3.6 Traffic Deaths - ReadySetGooo/Sustainable-Development-Goals GitHub Wiki

By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents

United States

Lay-Person Tasks

  1. Take public transportation when possible. 

  2. Vote for public transportation, and support city planning that uses public transit as the main mode of transportation.

  3. Vote for or support protected bike lanes.  

  4. If possible, live in an area where you can easily use public transit all the time.

  5. If public transit makes you feel motion sick, see if motion sickness glasses help you.

  6. Report people who are driving recklessly or under the influence. 

  7. Report items that are blocking the road or a lane in a freeway. In the US, you can call the non-emergency sheriff number, or if you don’t have that number, you can call 911. 

  8. Never litter. Littered items can blow on roads and cause crashes.

  9. If someone you know is planning on abandoning an animal on the road, stop them and ask them to contact a shelter. If shelters are not accepting animals, make a post on social media in specific social media groups asking if anyone can take them, or offer to take them yourself until you find a place for them to go. 

If you are forced to drive:

  1. Never drive impaired or distracted. Do not text. If you need to manually adjust map directions, pull over. Do not drive while drunk or high. Do not drive when you are having an emotional crisis or are overly stressed. Never drive faster if you are late. 

  2. Always check for motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians, people who use wheelchairs, people who are short, children- especially in neighborhoods or around schools. If a school bus stops to drop of children, stop driving. Same for firefighters and ambulances.

  3. Avoid common causes of crashes, such as: driving as soon as the light turns green, not leaving enough space in front of the car in front of you.

  4. Reduce the amount of time you drive. 

  5. Have remote appointments. 

  6. Schedule errands based on location so you are driving in the same area, making less trips, and not driving as far. 

  7. If you are transporting items, make sure they are safely secured. Do not drive behind a vehicle with large items, even if they are secured. 

  8. Never litter. Litter blowing on the road can cause accidents, and in some cases littering on the freeway has lead to death due to high speed. 

Potential Organizations

Informational Resources