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Braavos is a powerful and wealthy Free City located on a lagoon in the far northwest of Essos. Founded by escaped slaves, Braavos is a city of canals, secret passages, and a rich, diverse population. It is governed by the Sealord and the city's ruling council, the keyholders. Home to the famous Iron Bank, Braavos holds significant financial influence over the Seven Kingdoms and other realms. The city is also known for its skilled swordsman and the mysterious House of Black and White, where the Faceless Men practice their deadly arts.


The Antaryon family is a wealthy trading family from the Free City of Braavos, known for their control of the shipping and maritime trade in the Narrow Sea. They are considered one of the mos powerful and influential of the Braavosi trading families, and have amassed a great fortune through their business venstures. The Antaryons are known for their fair hair and sea-green eyes.

Current head of the House: Ferrego Antaryon

Original owner of Settlement: Braavos

Current owner of Settlement: Braavos


The Celeris clan is a group of skilled horse breeders and riders from the Dothraki Sea. They are known for their expertise in breeding and training the fastest and strongest horses in the region, which they use to raid and conquer neighboring tribes. They are also skilled fighters and are feared by many in the region for their ferocity and their ability to strike quickly and unexpectedly.

Current head of the House: Tago Celeris

Original owner of Settlement: Rhyos

Current owner of Settlement: Rhyos


House Fregar, a prominent Braavosi noble house, sees Tormo Fregar as a potential successor to the Sealord Ferrego Antaryon. Tormo's strategic brilliance in battle has garnered him widespread recognition, making him a compelling figure in the intricate dance of power within Braavos. As the city anticipates a shift in leadership, House Fregar stands poised to play a pivotal role in shaping Braavos's future.

Current head of the House: Tormo Fregar

Original owner of Settlement: Bisa

Current owner of Settlement: Bisa


House Prestayn, a noble Braavosi family, boasts tall towers along the western bank of the Long Canal, near the Palace of Truth. Recognized for managing the Chequy Port, they've diligently safeguarded the city, earning substantial rewards. Their influence extends to a northern island's tower-keep, and they possess the prestigious Valyrian Steel longsword, Shipbreaker.

Current head of the House: Luco Prestayn

Original owner of Settlement: Iksa Keria

Current owner of Settlement: Iksa Keria


House Volentin is a noble house of the Braavosi.

Current head of the House: Qarro Volentin

Original owner of Settlement: Iksa Calo

Current owner of Settlement: Iksa Calo


Dorne is the southernmost region of the Seven Kingdoms, characterized by its hot climate, arid deserts and sprawling mountains. Its people, known as the Dornish, are fiercely independent and have a long history of resistance against invaders. Despite being incorporated into the Seven Kingdoms centuries ago, the Dornish continue to maintain their distinct cultural identity, including their own language and customs. The ruling House Martell has long been the dominant power in Dorne, and they have managed to maintain their independence from the Iron Throne through strategic alliances and diplomacy. However, with the assassination of several Martell family members, Dorne has become embroiled in the engoing War of the Five Kings, and the future of the region is uncertain.


House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear, usually simply called House Martell, is one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms and the ruling House of Dorne. 'Nymeros' indicates 'of the line of Nymeria' reffering to the union of the Martells with the Rhoynish warrior queen Nymeria around 700 BC. The Prince of Dorne rules from Sunspear in southeastern Dorne. The Martells of old used a spear as their emblem, while Nymeria and her Rhoynar used the sun as theirs. When Nymeria wed Lord Mors Martell, the symbols were combined into a gold spear piercing a red sun on an orange field. Their words are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. House Martell was founded by Morgan Martell, an Andal adventurer who settled between the mouth of the Greenblood and the Broken Arm during the coming of Andals to Dorne. Morgan led the defeat of the locad First Men, including Houses Wade and Shell, establishing his rule over a strip of land fifty leagues long and ten leagues wide. They did not rule as kings, but were cautious vassals of kings from Houses Jordayne, Allyrip,; a,d Yronwood, as well as petty kings of the Greenblood. At the time of the Rhoynish Wars, the Martells were one of the lesser ruling families of Dorne. At the time of the arrivel of the Rhoynish warrior queen Nymeria, around 700 BC, the lands of the Martells were dwarfed by those of House Yornwood. Mors Martell, the Losd of the Sandship, saw an opportunity in the arrival of the Rhoynar, and took Nymeria to wife. Combining their strength, the two managed to unite all of Dorne under their rule in Nymeria's War.

