consultAgreement - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki

**Consult Agreement **

Method to check if the client's agreement is active according to the supplied id.


public void consultarConvenio(@NotNull String guidConv, @NotNull String datos, @NotNull CallbackConsultAgreement callbackOlimpia)

It receives as parameters a String guidConv, String data, CallbackConsultAgreement listener.

Parameters ## Parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
guidConv String YES Unique convention identifier
data String SI Additional data
CallbackConsultAgreement Callback SI Returns a List and ResponseTransaction.


Parameters ServicesConv## Parameter | Type | Description

Parameter Type Description
idService int Service Id
serviceName String ServiceName
typeService String Type of service
subType String String
captureLevel int CaptureLevel
methodCapture int Identifies capture form
continueProcess bool If continued when validating
retries int Number of times it can be attempted
waitRetries int Waiting time between retries

ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().consultarConvenio(guidConv, datos, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackConsultAgreement() {

                    public void onSuccess(boolean estado, List<ServiciosConv> serviciosConv) {
                        // Implementación

                    public void onError(boolean estado, RespuestaTransaccion transactionResponse) {
                         // Implementación
