Feature Spotlight - RealmofThrones/Wiki GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the feature spotlight page! This page will contain info about certain features. You may request features to get added in the Discord.

Races and Custom Races

These are what you personally are able to play as. Currently this is for male only, potentially in the future you will be able to play any of them as a female.


Giants receive an active buff the entire time you are playing as them, they receive only 10% of the damage a normal human would receive.


This is your normal race. There is no buff or debuff on this race in any form.

White Walker

The White Walkers receive an active buff the entire time you are playing as them, they receive only 20% of the damage a normal human would receive.


The Wights do not receive any buff or debuff while playing as them however, they do make custom sounds.

More to be announced