Save Biometrics - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki

Save Biometrics ### Save Biometrics ###

Method to save a citizen's biometric information.


public void saveBiometry(@NotNull SaveBiometryIn saveBiometryIn, @NotNull CallbackSaveBiometry listener)

Receives as parameters

Parameters ## Parameters ##

Parameter Type Required Description
SaveBiometryIn Object SI SI
CallbackSaveBiometry Callback Callback YES

Parameters SaveBiometryIn ## Parameter | Type | Required

Parameter Type Required Description
GuidCiu String SI Citizen's unique identification
IdService int SI Service Id
SubType String SI Differentiates the service
value String SI Biometric data Base64
format String SI Image format type
dataAdi data String SI Additional Data
user String SI User storing information

public GuardarBiometriaIn(String guidCiu, //Citizen's unique identifier
                          String idService, //Id of the service
                          String subType, //Differentiates the service
                          String value, //Base64 biometric data
                          String format, //Image format type
                          String dataAdi data, //Additional data
                          String user) //User saving information

and returns the class SaveBiometrics

Parameters SaveBiometry

Parameter Type Description
guidBio String Biometrics Unique Identifier
TransactionResponse List Transaction response

public SaveBiometrics(String guidBio, TransactionResponse transactionResponseTransaction)



SaveBiometryIn saveBiometryIn = new SaveBiometryIn();

        ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().saveBiometry(saveBiometryIn, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackSaveBiometry() {
            public void onSuccess(SaveBiometry saveBiometry) {

            public void onError(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {

return to services