Validate Citizen - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki

Save Citizen ### Save Citizen ###

Method to save a citizen's registration information.


public void saveCitizen(@NotNull CitizenIn saveCitizenIn, @NotNull CallbackSaveResident listener)



Parameter Type Required Description
CitizenIn Object SI Unique agreement identifier
CallbackSaveResident Callback SI Returns a SaveCitizen and TransactionResponse

CitizenIn Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
guidCiu String SI Unique identifier of the citizen
guidConv String SI Agreement Unique Identifier
typeDoc String SI Type of document of the citizen associated to the citizen
email String SI Citizen's email address associated to the citizen
codCountry String SI Identifier associated to the citizen's nationality
cellphone String SI Cellphone number of the citizen associated to the citizen
datosAdi String SI Additional citizen data
processAgreementGuid String SI SI
advisor String SI Name associated to the advisor
headquarters String SI Numerical code of the headquarters associated to the advisor

 public CitizenIn(String guidCiu, //Identifier of the citizen
                    String guidConv, //Unique identification of the agreement
                    String typeDoc, //Document type
                    String numDoc, //Document number
                    String email, //Customer email address
                    String codCountry, //Country code 
                    String cellphone, //Mobile phone number
                    String datosAdi, //Additional data
                    String processAgreementGuid,
                    String advisor,
                    String headquarters) 

and returns a SaveCitizen class

Parameters SaveCity ## Parameters SaveCityno ## Parameter

Parameter Type Description
guidCiu String Citizen's unique identifier
firstName String String
secondFirstName String Citizen's second name
firstName String String
secondSurname String Citizen's second surname
alive boolean Indicates if the citizen is alive
statusDoc String Document status
dateExp String Date of issuance of the document
dateNac String Date of birth of the citizen
location String String
responseTransaction Object Response of the transaction

public SaveCitizen(String guidCiu, //Citizen's unique identifier 
                        String firstName, //First name of the citizen
                        String middleName, //Second name of the citizen
                        String firstSurname, //First last name of the citizen
                        String secondLastName, //Second citizen's last name
                        boolean alive, //Indicates if the citizen is alive
                        String estadoDoc, //Status of the document
                        String fechaExp, //Date of issuance of the document
                        String fechaNac, //Date of birth of the citizen
                        String localizacion, //User who saved the information
                        ResponseTransaction responseTransaction response) //Transaction response



 CitizenIn citizen = new CitizenIn();
        citizen.setGuidConv(GuidConv); //Unique id of agreement
        citizen.setGuidCiu(GuidCiu); //Identifier of the citizen
        citizen.setTipoDoc(TipoDoc); //Document type
        citizen.setNumDoc(NumDoc); //Document number
        citizen.setEmail(Email); //Customer's email address
        citizen.setCodCountry(CodCountry); //Country code 
        citizen.setCellPhone(CellPhone); //Mobile phone number
        citizen.setDatosAdi(DatosAdi); //Additional data

        ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().saveCitizen(citizen, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackSaveResident() {
            public void onSuccess(saveCitizen saveResident) {

            public void onError(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {

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