Quick Start Upload Your First World - ReachCloudDevelopers/MetaverseCloudEngine.Unity.SDK GitHub Wiki

Upload Your First World

This guide will help you to quickly get started and learn how to upload your very own meta space to the REACH Explorer.

  1. Install the SDK (Click for Help)
  2. Open the Demo scene located in MetaverseCloudEngine/SDK/Scenes/Demo.unity


  1. Click play to try out the scene in local test mode.
  2. Once you're ok with the level you've made, select the "Meta Space" game object from within the scene hierarchy.


  1. Then from the Inspector window, expand the "Meta Data" dropdown to view / change the space's name, description, thumbnail, etc.


  1. After you're done changing the meta data, you can click on "Build & Upload" to finally upload your scene to the REACH Explorer.