Current head of the House: Doran Martell

Original owner of Settlement: Sunspear, Planky Town

Current owner of Settlement: Sunspear, Planky Town


House Blackmont of Blackmont is a major Dornish noble house. Their seat, Blackmont, is on the banks of the Torentine in the Red Mountains of Dorne. The Blackmonts have long fought against the marcher lords of the Dornish Marches in the north. King Benedict Blackmont was defeated in Nymeria's War and was one of the six Dornish kings sent to the Wall by Nymeria. The Blackmonts also unsuccessfully supported house Yronwood against House Nymeros Martell during the war.

Current head of the House: Larra Blackmont

Original owner of Settlement: Blackmont

Current owner of Settlement: Blackmont


House Dayne is a noble house from Starfall and High Hermitage in Dorne. They are among the principal houses sworn to House Martell. Te Sword of the Morning is a title given to a Dayne knight who is considered worthy of wielding the greatsword Dawn, a blade said to be created from the hearth of a falling star. Their blazon is a white sword and a falling star, crossing on a lavender background. Currently the young Eric Dayne is away serving as a squire to Lord Beric Dondarrion, which leaves Starfall under the care of Lady Allyria Dayne. A cadet branch of the family are the Daynes of High Hermitage and are led by Ser Gerold Dayne also known as the Darkstar

Current head of the House: Eric Dayne

Original owner of Settlement: Starfall, High Hermitage

Current owner of Settlement: Starfall


House Fowler of Skyreach in Dorne, known as the "Warden of the Prince's Pass," traces its lineage to First Men kings who ruled Stone and Sky. Engaging in historical conflicts with marcher lords and participating in events like King Ferris Fowler's unsuccessful expedition to the Reach. Following the defeat of King Garrison Fowler, who was then exiled to the Night's Watch, the Fowlers later sided with the Martells against the Yronwoods in Nymeria's War. Noteworthy events include their participation in the First Dornish War, where Lord Fowler led a Dornish host, burning Nightsong, and facing Targaryen retaliation with dragons attacking Skyreach. Lord Fowler was ultimately murdered for the ransom on his head. Their words are: 'Let Me Soar'.

Current head of the House: Franklyn Fowler

Original owner of Settlement: Skyreach

Current owner of Settlement: Skyreach


House Jordayne of the Tor is one of the principal noble houses of Dorne. The Tor is situated on the southern coast of the Sea of Dorne. Their blazon is a golden quill on a checkered dark and light green. House Jordayne was founded during the coming of the Andals to Dore along with Houses Allyrion, Martell, Qorgyle, Santagar, House Uller and Vaith. At some point House Martell bent the knee to the Jordayne kings. By the time of Nymeria's War, House Jordayne was among the bannermen of King Yorick Yronwood, and they fought against Lord Mors Martell and his Rhoynar allies. During the first couple of years of the First Dornish War, King Aegon I Targaryen captured several Dornish castles, including the Tor, whose steward surrendered the castle peacefully to Aegon a short time after the death of Lord Jordayne. The Dornishmen quickly recaptured the castle in Aegon's absence. In 8 AC, Queen Visenya Targaryen mounted on Vhagar, burned Sunspear, Lemonwood, Ghost Hill and the Tor in retaliation for the Dornishmen's actions against the stormlands earlier that year. Their words are:'Let it be written'.

Current head of the House: Trebor Jordayne

Original owner of Settlement: The Tor

Current owner of Settlement: The Tor


House Manwoody, an ancient Dornish noble house, holds the strategic seat of Kingsgrave in the Prince's Pass. Their banner features a white skull with a golden crown on a black field, though their motto is unspecified. The house's origin is tied to the founder slaying a King of the Reach, as reflected in their arms and castle name. King Albin Manwoody claimed dominion over the Red Mountains but was defeated by Rhoynar warrior queen Nymeria and Prince Mors Martell, leading to his exile to the Wall. Ser Michael Manwoody later served at court with Princess Myriah Martell and became a trusted servant to King Daeron II, ultimately marrying Princess Elaena Targaryen.

