z 10.2 Social Justice - ReadySetGooo/Sustainable-Development-Goals GitHub Wiki

By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

United States


  • Self-Defined - actionable - a short but powerful list of terms and symbols that are often used casually, but conceal problematic and oppressive effects. Very helpful for identifying problematic language, especially in organizations and groups, and learning to become aware of ways in which our choices of words can perpetuate harm and oppression.https://www.selfdefined.app/
  • Micro-affirmations - information - as a counter to micro-aggressions, micro-affirmations are small but important things we can do to support those around us. This is a very broad subject and the linked paper is a very cursory introduction, but looking into micro-affirmations that are requested by various groups of marginalized or oppressed people can be a great way to start improving the lives of those people. This concept is so powerful it can also be useful for improving our relationships with people who are like ourselves. https://www.brown.edu/sheridan/microaggressions-and-micro-affirmations-0


American Sign Language resources to learn.  


Lay Person Tasks

  • Don’t discriminate against the people in your life- family, friends, work, school, in public, etc. 

  • Don’t intellectualize respect. Be an active listener and believe people, with boundaries.  https://radpride.wixsite.com/start-posting/post/if-we-want-society-to-improve-we-have-to-stop-intellectualizing-respect  

  • Come up with a script of things you can say in response to people who say discriminatory things. 

  • Vote with your attention. If you see news stories, videos, websites, or posts online that make controversial statements about people from minority identities, do not click on it, read it, or watch it. Do not make a post or comment talking about it or arguing about it. People who make content are paid per view and engagement, and the only reason they make inflammatory statements is to make money. If less people watch it, the less money they make, the less they will say it. This is the same with internet trolls. Internet trolls get satisfaction from making people upset- again, they don’t actually believe what they say so arguing is pointless. They want your attention, so if you don’t give them attention they will stop saying discriminatory things. 

Informational Resources

From the Better Future Library:

See https://starshipgender.com/collected-resources/ for more info


Disability Justice

  • Accessibility in Gaming Resources - information - a Google Doc by Jennifer Kretchmer with a great collection of resources about making games (both digital and physical) more accessible and less violent and oppressive towards Disabled people. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZFSXz-Yva1KZAsP7NblCdkoiQ6RcjxSV2gj98eXusJs/edit
  • How to be an Ally for People with PTSD - information - this article is a decent introduction to the lived experiences of those enduring the aftereffects of trauma. While it has a lot of great suggestions, please keep in mind the single most important one: every person who has survived trauma is unique and different. We may all want and need different things, and that may change over time. When trying to support trauma survivors, defer to their needs and preferences, always, not just what's on a checklist somewhere on the internet - and be prepared to adapt and change alongside them.https://www.autistichoya.com/2013/08/how-to-be-ally-for-people-with-ptsd.html



  • This is Not About Me by Jordan Zimmerman. (Story of a non-verbal person)

  • Wong, Alice (ed). Disability Visibility: First-person stories from the twenty-first century

  • Srinivasan, Amia. The Right To Sex

  • Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi. Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice


  • Black Marxism – Cedric J. Robinson

  • Women, Race & Class – Angela Davis

  • No Name on The Street by James Baldwin

  • Black Marxism by Cedric Robinson (Interesting account about the way that social stratification happened (even in pre-modern societies) due to relationships with property/capital which led to racialization/subjugation)


Potential Organizations

  • Accessible Disaster Strategies https://disasterstrategies.org/ 

  • Disability Organization https://behearddc.org/

  • Get involved with ADAPT, a national grassroots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. https://adapt.org/

  • The National Council for Independent Living advances independent living and the rights of people with disabilities. NCIL envisions a world in which people with disabilities are valued equally and participate fully. https://ncil.org/

  • Black Futures Lab - advocacy organization - a group formed to help shift political power for Black people. Political organizing and mobilization are necessary and vital parts of the struggle to overturn oppression, especially as it remains so thoroughly entrenched in institutions like governments and nation-states. https://blackfutureslab.org/

  • Code2040 - advocacy organization - efforts for racial equity and justice within the digital-technology sector. https://www.code2040.org/

  • KultureCity - advocacy organization - focused on accessibility efforts for the invisibly Disabled https://www.kulturecity.org/

  • Get involved with Black Lives Matter.http://blacklivesmatter.com

  • Volunteer with the Black Women’s Blueprint. https://restoreny.org/black-womens-blueprint/

  • Join your local NAACP http://www.naacp.org/

  • Join the Organization for Black Struggle. https://obs-stl.org/

  • Color of Change https://www.colorofchange.org/ is building an online community of over 1MM people to do something real about racial injustice.

  • Showing Up for Racial Justice https://surj.org/ is a group for white people to help end racism and has chapters across the country organizing a multi-racial fight against the white supremacy movement and racial injustice.


  • See Progressive Law BluePrint as seen in 10.3. Create an allyship label for organizations, institutions, and people that implement those laws as policies or personal ways of being. Add it to the automated accountability section. 


Information Flows

  • Virtual Diversity City. There’s this real interesting concept called the building theory. There’s a building with 100 floors where oppressed people are on the top floor, and the public is on the bottom floor. When oppressed people and the public interact, oppressed people either need to go down to their level, or the public can educate themselves to level up and meet people halfway. Oppressed  people have to go both down the stairs and up the stairs while the public only has to go up. Make a virtual reality city of buildings. Each building represents an oppressed group. Each floor represents a level of information. There’s general information for the floor, and each room has super detailed information if someone wants to do a deep-dive. This would also be displayed on youtube. Information could be collected from this site! 

  • In public schools and essential worker trainings, educate everyone in the 200 most common words in the top five most-spoken native languages. (ex. By native I mean spoken as a first language, not a second language)

  • In public schools, educate everyone on the 200 most common signs in sign language, and require essential worker training to include education on the 200 most common signs. 

  • Asynchronous Communication is accessible for disabled people. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8US971f/ That's what this site is for! I really wish that everything else in society had these options- government participation, work of volunteer meetings, medical appointments, etc. etc.
