Painting - RealDoigt/ConsolePaint GitHub Wiki


Painting is a static class which offers several basic drawing functions as well as a few advanced ones. This class is not very useful to a programmer looking for mostly prebaked stuff, however most of the functions in the library depend on this class; it is the foundation upon which the rest of the library stands.


brush is a public char field which can be modified freely. That char is what will be printed on the screen when you call the basic drawing methods and the ones which use them. It's initial value is the block character '█'.

Here is an example of accessing brush in C#:

using ConsolePaint;

public static void Main()
    // Notice how the field name is not capitalized. Painting.Brush will not work!
    Painting.brush = 'a';

Basic Drawing Methods


DrawCell is a public method which has two unsigned 16-bit integers (short) and one ConsoleColor as parameters; posX, posY and color. It prints a single brush character at the given X and Y position with the provided colour. The method makes a backup of the current foreground colour, so you don't need to worry about changing back to the previous colour. However, the cursor will have its position changed.

DrawCell will crash the program in these cases:

  • If either posX or posY are negative values, the method will throw a NegativeCoordinateException.
  • If either posX or posY are greater than Console.WindowWidth or Console.WindowHeight respectively, the method will throw an OutOfWindowBoundsException.

Here is an example of using DrawCell in C#:

using ConsolePaint;

public static void Main()
    // This will print a red █ at (x: 12; y: 4) on the screen and the cursor's Left value will increase to 13.
    Painting.DrawCell(12, 4, ConsoleColor.Red);


DrawHorizontalLine is a public method which has three unsigned 16-bit integers (short) and one ConsoleColor as parameters; posX, posY, length and color. The method will print a horizontal line of brush characters to the right of the position (posX, posY). The length and colour of the line are determined by the length and color parameters, respectively. The method makes a backup of the current foreground colour, so you don't need to worry about changing back to the previous colour. However, the cursor will have its position changed.

DrawHorizontalLine will crash the program in these cases:

  • If length is a negative value, the method will throw a NegativeLengthException.
  • If either posX or posY are negative values, the method will throw a NegativeCoordinateException.
  • If either posX + length or posY are greater than Console.WindowWidth or Console.WindowHeight respectively, the method will throw an OutOfWindowBoundsException.

Here is an example of using DrawHorizontalLine in C#:

using ConsolePaint;

public static void Main()
        This will print 5 dark blue █ at (x: 10; y: 0) on the screen 
        and the cursor's Left value will increase to 15. 
    Painting.DrawHorizontalLine(10, 0, 5, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);


DrawVerticalLine is a public method which has three unsigned 16-bit integers (short) and one ConsoleColor as parameters; posX, posY, length and color. The method will print a vertical line of brush characters down from the position (posX, posY). The length and colour of the line are determined by the length and color parameters, respectively. The method makes a backup of the current foreground colour, so you don't need to worry about changing back to the previous colour. However, the cursor will have its position changed.

DrawVerticalLine will crash the program in these cases:

  • If length is a negative value, the method will throw a NegativeLengthException.
  • If either posX or posY are negative values, the method will throw a NegativeCoordinateException.
  • If either posY + length or posX are greater than Console.WindowHeight or Console.WindowWidth respectively, the method will throw an OutOfWindowBoundsException.

Here is an example of using DrawHorizontalLine in C#:

using ConsolePaint;

public static void Main()
        This will print 5 dark blue █ at (x: 10; y: 0) on the screen 
        and the cursor's top value will increase to 5. 
    Painting.DrawVerticalLine(10, 0, 5, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);


DrawDiagonalLine is a public method which has three unsigned 16-bit integers (short), one ConsoleColor and one signed 8-bit integer (sbyte) as parameters; posX, posY, length, color and angle. The method will print a diagonal line of brush characters to the right of the position (posX, posY). It then either goes up if angle is negative or down if angle is positive. Do note that angle here is not a real unit of anything; It is arbitrarily called an angle, but it actually works as a multiplier. The length and colour of the line are determined by the length and color parameters, respectively. The method makes a backup of the current foreground colour, so you don't need to worry about changing back to the previous colour. However, the cursor will have its position changed.

DrawDiagonalLine will crash the program in these cases:

  • If the absolute value of angle is not 1, the method will throw an InvalidAngleException.
  • If length is a negative value, the method will throw a NegativeLengthException.
  • If either posX or posY are negative values, the method will throw a NegativeCoordinateException.
  • If the final character of the line would be out of the console boundary, the method will throw an OutOfWindowBoundsException.