Current head of the House: Dagos Manwoody

Original owner of Settlement: Kingsgrave

Current owner of Settlement: Kingsgrave


House Qorgyle of Sandstone is a noble house from Sandstone, located in the dunes of western Dorne. They are among the prncipal bannermen sworn to House Martell of unexplored Dornish deserts, setlling in the deep dunes and sands of Dorne, fortifying the only well for fifty leagues around. By the time of Nymeria's War, the Qorgyles were bannermen of House Yronwood. The Qorgyles supported King Yorick V Yronwood in his unsuccessful war against Lord Mors Martell and Princess Nymeria. Following the war, the Qorgyles became vassals of House Martell.

Current head of the House: Quentyn Qorgyle

Original owner of Settlement: Sandstone

Current owner of Setllement: Sandstone


House Toland of Ghost Hill is a Dornish noble house sworn to Sunspear, one of House Martell's principal bannermen. Its seat is Ghost Hill. Their arms depict a green dragon byting its tail on gold, the dragon smbolizing that time has no beginning and no end. The Tolands successfully resisted the dragons of Aegon the Conqueror during the First Dornish War. The Lord Toland at the time sent out his champion to face Aegon. After Aegon slew the man, he learned that the man was Lord Toland's mad fool, and that Lord Toland himself had escaped. In later days, the Tolands would take a new banner, showing a dragon biting his own tail, with the colors green in gold in memory of the motley of their brave fool. Prior to the dragon, the banner displayed a ghost. The Dornishmen quickly recaptured Ghost Hill after Aegon left the castle. In 8 AC, Queen Visenya Targaryen mounted on Vhagar, burned Sunspear, Lemonwood, Ghost Hill and the Tor in retaliation for the dornishmen's actions againt the stormlands earlier that year. During the Dragon's Wrath, Lady Toland was murdered for the Iron Throne's ransom on her head.

Current ruler of the House: Nymella Toland

Original owner of Settlement: Ghost Hill

Current owner of Settlement: Ghost Hill


House Uller is one of the great nobles houses in Dorne. Their keep, the Hellholt is in the middle of the Dornish desert, and they are reputed to be impulsive and unpredictable. The Ullers were Andal adventurers who settled along the Brimstone. The Hellholt is named after an event in which rivals were invited to the castle, locked within and burned to death. This action inspired the Uller's arms. The Ullerst supported House nymeros Martell against House Yornwood during Nymeria's War. After the death of her first husband, Nymeria was to Lord Uller and then to Ser Davos Dayne, her final husband. Their arms are rayonne yellow over crimson.

Current ruler of the House: Harmen Uller

Original owner of Settlement: Hellholt

Current owner of Settlement: Hellholt


House Vaith of the Red Dunes is a Dornish noble house with its seat at Vaith along the Vaith River. They bear a semi-canon sigil of three black leopards on a yellow pile on orange. Notable historical events include their involvement in the War of Conquest and the First Dornish War. Lord Vaith pledged loyalty to King Daeron I Targaryen. Cassella Vaith was a mistress of King Aegon IV Targaryen, and an "Old Lady Vaith" was reputedly mad during the reign of King Aerys I Targaryen.

Current ruler of the House: Daeron Vaith

Original owner of Settlement: Vaith

Current owner of Settlement: Vaith


House Wyl of the Boneway is a prominent Dornish house sworn to House Martell. Their sigil, a black adder biting a heel on yellow, symbolizes their fierce defense against northern invaders. They are known for their strategic tunnels beneath their castle. Notable for their role in conflicts, including ambushing Lord Orys Baratheon's forces during the First Dornish War and committing infamous acts during conflicts like the brutal events at Ser Jon Cafferen's wedding. They've also been involved in historical events such as the killing of Ser Steffon Connington and imprisoning Prince Aemon Targaryen during the conquest of Dorne.

Current ruler of the House: Wyland Wyl

Original owner of Settlement: Wyl

Current owner of Settlement: Wyl


House Yronwood of Yronwood in Dorne, second only to the Martells, guards the Boneway. They once claimed the title High King of Dorne and are known as the Bloodroyal. Their motto is "We Guard the Way," and their blazon is a black portcullis grill over sand. They have a historic rivalry with House Fowler and complex ties to House Martell and the Targaryens. Proud of their heritage, they maintain power in Dorne, with the head of the house still called the Bloodroyal.

