3.8 Universal Healthcare - ReadySetGooo/Sustainable-Development-Goals GitHub Wiki

Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all

United States


Action Tasks

Informational Resources


  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Medical school
  • Residencies
  • Certificates
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • CNAs/RNAs
  • Other medical staff (ex. technicians, PTs, etc.)
  • Other staff (ex. Chefs, janitors)
  • Hospitals
  • Emergency Room
  • Waiting Room
  • Beds
  • Rooms
  • Urgent care
  • Outpatient (ex. regular appointments)
  • General Practitioner
  • Specialist
  • Appointments
  • Referrals
  • Prescriptions
  • Patients
  • Bedside manner
  • Compassion
  • Job satisfaction
  • Burnout
  • Departments
  • Pharmacy
  • Management
  • Billing
  • HR
  • Food
  • Medical Records

Flows Patients are dying because:

  • staff shortages, caused by toxic workplaces/poor working conditions & ?low pay?
  • long emergency room wait times
  • accusations of faking or exaggerating symptoms
  • discrimination
  • misdiagnoses
  • medical abuse
  • medical neglect
  • can’t afford copays
  • can’t afford their medication
  • gaps in prescription renewal

System Traps

  • People are not going to medical school because of high costs of education/avoid student loan debt.
  • People who graduate from medical school can’t get residencies. https://www.vox.com/22989930/residency-match-physician-doctor-shortage-pandemic-medical-school
  • There is high turnover because of toxic workplaces.
  • Doctors are leaving the field because of toxic workplaces.
  • People are not choosing careers in medicine because of toxic workplaces.
  • Toxic people are attracted to the medical field because of the reputation and power imbalance between doctors and patients.
  • It is difficult for doctors to open up their own practices.

Rules Affordable Care Act



  • The healthcare system is a safety net and an ally, not an industrial complex that must be fought with uncertain levels of support regarding survival.
  • The healthcare system provides care based on science and the patient’s culture, and not the doctor’s culture. (Currently the healthcare system practices a lot of unscientific medicine according to the doctor’s culture)

Goals Universal Healthcare covers all health needs. This would include:

  • dental
  • mental health care
  • functional medicine
  • ALL disability services, including but not limited to: caregiving, palliative care, accommodations
  • rent, if the person’s health problems are caused by their environment (ex. homelessness, abuse, DV, slumlord neglect)
  • sexual healthcare, including all forms of contraception
  • reproductive care, including doulas
  • gender affirming care
  • eastern/natural medicine
  • hospice and death doulas

Reinforcing feedback loops Services that would prevent hospitalization, improve patient health and reduce costs:

  • Palliative care
  • Doctor home visits
  • Integrated maintenance practice
  • Medication caretakers
  • Numbers
  • Essential Markup Policy (Essential goods and services can not have a profit markup above a certain percentage)