Services - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki




LibraryReconoSer.init(this, guidConv, datos);

Class that initializes the SDK, dagger and the singleton ServicesOlimpia from where the services will be called. It will perform a query convention in order to save the active services.


 public static void init(Application app, @NotNull String guidConv, @NotNull String datos) {
        sComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(new AppModule(app)).build();
        webService = ServicesOlimpia.getInstance();
        webService.initServer(guidConv, datos);
        context = app;


Singleton from where you can call the services. All the methods are composed by a callback that will return onSuccess and onError.

To request a service you must call the instance ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().agreement_name.


Returns if the query was unsuccessful either because of Olympia services or connection errors. Any TransactionResponse "Is Successful" : false object will be returned in onError.

Parameters ResponseTransactionResponse

Parameter Type Description
isSuccessful String Response Status
errorTransaction List Additional data

Parameters ErrorTransaction

Parameter Type Description
code String Error code
description String Description of the error


Every Object TransactionResponse "Successful" : true will be returned in onSuccess. And an Object or a List<> will be returned depending on the service.