Current ruler of the House: Anders Yronwood

Original owner of Settlement: Yronwood

Current owner of Settlement: Yronwood

Dothraki Horde

The Dotraki are a nomadic people who roam the vast grasslands of Essos on horseback, known as the Dothtraki Sea. They live by a strict code of honor, valuing strenght, courage, and skill in battle above all else. These horse lords are organized into tribes called khalasars, each led by a powerful chieftain known as a khal. The Dotraki are feared throughout Essos for their fierce warrior culture and their penchant for pillaging and plundering the lands they conquer. They are not interested in the trappings of civilization, preferring their traditional way of life on the open plains. The nomadic lifestyle has led the Dothraki being notoriously disorganized and prone to infighting among various khalasars.


The Pono are a tribe of the Dothraki people, a nomadic group that roams the grasslands of Essos. The Pono are known for their skilled riders and their fierce warriors. They are often hired as mercenaries by various factions in Essos, and have a reputation for being difficult to control. Despite their violent nature, the Pono have a strong sense of honor and loyalty to their tribe and its leaders.

Current ruler of the House: Khal Pono

Original owner of Settlement: Vaes Dothrak, Vaes Khadokh

Current owner of Settlement: Vaes Dothrak, Vaes Khadokh


Ko Chovaqqo is a leader of a warband of the Dothraki. In a Dothraki khalasar, a ko serves as a commander. They may have protection from a khas. When a khal dies without a clear successor, his kos may engage in conflict and establish their own khalasars.

Current ruler of the House: Ko Chovaqqo

Original owner of Settlement: Ashefa Athaozar

Current owner of Settlement: Ashefa Athaozar


The Forzho are a Dothraki khalasar that follow the ancient ways of the Dothraki. They do not use weapons made of metal, but instead fiht with weapons made of bone and stone. They are led by Khal Forzho. They are very traditional in their ways, even more then other Khalasars.

Current ruler of the House: Khal Forzho

Original owner of Settlement: Vaes Athijikhari

Current owner of Settlement: Vaes Athijikhari


Ko Hoggo is a leader of a warband of the Dothraki. In a Dothraki khalasar, a ko serves as a commander. They may have protection from a khas. When a khal dies without a clear successor, his kos may engage in conflict and establish their own khalasars.

Current ruler of the House: Ko Heggo

Original owner of Settlement: Vaes Efe

Current owner of Settlement: Vaes Efe


After Khal Drogo falls ill, Jhaqo becomes the second member of Drogo's khalasar to declare himself khal, leading a group of twenty thousand riders. Mago becomes one of his bloodriders. Before leaving, Mago steals Eroeh, a girl protected by Daenerys Targaryen, and rapes her before giving her to Jhaqo and six other men to rape. The girl's throat is then slit. Upon learning of Eroeh's fate, Daenerys vows that Jhaqo and Mago will face consequences for their crime.

Current ruler of the House: Khal Pono

Original owner of Settlement: Vaes Diaf

Current owner of Settlement: Vaes Diaf


The Moro are a Dothraki khalasar led by Khal Moro. Once they were loyal allies to Khal Drogo, but after his death, they became a separate khalasar. They are very traditional, when Daenerys was found by Moro, he did not wish to harm her. He did however brought her to Vaes Dothrak were Daenerys was given the chance to join the Dosh Khaleen.

Current ruler of the House: Ko Moro

Original owner of Settlement: Vaes Leisi

Current owner of Settlement: Vaes Leisi


Dragonstone is a faction led by Stannis Baratheon, the younger brother of King Robert Baratheon, and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne following Robert's death. Stannis holds the formidable castle of Dragonstone, which was once the ancestral seat of House Targaryen. Known for his strict adherence to duty and justice, Stannis seeks to claim the Iron Throne and bring stability to the realm. Stannis has forsaken the gods of his House and chose the lord of Light as his God. Acccording to the Realm, his red priestess, Melisandra, has filled his head with lies. Believing he is the rightfull heir and the Prince that was promised, he seeks to gain the Iron Throne with his sword, lightbringer. His sigil is a crowned black stag's head contourny within a fiery red heart, showing the new religion of the kingdom. His words sound: 'Ours is the fury'.

