Validate Biometrics - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki

Validate Biometrics

Method that validates the authenticity of a biometric vs. the one that is stored in the database. stored in the database.


public void validateBiometry(@NotNull ValidateBiometryIn validateBiometryIn, @NotNull CallbackValidateBiometry listener)

Received as parameters


Parameter Type Required Description
ValidateBiometryIn Object SI Data to be sent
CallbackValidateBiometry Callback YES Returns a ValidateBiometry and ResponseTransaction

Parameters ValidateBiometryIn

Parameter Type Required Description
guidCiudadano String SI Unique identifier of the citizen
idService Integer SI Id associated to the type of biometrics to validate
subType String SI SubType associated to the type of biometrics to be validated
biometrics String SI String in BASE64 containing the image to send
format String SI Type of format of the image to be sent (JPG_B64 or PNG_B64)

 public ValidarBiometriaIn(String guiCiudadano, //Is the citizen's unique identifier
                           int idService, //Identifier of the service for the required biometrics
                           String biometria, //Is the biometrics in base_64 
                           String format) //It is the format in which the biometrics is in. 

And returns a ValidarBiometria

Parameters ValidarBiometria

Parameter Type Description
isValid boolean Is the acceptance or not of the validation.
score String The maximum score according to the validation.
attempts Integer Number of attempts made by the user
ResponseTransaction Object

public ValidarBiometria(boolean esValido, //It is the acceptance or not of the validation.
                        String score, //It is the maximum score according to the validation.
                        ResponseTransaction responseTransaction response) //Transaction response



 ValidarBiometriaIn data = new ValidarBiometriaIn();

        ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().validateBiometry(data, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackValidateBiometry() {
            public void onSuccess(ValidateBiometry validateBiometry) {

            public void onError(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {

return to services