How to install - ReactKit/ReactKit GitHub Wiki

Using CocoaPods

  1. Add Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'ReactKit'
  1. pod install

Using Carthage

  1. Create Cartfile or Cartfile.private
github "ReactKit/ReactKit"
  1. carthage update, or carthage update --use-submodules (recommended to add as git-submodules)
  2. Drag-and-drop dependency xcodeproj files in Carthage/Checkouts to your app project.
  3. Go to "General -> Targets -> Embedded Binaries -> + Add Items" and select each dependency framework.

[WARNING] As discussed in Carthage/Carthage#188, Carthage-built frameworks (in Carthage/Build folder) has issue in AppStore submission, so only use Carthage/Checkouts folder for a while, and let dependency-frameworks be built via Xcode-GUI.

For Carthage usage, see Adding frameworks to an application (ver 0.6.3) for more information.

Using git-submodules

  1. git submodule add [LIBRARY_GIT_URL]
  2. git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Drag-and-drop dependency xcodeproj files in Carthage.checkout to your app project.
  4. Go to "General -> Targets -> Embedded Binaries -> + Add Items" and select each dependency framework.