Mod Configuration Menu Options - RealmofThrones/Wiki GitHub Wiki
Realm of Thrones has some unique features and gameplay elements. For some of those the player can adjust settings via the mod Mod Configuration Menu. The following part will touch upon every setting RoT provides.
Max Wight Spawns
Wights are a bandit type in Realm of Thrones that can be encountered beyond the Wall. This option allows the player to adjust the spawn rate of said parties. 100% is the default option.
BEWARE! Settings this option too high can cause performance issues or crashes. Do so at your own risk!
My Little Warband Compatibility
My Little Warband is a mod that allows the player to create their troop trees. Normally only the player can recruit these troops, with the compatibility options you can allow either your clan members or your entire kingdom to recruit these troops. Keep in mind that Realm of Thrones has a custom code in place that lets lords only recruit their own culture, no matter where they are. So this might not always work out.
Custom War Mechanics & Static Wars
General Settings
The options in this section are relatively self-explanatory.
Kings Protect Night's Watch: This option lets all Kingdoms on Westeros declare war on the player's kingdom when he attacks the Night's Watch. So think carefully!
Night's Watch May Not War: As the same suggests the Night's Watch will never be the aggressor and declare war.
Free Folk May Not War: Same as the above, just beyond the wall.
Custom Party AI
The Custom Party AI ties into two of the options above. These let the Free Folk prioritize raiding villages and the Nigh's Watch patrol those areas.
Static Wars
Static Wars are an implemented feature of Realm of Thrones that simulates lore-accurate wars between the Kingdoms. If a box is filled out, these two kingdoms will ALWAYS be at war until one of them is destroyed.
If you want a more sandbox experience, deactivate these BEFORE starting a new save. If deactivated during a playthrough, there will be, depending on how long they were forced to war, a very long period of peace! The option is to either deactivate the static wars together or just specific ones.
With the integration of Moloch's Duels, the player can duel other lords. Be it to prevent further bloodshed or for personal gain. This option defines how big the clan tier difference can be before one party doesn't deem you worth the challenge!
Ravens are Realm of Thrones lore-friendly alternative to Diplomacy's messenger system. If the player uses the standard settings, he can only send a raven to a person he has previously met or likely knows. All that and more can be adjusted in this section!
In this section, the player can adjust anything about dragons! Be it their HP, if they knock out units or kill them, and if they can hit friendly units or not!