Baratheon, Stannis

House Baratheon of Dragonstone is a cadet branch of House Baratheon of Storm's End. Stannis Baratheon is the younger brother of the late King Robert Baratheon. Stannis is known for his stern and uncompromising sense of justice. He is also a devout worshipper of the Lord of Light, and it is said he has been granted magical powers by the God. Acccording to the Realm, his red priestess, Melisandra, has filled his head with lies. Believing he is the rightfull heir and the Prince that was promised, he seeks to gain the Iron Throne with his sword, lightbringer. His sigil is a crowned black stag's head contourny within a fiery red heart, showing the new religion of the kingdom. His words sound: 'Ours is the fury'.

Current ruler of the House: Stannis Baratheon

Original owner of Settlement: Dragonstone

Current owner of Settlement: Dragonstone


House Velaryon of Driftmark rules the island of Driftmark, the largest island of Blackwater Bay in the crownlands. They are known for their large fleet and ability to rule the seas. Their castles include Driftmark and High Tide. The head of House Velaryon is titled Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. The Velaryons are sworn to Dragonstone. Their arms depict a silver seahorse on a green sea. Their words are 'The Old, the True, the Brave'. House Velaryon, is like the Targaryens of Valyrian descent, and its member often have Valyrian features, such as silver hair, purple eyes and pale skin. It is traditional for the sons of House Velaryon to be given a taste of a seafarer's life when young. The positions of maaster of ships and lord admiral are often filled by a member of House Velaryon, as the family provides most of the royal fleet. Lord Stannis Baratheon has, with the Velaryons, one of the largest fleets of the Seven Kingdoms and with it, threatens to invade Kings' Landing.

Current ruler of the House: Monford Velaryon

Original owner of Settlement: Driftmark, High Tide

Current owner of Settlement: Hull


House Seaworth of Cape Wrath, sworn to House Baratheon of Dragonstone, arose from Davos's heroic smuggling during Robert's Rebellion. Davos's bravery earned him knighthood and lands, though his past left him marked by sacrifice. Their sigil, a black ship with onion-adorned sails on pale grey, symbolizes their valor and resourcefulness. For his years of smuggling, however, Davos lost joints on his left hand as a way of punishment. Davos is known for his loyalty to Stannis, and the resourcefulness to convince other houses to do the same. Davos even convinced the pirate, Salladhor Saan, to join the cause.

Current ruler of the House: Davos Seaworth

Original owner of Settlement: Cape Wrath

Current owner of Settlement: Cape Wrath

Bar Emmon

House Bar Emmon of Sharp Point, sworn to Dragonstone, boasts a rich history intertwined with Westerosi politics. Their emblem, a leaping blue swordfish on fretty silver on white, symbolizes their lineage. Founded by Togarion Bar Emmon during the Andal invasion, they later aligned with House Targaryen, forsaking their ties to House Durrandon. Throughout history, they supported Targaryen rulers, offering counsel and loyalty in times of strife. Despite facing setbacks, such as the reclaiming of Massey's Hook by the stormlands, House Bar Emmon's commitment to their liege remains unyielding, making them a stalwart presence in the tumultuous landscape of Westerosi nobility.

Current ruler of the House: Denis bar Emmon

Original owner of Settlement: Sharp point

Current owner of Settlement: Sharp point


House Celtigar of Claw Isle, historically sworn to Dragonstone, bears the emblem of red crabs on a white field. Descended from Valyrian blood, they once held influence at court. Despite claiming Crackclaw Point, the inhabitants reject their authority, liberated by Queen Visenya Targaryen during Aegon's Conquest. During the Dance of Dragons, Lord Bartimos Celtigar sat on the black council as master of coin to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. Known for their rumored wealth, including treasures and exotic possessions, House Celtigar's history is intertwined with royal intrigue, as seen during the Dance of the Dragons.

Current ruler of the House: Ardrian Celtigar

Original owner of Settlement: Crackclaw Point, Claw Isle

Current owner of Settlement: Claw Isle


House Fell of Felwood, sworn to Storm's End, bears arms of a white crescent moon above a black field, divided by a green field with a line of sprucetrees. Throughout history, they've been embroiled in Westerosi conflicts, from Aegon's Conquest to Robert's Rebellion. During Aegon's Conquest, Lords Fell, Errol and Buckler ambushed Orys Baratheon's host as he crossed the Wendwater. The lords later hid in the kingswood, but Rhaenys Targaryen set the forests ablaze with Meraxes. At the beginning of Robert's Rebellion, lord Fell remained loyal to the Iron Throne and together with Lords Grandison and Cafferen planned to join their forces to bring Lord Robert Baratheon's head to King Aerys II Targaryen. Robert defeated them in three battles at Summerhall, slaying Lord Fell in single combat and capturing his son Silveraxe who turned to Robert's side afterwards.

