User stories - RayC206/Rayddit GitHub Wiki


Sign up

As a new user to the site, user can create an account to be able to access features such as upvoting/downvoting posts, creating posts, and commenting on posts

Log in

A user with an existing account can log in to access the site

Log out

A user can log out of site when needed to switch / create a user.

Demo user

A demo user will have the ability to access site features/functionality using a pre-made account.

Posts. - Main feature #1


Users will have the ability to view posts from either all posts, or posts by subreddits. However as a logged in user, the user has the ability to follow subreddits and view posts from only subreddits they follow.


Logged in users will have access to a create a post banner that will lead to the create a post page. In this page, the user will have the ability to create a custom post title, a text body for the post , and a optional link that they can post to show off another site such as articles or even images.


Post owner will have the ability to edit their own post when desired if they are unsatisfied with the posting.


Post owner will have the ability to remove the post completely along with all of its comments/upvotes if needed.

Subreddit - Main feature #2

If a user wants to see a specific post subject or a community featuring a certain topic, they can follow and subscribe to a subreddit featuring posts themed after the joined community/subreddit.


A user will have the ability to see posts from a specific subreddit, and have the option to follow the subreddit to get posts from that specific subreddit to their home page.


A user can create and become an owner of a subreddit community through the create subreddit button that leads to the create subreddit form page.


The owner of the subreddit can edit the subreddit details/descriptions


The owner of the subreddit also has the ability to completely delete a subreddit along with its posts/comments/upvotes.

Project Read Me

  • Read me will show the application descriptions, technical features and functionality.
  • Instructions on how to start the development environment
  • A list of technologies used on the backend and frontend

Upvotes / downvotes

If a user likes or dislikes a post or comment. They have the ability to cast a upvote or downvote on the post or comment using a up and down toggle icon next to a post or comment.


View comment:

User will have the ability to view comments on posts

Create comment

A logged in user has the ability to post a comment on a post of their choice

Edit comment

A comment owner has the ability to edit their own comment if desired

Delete comment

The comment owner can also delete a comment completely along with its upvotes if needed.

Bonus :

User trophies

  • Users can award trophies to other users who they believe deserve it.

Search feature

  • User can search for specific posts, users, or subreddits on the search bar