines the amount of ammo crates to be spawned per player
[X] acf_meshvalue
[X] sbox_acf_restrictinfo
ACFM_FlaresIgnite Enable if players should be ignited by flares if they touch it. This function is broken and no longer needed. Flares must do


ConCmd Description
acf_legalcheck Enables or disable the legality check on the server. This have inmediate effect so no restart is required
acf_legal_ignore_model Enabling this, legality check will skip model check, allowing ace ents to have any model if possible.
acf_legal_ignore_solid Enabling this, legality check will skip the solid state of the prop, allowing non-solid ace ents on the field.
acf_legal_ignore_mass Enabling this, legality check will skip the mass check, allowing ace ents to have lower masses than they should have.
acf_legal_ignore_material Enabling this, legality check will skip the material composition of the ace ent, allowing to use other materials in it.
acf_legal_ignore_inertia Enabling this, legality check will skip inertia component of an ace ent. This will allow to have different ace ents with different scale sizes.
acf_legal_ignore_makesphere Enabling this, legality check will skip makespherical check over the ace ents, leading to ace ents to have it.
acf_legal_ignore_visclip Enabling this, legality check will skip the visual clip check. This one is really irrevelant as visclips bypass never worked for ace ents.


ConCmd Description
acf_hepush Allows/disallows that HE can push contraptions. Disabling it will avoid contraptions being moved by explosions.
acf_recoilpush Allows/disallows if recoil should move the contraption if firing.


ConCmd Description
acf_debris_lifetime Defines the amount of time (in secs) that debris will stand before of being deleted. Leaving this 0 means forever
acf_debris_children Defines the probability of debris being created from the contraption once its gate was destroyed. For better performance, leave this 0
acf_debris_clear Clears all the debris from the server. Available since git 462 (future version)


ConCmd Description
acf_spalling Enables additional spalling of being created by penetrations. HESH doesnt count here.
acf_spalling_multipler Adjust the amount of spalling being created by penetrations. HESH doesnt count here.


ConCmd Description
acf_healthmod Adjusts the health factor of the props. Greater number => more health per prop
acf_armormod Adjust the amount of armor per prop. I suggest to leave this 1 unless you know what you are doing!
[X] acf_ammomod Adjust the ammo capacity size. Ammo crates dont rely on liquid shell concept so this could not work really
[X]acf_gunfire Allows/disallows that ace guns can fire. If you dont want a combat centered environment on your server, leave this 0. Never used

Prop Protection

ConCmd Description
acf_enable_dp Enables/disables the ACE Damage Protection on the server.
ACF_SetPermissionMode Sets a specific mode as the current permission mode for this map. This one will not be saved across sessions.
ACF_SetDefaultPermissionMode Sets the specific mode as the default permission mode for this map, which will be saved across sessions.
ACF_ReloadPermissionModes Forces a reload for all permission modes available on ACE.

Safe Zone

ConCmd Description
ACF_AddSafeZone Creates a safe zone with a name, according to a specific AABB box area.
ACF_RemoveSafeZone Deletes a specific safe zone according to its name. Keep in mind this wont take effect among sessions unless you save the safezones with the 'ACF_SaveSafeZones' command.
ACF_SaveSafeZones Saves all safe zones existing on the server. Any removed safezone previously saved in other moments will be removed as well.
ACF_ReloadSafeZones Reloads all safe zones on the server.

Client side

ConCmd Description
[/] ACFM_MissileLights Enable/disables clientside lightning to ACE environment (like gunfire, explosions), but may impact performance!
acf_cl_particlemul Adjusts the amount of particles to be created by ACE. Leave this to 1 for better performance