2008 09 11 Thyroid and Regeneration John Barkhausen Ray Peat (summary) - Ray-Peat/interview GitHub Wiki

2008-09-11 Thyroid and Regeneration - John Barkhausen + Ray Peat



  • JB: past week topic: energy
  • JB: RP mentioned 30% brain fats regenerated?
  • 01m50s
  • RP: we regenerate may be even more then 30% fats in the brain depending on the count
  • but complete oxidation and renewal of fats is 5% a day
  • example: 5% a day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachidonic_acid
  • 03m15s
  • JB: why we regenerate fats?
  • RP: brains is very active metabolically
  • some 5% fats are oxidized, some are
  • some 30% fats are re-shuffled
  • compositions of fats are adjusted to reflect current cellular needs
  • 05m00s
  • JB: regeneration takes energy?
  • RP: brains makes and stores https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycogen
  • deep sleep is needed to re-generate glycogen stores
  • plus you need your energy machinery working: thyroid, vitamins, minerals, etc
  • 06m30s
  • JB: need to have proper foods?
  • RP: need to avoid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goitrogen
  • some vegetables, grains, nuts; other sources of pufa
  • avoid high concentrations of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryptophan
  • avoid high concentrations of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cysteine
  • JB: intro for RP
  • 08m00s
  • JB: explain thyroid function?
  • RP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid
  • thyroid is responsive to everything in the internal environment
  • more estrogen makes thyroid less responsive, and t3/t4 gets accumulated rather then released
  • more progesterone makes thyroid secrete more t3/t4
  • pufa inhibits same enzymes as estrogen
  • feedback example:
  • low t3/t4 will send more tsh to activate thyroid
  • but a lot of estrogen/pufa at the same time will suppress release
  • so thyroid will enlarge in response to tsh, yet will not release t3/t4 due to pufa
  • common condition in puberty/pregnancy as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goitre
  • so when thyroid suppression stops, it may result in burst of t3/t4 with symptoms of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperthyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism with heart rate of 125 can mislead the doctor
  • so the doctor may try to kill your thyroid with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iodine-131
  • but in most cases this kind of Hyperthyroidism is temporary adjustment
  • takes few weeks to unload stored extra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroxine-binding_globulin
  • some women shared "never felt better in whole life" during this adjustment
  • but the doctor can kill your thyroid by misunderstanding the adjustment
  • 11m30s
  • in 1950s discovered that thyroid hormone is complex: t3/t4, etc
  • t3 is promoter of oxidative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_respiration
  • but it took decades for doctors to learn about it
  • 12m15s
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