Current ruler of the House: Harwood Fell

Original owner of Settlement: Felwood

Current owner of Settlement: Felwood


House Brune of Brownhollow, knights from Crackclaw Point, bear arms of a brown bear paw within a double brown tressure on white. Renowned for their legendary champions, they sided with Rhaenyra Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons and fought alongside Rhaegar Targaryen at the Battle of the Trident. Despite their history, they remain enigmatic, as seen in their rejection of distant kin like Lothor Brune.

Current ruler of the House: Eustace Brune

Original owner of Settlement: Dyre Den, Brownhollow

Current owner of Settlement: Dyre Den


House Staunton of Rook's Rest, a noble house from the crownlands, bears arms of two black wings on a white fess over checkered black and grey. Throughout history, they've stood loyal to various Targaryen rulers, enduring tragedy and serving faithfully. From supporting Prince Jaehaerys during Maegor's reign to backing Princess Rhaenyra during the Dance of the Dragons, their legacy is marked by loyalty and sacrifice.

Current ruler of the House: Gerald Staunton

Original owner of Settlement: Rook's Rest

Current owner of Settlement: Rook's Rest


House Massey of Stonedance, hailing from Massey's Hook in the crownlands, bears the ancient sigil of a triple spiral in red, green, and blue on a white field. Descended from the First Men, they once served as vassals to the Storm Kings but later broke away during the reign of King Durwald the Fat. Despite brief periods under Storm's End's dominion, their ancestral seat of Stonedance has remained a symbol of their independence and resilience.

Current ruler of the House: Justin Massey

Original owner of Settlement: Stonedance

Current owner of Settlement: Stonedance

#Free Folk The Free Folk, also known as wildlings, are the people who reside beyond the Wall in the far North of Westeros. They reject the rule of the Seven Kingdoms and consider themselves independent. Living in a harsh environment with scarce resources, the Free Folk have adapted to survive by forming various tribes and clans. They value freedom and individualism, and their society is far less structured than the feudal system of the Seven Kingdoms.

Now United under Mance Rayder, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, the Free folk is marching south towards the Wall. Trying to escape an army that cannot be defeated, according to scouts.

##Rayder Mance Rayder, known as the King-Beyond-the-Wall, was once a member of the Night's Watch. During a ranging, he was injured and cared for by a wildling woman who mended his wounds and patched his black cloak with red. Upon returning to the Wall, he was ordered to replace his cloak with a new, wholly black one. This imposition on his freedom made him realize he could never be content in the Watch, leading him to choose a life among the wildlings.

Driven by a vision to unite the Free Folk, Mance set out to find the Horn of Winter, a legendary artifact said to awaken giants from the earth and bring down the Wall. According to some, the Free Folk were also fleeing south to escape an ancient enemy, a threat that compelled them to attempt to cross the Wall. Mance succeeded in uniting all the clans beyond the Wall and led an army of 100,000 southward.

Despite initial successes against the Night's Watch, his forces were ultimately defeated when the Watch received crucial support from Stannis Baratheon.

Current ruler of the House: Mance Rayder

Original owner of Settlement: Frostfang's Camp, Hardhome

Current owner of Settlement: Frostfang's Camp

##Styr Magnar Styr was a Thenn warrior and leader of the Thenn tribe. He was known as the Magnar, which is the Thenn title for their leader. Unlike many other wildlings, the Thenns were organized and had a social hierarchy. Styr was a fierce warrior and was feared throughout the Seven Kingdoms for his brutality, and his appetite for human flesh. Styr fought in the Battle of Castle Black and was ultimately killed by Jon Snow.

Current ruler of the House: Styr Magnar

Original owner of Settlement: Thenn

Current owner of Settlement: Thenn

##Ice River Clan The ice-river clans are perpetually at war with the sled-riders of the Frozen Shore. Located further north of the Frozen Shore and west of the Frostfangs, they inhabit one of the most isolated and inhospitable areas beyond the Wall. In this true arctic wasteland, where rivers are frozen and there are no woods, plants, or animals, survival is harsh. Unlike the sled-riders who fish from the sea, the ice-river clans must raid other tribes, typically the men of the Frozen Shore, and are known cannibals.

