Consult Citizen - ReconoSERID/SDK-ReconoSERID-Android GitHub Wiki

Consult Citizen

Method to validate the status of a citizen, to determine what stage he/she is in, and what services he/she has completed. stage he/she is in, and what services he/she has completed.


public void consultCitizen(@NotNull String guidCitizen, @NotNull CallbackConsultResident listener)

Input parameters


Parameter Type Required Description
guidCitizen String SI SI is the unique identifier of the citizen.
CallbackConsultResident Callback Callback YES

Return QueryCitizen

QueryCitizen Parameters

Parameter Type Description
citizen Object The object that describes the citizen and the fields he/she has already filled in.
status List List of the status object with the services tested in the system.
responseTransaction Object Response of the transaction

public ConsultCitizen(Citizen citizen, //It is the object that describes the citizen and the fields that he/she has already filled out.
                          List<StatusCitizen> status, //It is a list of the status object with the services it tested in the system.
                          ResponseTransaction responseTransaction response) //Transaction response

Parameters Citizen ## Parameter

Parameter Type Description
GuidCiu String Service Id
GuidConv String Unique Agreement Id
DocumentType String Document Type
NumDoc String Document Number
Email String Customer's email address
CodPais String Country code
Cell Phone String Mobile Phone Number
DatosAdi String Additional data

public Citizen(String guidCiu, //Citizen identifier
                 String guidConv, //Unique identification of the agreement
                 String typeDoc, //Document type
                 String numDoc, //Document number
                 String email, //Customer email address
                 String codCountry, //Country code 
                 String cellphone, //Mobile phone number
                 String datosAdi) //Additional data

Parameters StatusCitizen ## Parameter | Type | Description

Parameter Type Description
service String is the name of the service
boolean Validation to know if the citizen used it.

public StatusCitizen(String service, boolean finished)



ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().consultCitizen(GuidCitizen, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackConsultResident() {
            public void onSuccess(ConsultCitizen consultResident) {

            public void onError(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {

Consult Citizen by Document ### Consult Citizen by Document ###

Method to return the guidCitizen, sending document


public void getSearchForDocument(@NotNull SearchForDocument searchId, @NotNull OlimpiaInterface.CallbackSearchForDocument listener)

Input parameters


Parameter Type Required Description
searchId SearchForDocument SI Object where the data to be sent is stored
CallbackSearchForDocument Callback YES Returns a ResponseSearchDocument and ResponseTransaction


Parameter Type Required Description
conventionGuid String String IF
numberDocument String SI number of the document of the person to be queried

Returns RespondSearchDocument

Parameters RespondSearchDocument

Parameter Type Description
guidCitizen Object Is the guidCitizen associated with the citizen.
responseTransaction Object Response of the transaction



ServicesOlimpia.getInstance().getSearchForDocument(idDocument, new OlimpiaInterface.CallbackSearchForDocument() {

            public void onSuccess(RespondSearchDocument respondSearchDocument) {

            public void onError(ResponseTransaction transactionResponse) {

return to services