Consult Citizen - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki
Consult Citizen
Method to validate the status of a citizen, to determine what stage he/she is in, and what services he/she has completed. stage he/she is in, and what services he/she has completed.
public void consultCitizen(@NotNull String guidCitizen, @NotNull CallbackConsultResident listener)
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
guidCitizen | String | SI | SI is the unique identifier of the citizen. |
CallbackConsultResident | Callback | Callback | YES |
Return QueryCitizen
QueryCitizen Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
citizen | Object | The object that describes the citizen and the fields he/she has already filled in. |
status | List | List of the status object with the services tested in the system. |
responseTransaction | Object | Response of the transaction |
public ConsultCitizen(Citizen citizen, //It is the object that describes the citizen and the fields that he/she has already filled out.
List<StatusCitizen> status, //It is a list of the status object with the services it tested in the system.
ResponseTransaction responseTransaction response) //Transaction response
Parameters Citizen ## Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
GuidCiu | String | Service Id |
GuidConv | String | Unique Agreement Id |
DocumentType | String | Document Type |
NumDoc | String | Document Number |
String | Customer's email address | |
CodPais | String | Country code |
Cell Phone | String | Mobile Phone Number |
DatosAdi | String | Additional data |
public Citizen(String guidCiu, //Citizen identifier
String guidConv, //Unique identification of the agreement
String typeDoc, //Document type
String numDoc, //Document number
String email, //Customer email address
String codCountry, //Country code
String cellphone, //Mobile phone number
String datosAdi) //Additional data
Parameters StatusCitizen ## Parameter | Type | Description
Parameter | Type | Description |
service | String | is the name of the service |
boolean | Validation to know if the citizen used it. |
public StatusCitizen(String service, boolean finished)
ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().consultCitizen(GuidCitizen, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackConsultResident() {
public void onSuccess(ConsultCitizen consultResident) {
public void onError(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {
Consult Citizen by Document ### Consult Citizen by Document ###
Method to return the guidCitizen, sending document
public void getSearchForDocument(@NotNull SearchForDocument searchId, @NotNull OlimpiaInterface.CallbackSearchForDocument listener)
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
searchId | SearchForDocument | SI | Object where the data to be sent is stored |
CallbackSearchForDocument | Callback | YES | Returns a ResponseSearchDocument and ResponseTransaction |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conventionGuid | String | String | IF |
numberDocument | String | SI | number of the document of the person to be queried |
Returns RespondSearchDocument
Parameters RespondSearchDocument
Parameter | Type | Description |
guidCitizen | Object | Is the guidCitizen associated with the citizen. |
responseTransaction | Object | Response of the transaction |
ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().getSearchForDocument(idDocument, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackSearchForDocument() {
public void onSuccess(RespondSearchDocument respondSearchDocument) {
public void onError(ResponseTransaction transactionResponse) {