Compilation - RazielXT/mtTorrent GitHub Wiki

Package distribution

mtTorrent is currently distributed with:

Third party libraries

For compilation of mtTorrent library you need:

Asio for networking (Home, Git) - Asio is included as git submodule

Optional OpenSSL for HTTPS support

To build OpenSSL from source get:

  • Perl: eg. Strawberry perl for Microsoft Windows
  • Netwide Assembler (NASM): An assembler for the x86 CPU architecture
  • check installed version: perl -v,nasm -v

start terminal or VS prompt (x64 Native Tools Command Prompt):

  1. perl Configure VC-WIN64A (target eg. 64bit windows) --prefix=path (run in openssl folder, path where to output) no-shared (if not shared (dll))
  2. nmake (start building)

Qt for Gui example client (version 6.2+)

Get official Qt build or for custom build from source:

Example static windows build setup in VS prompt (x64 Native Tools Command Prompt):

cd C:\qtpath\Src
mkdir ..\lib-static
set QTDIR=C:\qtpath\Src\qtbase
set PATH=C:\qtpath\Src\qtbase\bin;%PATH%
configure -debug-and-release -prefix "C:\qtpath\lib-static" -opensource -platform win32-msvc -opengl desktop -static -static-runtime -nomake examples -nomake tests
nmake install

After custom build qt.conf might be missing, add file qt.conf to C:\qtpath\lib-static\bin\ with content (your version path):


Compilation targets

Visual Studio:

  • Library supports static/dynamic library, MT/MD compilation configurations. Default Visual Studio compilation targets are for static library.


Compilation projects

Current projects include:

  • mtTorrent - main project containing full library
  • SdkExample - example usage of mtTorrent API in console application
  • mtTorrentGui - example usage of mtTorrent library in Gui application, using Qt
  • countryIpListParser - utility for creating packed file used for country by ip lookup, optional
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