Contributing - Rebol-Alliance/rebol-lang GitHub Wiki
Contributing to the Rebol Alliance's rebol-lang repository is simple.
- Just fork the repository
- Create/select a branch for your fix
- Do your fix or change
- Do a pull request
Peer review
For some changes, especially those which will affect a large body of existing code, the changes may require peer review.
Rebol Alliance members may refuse to include the change as it is submitted. They may also keep the change, but delay its inclusion into production until its effects are well understood.
Pending changes
Pending changes will be accumulated in a pre-release branch, allowing anyone a chance to test the up and coming release.
Simple changes
When your change is extremely simple, like a comment fix, or a few compact lines, you may omit to create a new branch. In such a case, you should work within the FeatureDev or the Bugfix branches.
All pull requests done on the Production branch will be refused.
Improving your chances of getting your changes accepted
Focus your change, make the bugfix or change "tight". Don't modify ten files and a few hundred lines in each, only add or fix a well-defined feature, keeping the changes as small as possible for that fix.
If you intend on submitting a large patch or API change, it may be best to discuss it with the team managing the repository first.
ALL commits and merges must be properly commented.
When useful, a single prefix subject tag in the form of a word within square brackets may be put at the head of the commit, to quickly identify the main reason or affected area of the change.
When possible, associate any github issue being tracked with any/all related commit/pull request.