Installation Instructions - RecklessCoding/ABOD3 GitHub Wiki
ABOD3 is available by either:
- Downloading a precompiled JAR from this GitHub.
- Downloading/forking/pulling from this repository and then running the code from your favourite IDE (or command line).
ABOD3 is written using JavaFX and Java 8. It will not run to a version prior 1.8.0_67, due to changes in JavaFX. We suggest using 1.8.0_74, which is available for download here. The latest version is available here. You can use the JRE to run ABOD3 from a JAR, but to compile ABOD3 yourself, you will need the JDK.
Following the above link, download and extract the .zip file, containing the version of your choice. We suggest to always use the latest available version. Once the archive is extracted, simply double click on ABOD3.jar. Alternative, you can use: java -jar ABOD3.jar
to run ABOD3 from the command line.
If you are using one of the precompiled JARs, depending on the version and your usage, you might need to perform some additional steps to configure ABOD3 for real-time communication with the Instinct planner.
The following files need to be located at the same folder as your JAR:
- serverport.txt, which allows you set a new port for the server. If not present, the default port 3000 will be used.
- cmdfile.txt, which contains information about the Instinct client.
- .inst, as it contains the names of the plan elements. You should also edit cmdfile.txt, where the "@" notation is, with the correct name of the plan.
Note: The .zip contains the JAR and all the above mentioned files.
The following files needs to be copied inside the JAR, in META-INF folder:
- cmdfile.txt, which contains information about the Instinct client.
- .inst, as it contains the names of the plan elements. You should also edit cmdfile.txt, where the "@" notation is, with the correct name of the plan.
##High CPU usage:
Some users reported issues with Java and JavaFX applications. If you experience high CPU usage, we suggest running ABOD3 from the command line, with the following arguments:
-Dprism.order=es2,es1,sw,j2d -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true -Dprism.vsync=false -Dprism.forceGPU=true