2008 07 21 Fats John Barkhausen Ray Peat (summary) - Ray-Peat/interview GitHub Wiki
####2008-07-21 Fats - John Barkhausen + Ray Peat
- 2006 http://raypeat.com/articles/nutrition/oils-in-context.shtml
- 2006 http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/unsaturated-oils.shtml
- 2006 http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/coconut-oil.shtml
- 2007 http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/unsuitablefats.shtml
- 2009 http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/fats-degeneration3.shtml
- 2013 http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/fats-functions-malfunctions.shtml
- JB: Speaker - John Barkhausen
- RP: Speaker - Ray Peat
- HS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Selye
- BB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broda_Otto_Barnes
- efa
- pufa
- dhea
- t3/t4
- tsh
- dha
- epa
####00m00s JB: Start
- station intro
####01m00s RP: Intro
- RP background
- was humanities person first, studying art and literature
- read a lot about science in general
- first teaching job was to teach biology in ohio state
- 1968 back to grad school to study biology
- found institutions are anti-educational: prepare people to conform and find a job
- by the time of grad school RP learned how to be quiet enough to get a degree
- grad school is exercise in conformism, example:
- 1960s oregon state physiologist study via MAT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller_Analogies_Test
- MAT test is a proxy to creativity of students
- found that "average MAT" students became "straight A" grad students
- while below/above MAT average test were poor grad students
- 04m30s
- RP got phd in biology in 1972, with more biochemistry then biology courses
- taught in UofO, UofM
- 1981 stated "ray peat news letter" after being rejected by mainstream journals
- 06m30s
- too much politics in science
- first RP teaching course "biology for physics majors"
- included information technology and radiation biology
- government information on the safety of radioactive fall out became focus
- trustees got concerned with politics and fired RP
- 09m00s
- JB: you recommend http://www.amazon.com/The-cold-biology-Carl-Lindegren/dp/B0006BOXOM
- RP: that book is intro to politics of genetics
####09m40s JB: Fats
- the topic is fats
- new government recommendation about fats every 5 years
####10m40s RP: Fats
- long history of vegetable oils
- Mark Twain story in 1860s about initiative to switch america to cotton seed oil instead of butter (Life on the Mississippi (1883), chapter 39)
- 11m30s
- JB: story about diluting imported olive oil with cotton seed oil 1:10 ratio
- RP: in 1998 FDA did imported olive oil survey, 70% of it was still adulterated with other oils
- lets start with history of human fat consumption
- in 19 century my relatives were still preferring fat meat
- people did not use extracted oils
- people used natural sources of fat: coconut, avocado, sunflower seeds, fat beef, fat pork, fat poultry
- in 18 century industrial market started promoting cod liver oil, some seed oil
- but even fish oil was used for warmish and lamps right till time of cheap petroleum oil
- coconut oil was easy to produce with primitive technology: boil coco meat and skim the oil
- coconut oil was cheap in the US; used as animal feed and for cooking; does not get rancid
- 1940s agriculture industry found that coconut oil was stimulating animal appetite: eat more food, gain less weight - no good for business
- they tried to find poison to slow metabolic rate by poisoning the thyroid gland
- they found that by using fish oil and seed oil they could slow metabolic rate and grow more fat
- now seed oil industry got good market in feeding pigs
- around 1950 petroleum chemistry learns to produce paint, and displacing fish/seed oil
- that was the start of promotion of seed/fish oil as efa idea by the seed/fish oil industry
- there was a study cited for many decades taken from the lard industry by seed oil industry
- http://www.jbc.org/content/86/2/587.full.pdf+html
- http://www.asbmb.org/asbmbtoday/asbmbtoday_article.aspx?id=18162
- 1929 study claimed pufa to be efa, but was very unscientific
- the study demonstrated on a surface the animals died on a fat-free diet
- but in 1910...1920 there were studies which shown animals healthier with fat-full diet
- 19m20s
- JB: but so many people say these pufa are efa?
- RP: university of texas nutrition lab under http://bioinst.cm.utexas.edu/williams/
- 1940s rojer williams reproduced the 1929 pufa/efa study and proved it was b6 not efa deficiency
- proper interpretation of 1929 study: 1) pufa suppresses metabolic rate 2) when suppressed, you do not eat or drink as much 3) you do not need as much b6
- but if you remove pufa, you discover that you need b6 sooner
- 22m00s
- JB: so b6 deficiency is blamed on efa deficiency?
- RP: 1950s 1960s some isolated studies would claim efa are essential based on intravenous feeding
- but intravenous feeding became fully nutritional only in 1970s
- so previous to 1970s intravenous feeding were deficient in many things, like zinc
- at the time doctors would not give zinc, it was "nutritionist thing" to do
- 24m35s
- JB: nutritional advice about efa is very confusing?
- RP: you can "cure" b6 deficiency with efa poison short term
- example: fish oil can suppress inflammation, but it works by suppressing the immune system
- published in research of efa advocate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Horrobin
- you can survive for 1...2 years with suppressing your immune system; bad long term
- 26m15s
- JB: fish oil is used to fight depression?
- RP: some publications say it makes it worse or makes nothing
- there is a bias in studies reported by journals
- they publish studies which show 5% benefit and suppress ones that show 50% detriment
- 27m27s
- quote by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcia_Angell
- "you can not know the truth of studies published, unless you read the studies rejected"
- good vs bad fats?
