Sound - RealityVirtually2019/Team-4D GitHub Wiki
Starting sound (Main titles) Main Menu item selection Object being touched/grasped Object being released Object impacting something (i.e falling onto another object/the ground/etc.) Sound cue (10 seconds cue) Reward sound (showing up along with the stars as rewards) End of the game sound ERROR SOUND (“OK Panic” sound if something goes wrong) Exit Noise (final titles) No action sound
Still to be decided if there should or not be some background music
Audio cues: Very Very Simple: touch the block Simple: (moving a block to a mat) Your goal is to move the purple block to the mat. Look at the purple block. After 10 seconds if nothing. Make sure to line up the white dot with the purple block! (purple block lights up) After 15 more seconds Make sure to hold your gaze on the block! (block grows)
If stuck at pick up: try and hold the block above the mat and hold it there!
You got it!
In this Augmented Reality game, you will always see this brown bamboo mat, and one or more objects to put on the mat. Look at the object. it will begin glowing when you’ve picked it up. Then visually move the object with your gaze to put it on the mat.
Royalty free sound:
Kevin macLeod incompetech