Even among wildlings, they are seen as savages, wild and barely cultured, but fierce warriors. It is a testament to Mance Rayder's negotiation skills that he managed to broker peace between the ice-river clans and the sled-riders, uniting them to march together in his army.

Current ruler of the House: Tormund Giantsbane

Original owner of Settlement: Fist of the First Men

Current owner of Settlement: Fist of the First Men

##Dogshead Harma, a feared Free Folk raider, had previously fought Rattleshirt until Mance Rayder made peace, making them both captains. Harma and her brother Halleck dislike Mance but joined his march south. Harma leads the vanguard and is present at the Fist of the First Men, witnessing the aftermath of a massacre by the army of the dead.

During the wildling invasion, she is seen at Woodswatch-by-the-Pool and later returns to Mance’s main army. In the Battle Beneath the Wall, Harma urges Mance to kill Jon Snow, but their negotiations are interrupted. Harma is killed in battle against Stannis Baratheon's forces, and her head is placed on a spike.

Halleck bends the knee to Stannis with fewer than 1,000 wildlings and settles in Mole's Town. He and other wildlings later join Jon Snow's defense of the Wall, reasoning that if they could fight for Mance despite disliking him, they can do the same for Jon. This convinces many of Harma's followers to join them at Castle Black.

Current ruler of the House: Harma Dogshead

Original owner of Settlement: Hardhome

Current owner of Settlement: Hardhome

##Sixkins Varamyr Sixskins is a wildling skinchanger who is capable of controlling multiple animals at the same time. He is one of the most powerful skinchangers in the North, and was once the mentor to Jon Snow's direwolf Ghost. After failing to take control of Jon Snow's body, Varamyr dies and his spirit is trapped inside his wolf, One-Eye.

Current ruler of the House: Varamyr Sixskins

Original owner of Settlement: Craster's Keep

Current owner of Settlement: Craster's Keep

##Dalba Dim Dalba is an elderly warrior and raider and one of the prominent leaders in the Free Folk army gathered by Mance Rayder. Following the defeat of the wildling army in the battle for the Wall, he leads his followers to the relative safety of Hardhome. After being saved by Jon Snow in the Battle of Hardhome, Clan Dalba is taken south of the Wall to settle in the Gift.

Current ruler of the House: Dim Dalba

Original owner of Settlement: Hornfoot

Current owner of Settlement: Hornfoot

##Frozen Shore The men of the Frozen Shore are a culture of the Free Folk who inhabit the Frozen Shore, west of the Frostfangs. They fish along the northern coast of the Bay of Ice. They are known to wear sealskin, ride chariots pulled by wolves and on rare occassions; ride ferocious bears into battle.

Current ruler of the House: Great Walrus

Original owner of Settlement: Frozen Shore

Current owner of Settlement: Frozen Shore

#House Targaryen House Targaryen is a noble family of Valyrian descent, known for their dragons and silver hair. They originally hailed from the destroyed Valyria but established their rule in Westeros after Aegon the Conqueror unified the Seven Kingdoms. The Targaryens maintained their reign for nearly 300 years, characterized by their practice of incestuous marriages to preserve their bloodline. Their seat is the Iron Throne in King's Landing, and their house words are "Fire and Blood." Despite being overthrown in Robert's Rebellion, the Targaryen legacy endures through the last surviving members, Daenerys Targaryen and, later revealed, Jon Snow.

##Targaryen House Targaryen, known for their dragons and silver hair, is a noble family of Valyrian descent. They ruled Westeros for nearly 300 years after Aegon the Conqueror unified the Seven Kingdoms. Their reign was marked by the practice of incestuous marriages to preserve their bloodline. Overthrown during Robert's Rebellion, the Targaryen legacy was thought to be extinguished. However, Daenerys Targaryen, the last surviving member, seeks to reclaim her family's throne, embodying their house words: "Fire and Blood." From her exile in Essos, Daenerys rises to power, determined to restore the Targaryen dynasty in Westeros.

Current ruler of the House: Daenerys Targaryen

Original owner of Settlement: Meereen, King's Landing

Current owner of Settlement: Meereen