Here is an example of using DrawDiagonalLine in C#:

using ConsolePaint;

public static void Main()
    const byte X = 5, Y = 10, LENGTH = 5;
    // these ones go up
    Painting.DrawDiagonalLine(X, Y, LENGTH, ConsoleColor.Green, -1);
    Painting.DrawDiagonalLine(X + LENGTH, Y + LENGTH, LENGTH, ConsoleColor.Green, -1);
    // these ones go down
    Painting.DrawDiagonalLine(X, Y + 1, LENGTH, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, 1);
    Painting.DrawDiagonalLine(X + LENGTH, Y - LENGTH + 1, LENGTH, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, 1);
    // The lines give shape to a diamond/lozenge


DrawSpinningAnimation is a public method which has a func<bool> and an unsigned 32-bit integer (int) as parameters; exprand millisecondDelay. The method animates a spinning line at the current cursor location using the various slash and dash characters. This method's purpose is to show some kind of visible activity while the program is otherwise occupied doing something else. expr is expected to be a function which returns true if the animation should continue and false if it should end. millisecondDelay controls the speed of the animation; the lower the number is, the faster the animation is. If the value of millisecondDelay is lower than 0, the animation will not get anymore faster.

Here is an example of using DrawSpinningAnimation in C#:

using ConsolePaint;

public static void Main()
    Func<bool> isGoingToSpinForever = () => true;
    Painting.DrawSpinningAnimation(isGoingToSpinForever, 0);
    // this will effectively display the animation forever at max speed.

Advanced Drawing Methods

The methods which follow deal with displaying images in the terminal window. Due to the limitations of the terminal when using .Net, some things may not go as smoothly as expected. For example, small images will appear larger in the console since individual pixels are not used to draw the picture, instead, characters are used. Characters tend to be twice as high as their width, so the image will most likely look distorted. Also, you can't predict how large the console's window size will be or which font your users will be using; those are indirect parameters which WILL affect the look of your application. Finally, draw speeds vary between updates and OS; Windows will generally be slow to draw, while Linux may be faster than expected.

There are techniques you can use to work around these problems, which are discussed in their own article.


DrawImage is a public method which has a bitmap and two unsigned 16-bit integers (short) as parameters; image, posX and posY. DrawImage doesn't really do anything on its own; it itself is an overload of the actual method which will convert image to the limited 16 colours of the .Net console, then draws the resulting picture on the console window using the brush character. That picture will be drawn at the position(posX, posY). Be careful with the image size and position, you can easily go out of bounds with relatively small images; you may have to resize the image before displaying it in the console using this method.

From calling this method, the program may crash:

  • If either posX or posY are negative values, a NegativeCoordinateException will be thrown.
  • If the image would be out of bounds, a OutOfWindowBoundsException will be thrown.

Here is an example of using DrawImage in C#:

using ConsolePaint;

public static void Main()
    Painting.DrawImage(new System.Drawing.Bitmap("rainbow wave.png"), 0, 0);
    // The method will draw this picture: 


DrawDarkImage works the same way as DrawImage, but the filter used is more tolerant and darker, which improves the contrast in very bright images which don't render too well on normal brightness. However, that usually comes at the cost of accuracy and details. For example, run the above example using DrawDarkImage instead, you will notice that the image looks much better, but it is also much darker:

The pros and cons of both methods are best seen in the Rick Roll in console experiments:

Close up shots and zooms such as the first frames on Rick's face look better with the normal method, but the high contrast of the darker method allows the viewer to more clearly identify what is happening in the later frames of the video where the brightness would be too high.




Methods for Project Contributors


Draw is a private method which has two unsigned 16-bit integers (short) parameters; posX and posY. Draw prints the brush character at the screen position of posX and posY. This also has the effect of changing the cursor's position.

This method can only be used from within the Painting class as it does no window bound checks nor negative value checks, so use it carefully. If you plan contributing to ConsolePaint and if you have to use the Draw method, you will be expected to write code which handles these aforementioned checks.

Example code:

def myDef(x as short, y as short):
    if x < Console.WindowWidth and x > -1 and y < Console.WindowHeight and y > -1:
        Draw(x, y)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️