z 13. 2 Climate Change - ReadySetGooo/Sustainable-Development-Goals GitHub Wiki

Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning

United States

Lay-Person Tasks

  • Find out what corporations cause climate change, and do your best to not support them.
  • Be supportive of solutions for climate change. Climate change is caused by corporations. Once corporations have stopped causing climate change, it will be up to individuals to support solutions.
  • Be willing to vote for or support climate change policy solutions, even if it’s radical in comparison to current policies. Also be willing to support it even if it will be temporarily inconvenient or goes against your culture.
  • Be willing to have the city planning of your community, neighborhood, and city radically changed to be climate friendly. Solar punk designs, changes in transportation, etc.

Informational Resources


  • Cheese caves. We need to eliminate the dairy industry, as cows have a large carbon footprint.

Systems & Archetypes

Stock-and-flow structures

Flows GreenHouse Gas Emissions:

  • Burning fossil fuels for electricity and heat (25%)
  • Coal (9%)
  • Natural gas (6%)
  • Oil (10%)
  • Agriculture and deforestation (24%)
  • Livestock and manure (5%)
  • Rice cultivation (2%)
  • Land use changes (6%)
  • Deforestation (11%)
  • Industry (21%)
  • Cement production (4%)
  • Steel production (3%)
  • Oil refining (3%)
  • Chemicals and petrochemicals (11%)
  • Transportation (14%)
  • Cars (8%)
  • Trucks (3%)
  • Airplanes (2%)
  • Shipping (1%)
  • Buildings (6%)
  • Residential heating and cooking (4%)
  • Commercial heating, cooking and lighting (2%)
  • Other (10%)
  • Waste disposal (2%)
  • Fugitive emissions (3%)
  • Other process emissions (5%)

Potential Organizations

Informational Resources




  • BP invented the propaganda term “carbon footprint” to place emissions on individuals, rather than corporations. “Keep America Beautiful” is also a propaganda movement created by the Petroleum Industry. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8dbE8J2/


Information Flows

Stock-and-flow structures

  • Vegetal canopies
  • Liquid tree! These are a looot of maintenance, and use a lot of water. Probably only best in an area that is close to an ocean or something. Liquid trees use algae! Could this Algae be used for bio-plastics? Could water could be taken from, ex, the ocean, used in the liquid trees, then when maintenance happens use desalination for water?
  • https://worldbiomarketinsights.com/a-liquid-tree-scientists-in-serbia-make-incredible-innovation/ Liquid trees could be used in cities and areas that can’t have trees but have some source of water. Planting trees is bad in areas such as deserts, since carbon is stored differently. There could be different shapes for liquid trees as well. Could any of these be options?
  • https://youtu.be/gIqBb0SN5Bs?feature=shared
  • Could be used as benches, on the sides of buildings, maybe incentivze people to have one at home, maybe even used as a moat to stop creeping ground fires.


  • Giant sails on cargo ships can reduce carbon emissions.


  • Carbon cashback