ReciprocalNet Manual - ReciprocalNet/ReciprocalNetProject GitHub Wiki

Reciprocal Net – Setup Main and Partner Sites

Main Site:

Step 1: Enable SE Linux

  • sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    • change SELinux=enforcing and save and close the file
  • sudo touch ./autorelabel
  • sudo reboot

Step 2: Import code from GitHub

git clone

The entire source code folder is copied to our system. We now need to create a .tgz source file from the downloaded git source code for rpm build.

Step 3: Execute the first script –

for maria db do: remove anonymous users: y and rest n

Step 4: Make changes in the below file for creating site grant

Modify javasrc/org/recipnet/coordinator/ with SiteId and Lab information; (server name, URL, Lab name, etc.)

cd ReciprocalNetProject/BUILD/RecipNet-SourceCode/javasrc/org/recipnet/coordinator/ sudo vi

Step 5: Execute the next script –

Partner site:

Step 1: Enable SE Linux

  • sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    • change SELinux=enforcing and save and close the file
  • sudo touch ./autorelabel
  • sudo reboot

Step 2: Import code from GitHub

git clone

Step 3: Execute the first script –

for maria db do: remove anonymous users: y and rest n

Step 4: Add Site Grant from main site

Follow step 4 of main site to create sitegrant for partner on main server. After making changes on file:

Execute the file on main site to create sitegrant for partner site Copy above generated site grant file from ReciprocalNetProject/BUILD/RecipNet-SourceCode/javasrc/org/recipnet/coordinator of main server into /etc/recipnet/ of partner server.

Step 5: Execute the next script for partner site –

Reciprocal Net – Server Migration

The steps followed for migration are:

Step 1: We need to backup Reciprocal Net data on the old server to be migrated.

sudo systemctl stop mariadb sudo recipnet-backup

A backup folder is created in the root directory of the server.

Step 2: We need to create a database dump on old server to transfer data to new site.

sudo systemctl start mariadb sudo mysqldump -u root -p recipnet > recipnetdb.dump

Step 3: Setup the new server by installing the Reciprocal Net software and all other required applications. Enable SE Linux

  • sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    • change SELinux=enforcing and save and close the file
  • sudo touch ./autorelabel
  • sudo reboot

Import code from GitHub

git clone

Execute for partner migration and for main site migration. This includes all commands for initial setup of the server.

Step 4: Copy the backup and dump files generated on the old server to the new server in your directory.

Step 5: We need to copy all the CVS and sample files from backup to the new server.

sudo tar xvzf recipnet-backup-****.tar.gz sudo cp -fR var/recipnet/ /var

Step 6: Copy the sitegrant file from backup etc/recipnet folder to /etc/recipnet of new server manually.

sudo cp etc/recipnet/recipnet.sitegrant /etc/recipnet

Step 7: Database import using mysqldump

sudo chown -R root:root /var/recipnet/db/ sudo mysqldump -u root -p recipnet < recipnetdb.dump

Step 8: Start the server

sudo /etc/init.d/recipnetd start