5. Gender Equality - ReadySetGooo/Sustainable-Development-Goals GitHub Wiki

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The following are a list of terms I found interesting. Theres more important paradigms for gender equality but I don't have it at the moment. I don't know if the definitions are accurate, I got it from Claude AI.

  • Gender Abolitionist - The belief that the concept of gender itself should be abolished from society entirely. Gender abolitionists see gender as an outdated social construct that perpetuates rigid roles, expectations and inequalities.

  • Postgenderist - Similar to gender abolitionists, postgenderists envision moving beyond the gender binary and gender categories to a society where gender distinctions are rendered obsolete or meaningless.

  • Gender Nihilist - The view that gender as a concept has no inherent meaning or essence and is a social fiction that should be rejected or deconstructed.

  • Gender Anarchist - Belief that gender should be voluntarily constructed by individuals free from societal pressures and norms. Gender anarchists support smashing rigid gender roles and hierarchies.

  • Gender Eliminativist - The view that gender itself, as a concept and social institution, should be eliminated entirely from society through social, political and cultural change.

  • Antigenderist - General opposition to the concepts, enforcement, and systems surrounding gender. Antigenderists reject gender as a means of identity or social categorization.

  • Gender Critical - Analysis and criticism of gender as a societal construct, often from a feminist perspective critiquing patriarchal gender norms and expectations.

  • Antisexist - Ideology opposing sexism and discrimination based on biological sex, advocating for equality between sexes/genders.

  • Genderblind - The belief that people should be treated as individuals without regard to gender categories or generalizations based on gender.

  • Gender Oppositionist - Opposing and resisting societal gender norms, expectations and prescribed gender roles.

  • Degenderer - Someone who wishes to eliminate or "degenerate" gender categories and distinctions.

  • Ungenderable - Cannot be classified within typical gender categories or binaries.

  • Gender Nonconformer - Does not follow societal norms or expectations about gender expression/identity.

  • Gender Transgressor - Intentionally transgresses or violates established gender norms and boundaries.

  • Genderbender - Blending, mixing or bending traditional gender expressions.

  • Genderfree - Freedom from gender categorization or prescribed gender roles.

  • Agender - Having no gender identity or a genderless identity.

  • Genderless - Without a gender or not identifying with any gender.

  • Gender Apathetic - Indifference or apathy towards gender as a construct.

  • Gender Rebel - Rebelling against or defying enforced gender norms and expectations.