Validate Demographic Responses - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki

Validate Demographic Responses** ### Validate Demographics Responses ###

Method to validate that the answers sent by the citizen are those expected to process a score (SCORE) and to determine if the expected to process a score (SCORE) and determine if the validation is ok. validation is OK.


public void validarRespuestaDemograficas(@NotNull ValidarRespuestaIn validarRespuestaDemografica, @NotNull CallbackValidateResponse listener)

Receives as input parameters a class ValidarRespuestaIn and a CallbackValidateResponse


Parameter Type Required Description
CallbackValidateResponseIn Object IF
CallbackValidateResponse Callback YES Returns a ValidateResponseDemographicResponse and ResponseTransaction

Parameters ValidateResponseIn

Parameter Type Required Description
guidCiudadano String SI Citizen's identifier.
idQuestionnaire String String SI
questionnaireRegistration int SI SI
ResponsesIn List SI Responses to validate.

public ValidarRespuestaIn(String guidCiudadano, //It is the citizen's identifier.
                          String idQuestionnaire, //It is the identifier of the questionnaire.
                          int registroCuestionario, //It is the registration number of the questionnaire.
                          List<RespuestasIn> respuestas) //Responses to validate.

Parameters ResponsesIn

Parameter Type Required Description
idQuestionId String IF Is the identifier of the question.
idAnswer String String IF

public RespuestasIn(String idPregunta, //It is the identifier of the question.
                    String idAnswer) //Is the identifier of the answer.

And it receives a class ValidarRespuestaDemografica

Parameters ValidarRespuestaDemografica

Parameter Type Description
score String Is the maximum score according to validation
Valid isValid String Is the acceptance or not of the validation.
errorTransaction List Additional data
| String | String | String

public ValidarRespuestaDemografica(String score, //It is the maximum score according to the validation.
                                   boolean isValid, //It is the acceptance or not of the validation.
                                   TransactionResponse transactionResponseTransaction) //Transaction response



ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().validarRespuestaDemograficas(repuesta, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackValidateResponse() {
            public void onSuccess(ValidateResponseDemographicResponse validateResponse) {

            public void onError(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {

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