Armor Piercing - RedDeadlyCreeper/ArmoredCombatExtended GitHub Wiki
[AP] - Armor Piercing
The armor piercing shell is a solid metal body which uses kinetic force to punch through armor.
This shell type does the most amount of damage out of all the AP-shells.
[APBC] - Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped
This armor piercing shell is similar to the normal AP shell.
The only difference is that it has a ballistic cap on the nose of the shell.
This ballistic cap acts as a aerodynamic cap, which improves long-range ballistics.
[APC] - Armor Piercing Capped
This armor piercing shell type has a hard cap on the nose of the shell.
This cap allows the shell to grip armor at high impact angles thus making it more effective against sloped armor than regular AP shells.
[APCBC] - Armor Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped
This armor piercing shell has best of both worlds.
Not only does it have better aerodynamics, it is also more effective at penetrating sloped armor.
[APDS] - Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot
This projectile consists of a sub-caliber shell fitted with a sabot.
The combination of the lighter sub-caliber fired from a higher caliber makes the shell reach higher velocities.
This makes the shell have better range and armor penetration capabilities.
[APFSDS] - Armor Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot
This projectile is a further development of the APDS shell type.
It's also called a "dart-" or "arrow-projectile".
APFSDS has even more penetration and range due to the increased length of the projectile and the added fins on the back.
[APHE] - Armor Piercing High Explosive
This armor piercing shell types has an explosive filler inside the shell making it deadly after penetrating armor.
[APHECBC] - Armor Piercing High Explosive Ballistic Capped
This armor piercing projectile is the same as APHE, except it has better aerodynamics and performance against sloped armor.
[HP] - Hollow Point
This projectile is the most effective against infrantry or lightly armored vehicles.
This projectile has a hollow point dealing massive damage on impact.
[APCR/HVAP] - Armor Piercing Composite Rigid / High Velocity Armor Piercing
This projectile has a core of a high density metal surrounded by a lighter material. Its ineffective against high impact angles, but very effective against flat surfaces.