z 16.9 Undocumented - ReadySetGooo/Sustainable-Development-Goals GitHub Wiki

By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration

United States

  • (US) Hold government departments accountable to increasing customer service quality

  • Advocate for amnesty programs and pathways to legal status for undocumented populations.

  • Push for removal of barriers like high fees, strict documentation requirements that make birth registration inaccessible.

  • Support open data policies and automatic issuance of birth certificates through universal birth registration.

  • Hold governments accountable for discrimination that prevents minorities from obtaining IDs.

For adoptees:

  • Push for streamlined processes to obtain birth certificates/legal documentation after adoption proceedings are finalized
  • Advocate for adoptee rights movements seeking access to original birth records
  • Support counseling/guidance for adoptees navigating complex bureaucracies to establish identities
  • Avoid policies that permanently seal or make it overly difficult for adoptees to access their birth records

For victims of abuse and unhoused people:

  • Advocate for victim-centric policies that issue temporary identities while awaiting replacements
  • Push for data protection laws to prevent abusers from fraudulently undermining victims' documents
  • Push for removal of requirements like proof of residence/address for obtaining ID cards and birth certificates for homeless applicants.
  • Lobby for fee waivers and simplified application processes tailored for homeless individuals to remove financial/bureaucratic barriers.