- rapeseed/canola oil story
- in 1960s was a concern about toxicity of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erucic_acid
- so they bread special kind of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canola#Canola_oil
- experiments on death of heart tissue from canola oil by HS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Selye
- were explained in mainstream as toxicity of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erucic_acid
- but when HS used pure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linoleic_acid and demonstrated that it was the actual harmful agent for heart cells
- and when HS used chocolate fat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocoa_butter it was protective for heart cells
- so efa in general are actually toxic, and acted against by saturated fats
- and efa/saturated fat ratio is important
- 30m10s
- role of saturated fat: coconut oil rat study
- experiment: have groups of rats on different types of fats and on different fat content
- so "fat rats" were produced by unsaturated fats diet
- so "lean rats" were produced by saturated fats diet
- and most important factor was the degree of unsaturation of the fat, high-fat/low-fat is non issue
- 31m30s
- 1980s french study of pig farming demonstrated biochemistry of the fats
- they used specific fatty acids on animals, and examined influence on thyroid system
- found that saturation is key factor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturation_(chemistry)
- result: 1 unsat bond is bad, 2 unsat bond is worse, 3 unsat bond is really bad
- every component of thyroid system: gland secretion, blood transport, cell response is affected by pufa
- JB: so feeding pigs wile suppressing metabolism would make them fat? RP: yes.
####33m20s JB: Thyroid Function
- give us brief summary of thyroid function?
####33m30s RP: Thyroid Hormones
- there is t3 discovered in 1950s and t4 discovered in 1940s
- t3/t4 was known since 1900s to affect organism respiration, energy production
- t3/t4 deficiency was known to cause https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cretinism and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myxedema
- medical mainstream at the time did not want cretinism cure since cretins are good workers
- 35m00s
- 1940s study by BB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broda_Otto_Barnes
- BB used rabbits experiments and european epidemiology
- result: introduction of iodine in the diet reduced heart disease and cancer rates
- 1980s there are still iodine deficient regions in mexico with same disease pattern as in BB study
- in some regions iodine deficiency/contaminant translates into thyroid function malfunction
- it is a combination of low iodine plus thyroid toxins in the diet
- cabbage and pufa are examples of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goitrogen
- 37m30s
- tsh is produced by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pituitary_gland
- tsh is driving thyroid gland to produce t3/t4 when it is low
- t3/t4 is naturally inhibited by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrogen
- body design: when estrogen drives t3/t4 decrease, then tsh drives t3/t4 increase
- when there is more estrogen/goitrogen, then tsh will force thyroid gland growth to get more t3/t4
- 38m20s
- women in puberty and pregnancy often develop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goitre
- which can produce https://www.google.com/#q=creases+in+the+neck
- that is normal example of thyroid gland growth to compensate for high estrogen levels
- so efa not really essential?
- they are present in all food?
- how can you get away from them?
- achievement of marketing: how can you be deficient in something that present everywhere?
- example: coconut oil has 2% of efa/pufa
- ruminants detoxify efa/pufa with own bacteria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruminant
- example: beef/lamb ruminant fat has 2% of efa/pufa
- you have to eat special lab-made diet to be really efa deficient
- so the idea of efa as essential is a result of marketing
- 42m00s
- studies show: increase in pufa leads to increase in cancer rates
- 42m40s
- JB: and fish oils?
- RP: few years back fda warned total dha/epa must be under 3g per day
- but after that fda started promoting dha/epa
- dha/epa are immune system suppresors
- fish oils are so unstable they oxidize at room temperature, even more so at body temperature
- fish oils oxidize even before they reach your blood stream
- so "beneficial anti-inflammatory effects" are result of oil oxidation products being toxic
- very small part of fish oils reach your cells as original dha/epa
- role of marketing?
- role of saturated fats?
- looks like industry taken over the government
- fda web site is a promotion for fish oils
- fish/seed oils industry subsidies research and conferences which says pufa are good for you
- this is the same as atomic industry controlling the research on the safety or radiation
- fish oils and cancer?
- fish oils are "better" then seed oils in a sense that
- seed oils 18-carbon oil blocks human enzyme systems
- fish oils are longer chain, do not block directly, but more unstable
- also fish oils have vitamins in them: vit a d e k
- vit e is oxidized soon, vit a and d is more stable and is absorbed
- what is good diet?
- olive oil is ok 1 tsp a day - ok as small part of diet
- butter, beef fat, cocoa butter, coconut oil - ok as major part of diet
- longer saturated fats are protective
- example: study of butter for liver disease / alcoholism in india
- example: study in chicago of protective role of saturated fat
- 51m40s
- JB: long chain - you mean coconut oil?
- RP: coconut oil has up to 16C, butter is 18C, they use longer experimental fats
- 52m10s
- JB: pufa are now everywhere, how can you eat
- RP: 15 years back was a campaign to remove coconut oil from the market, but now it is back
- 53m20s
- JB: but butter makes you fat?
- RP: animals studies show that pufa make you fat
- example: finland eats lots of diary fats, people are lean and healthy
- example: russia eats lots of grain/vegetable (pufa) foods, people are fat and sick
- example: americans who eat milk products are lean; partially due to calcium and vit d; partially due to sat fats
- 54m45s
- JB: french paradox: they eat so much sat fat but they are lean?
- RP: yes :-)
- 55m00s
- JB: we are done, final words?
- RP: skin and oils health
- experiment: shaved rabbits on different diets exposed to the sun; result: sat fat -> no skin damage while pufa -> dried and wrinkled skin
- ray peat web site