1996 09 02 Thyroid Function Gary Null Ray Peat (summary) - Ray-Peat/interview GitHub Wiki
1996-09-02 Thyroid Function - Gary Null + Ray Peat
- efa
- pufa
- dhea
- t3/t4
- tsh
- fda
- pbi
- GN: Speaker - Gary Null
- RP: Speaker - Ray Peat
- topic is thyroid
- alternative medicine
- pepper mint oil
- chelation study with indirect proof
- Ray Peat background
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermittent_claudication
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid
- common for young people to have "growing pains"
- cause is accumulation of mucopolysaccharides https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycosaminoglycan
- similar to old people blood vessel gegenration
- to energize cells you need both thyroid and magnesium
- lack of either leads to cramps
- many related symptoms: funny legs, heart problem, insomnia, muscle pain
- topic is thyroid and aging
- adaptation: stress causes thyroid to go down - "hibernate" response
- example: first 12...24 hour of fasting runs on sugars from liver, then starts burning fat and muscle
- the more stress the lower the thyroid, gets chronically depressed with age
- need to send clear signal to the body, when stress is over
- vicious cycle: low thyroid prevents sugars storage; the body now is in a slow decay mode
- observation: sick people with low body temperature are less likely to get well - the cause is low thyroid
- when you are on low thyroid too long you are living on adrenalin and cortisone - stress adaptation
- RP saw low thyroid people who produced 30...40 times more adrenalin then normal as compensation
- high adrenalin state is the cause of confusion among doctors and patients
- it is supposed to be a temporary stress adaptation but makes people feel "as on drugs", when chronic
- also it is normal for adrenalin to go up at night, as night is "mini-fast"
- so nigh time stress goes up and up, results in insomnia, with more stress and more age
- extreme hypo-thyroid may lead to extreme hyper-adrenalin: loss of attention, extra irritability, depression
- so normalized thyroid will result in normalized adrenalin will result in "high tension" symptoms disapper
- stereotype of low thyroid people: "sluggish and lethargic", but a lot of them become hyper active
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broda_Otto_Barnes
- Broda Barnes book "It is your liver, not your mind"
- found most hypoglycemic people are low thyroid
- 1930...40 research shows high cholesterol is indicator of low thyroid
- experiment: remove a thyroid gland, the cholesterol goes up; give thyroid supplement, cholesterol goes down
- because thyroid is needed to produce downstream substances: bile, progesterone, ....
- vitamin a and thyroid hormone is used up in the production of downstream substances
- RP saw people with cholesterol going down 100/day when given quick acting thyroid, 50/week with careful thyroid
- national US diet is anti-thyroid
- recent news: 100M Chinese are hypo thyroid and 5M are thyroid cretins
- beans are anti-thyroid
- cabbage and turnip are anti-thyroid
- cause of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myxedema
- explained in the mainstream as genetic, but can be cured with thyroid
- low thyroid is cause of mucous/watery substance accumulation with strange symptoms
- such as: prolapses, glaucoma, graves via TSH, varicose veins, deformed cartilage
- t3/t4 + pregnenelone + progesterone + dhea will re-balance these symptoms in 1...2 weeks
- all low thyroid disease will benefit from proper supplementation
- mainstream tests: t4 + tsh
- "normal" tsh range is 0.5 ... 6.0
- but tsh > 1.0 is already a cause of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycosaminoglycan
- "normal" t4 range is 4 ... 12
- both tsh and t4 "normal" ranges are way too broad and are not normal due to history
- 25m40s history of thyroid test
- old test: pbi = protein bound iodine
- 95% of US people were high on pbi, so assumed 5% are sick
- 26m50s 1940 culture: "fat kids are lazy and gluttonous"
- in 1960s was found that pbi is unrelated to bio active t3/t4 levels
- high doses of iodine will suppress thyroid
- new t4 tests kept the pbi "normal" range for compatibility with "only 5% are sick" idea
- melatonin, estradiol,
- melatonin promoted as sleep aid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melatonin
- melatonin has a peak in sleep at 3:00 am
- melatonin and thyroid work in sync: more thyroid is more oxidation -> more melatonin as anti-oxidant
- melatonin has other functions other then anti-oxidant
- melatonin in pigs study suppresses progesterone and increases estrogen, same as low thyroid does
- so: when melatonin and thyroid do work in sync its ok, but melatonin out of context is a stress-mode promoter
- melatonin makes you go to sleep, and low temp, as in hibernation, with biological meaning to lower metabolic rate
- you do not want to use melatonin out of context to force sleep
- studies advocating melatonin as sleep promoter are done in rodents who sleep during the day - misleading
- in both humans and rats melatonin increases prolactin,
- but in human prolactin reduces progesterone, yet in rats prolactin increases progesterone
- thyroid action on liver is to promote energy store and activate estrogen removal
- these liver functions require adequate protein supplies
- so: low thyroid, low protein, sick liver - will result in high estrogen in blood
- estrogen will promote blood clotting, heart disease, stroke,
- experiment: remove thyroid gland, that will increase estrogen production - possible vicious circle
- estrogen promotes accumulation of fluid and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycosaminoglycan
- metaphor: "thyroid/progesterone/dhea vs estrogen - is all or nothing"
- books with protein-free diets in 1990s produced patients with estrogen domination and low thyroid
- 50 g of highest quality protein per day minimum
- cabbage/beans/nuts based diet has 15 times less protein quality, and are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goitrogen
- pufa/efa are pro-estorgen and anti-thyroid - is a cause of rise of degenerative diseases
- unsaturated fats show up in babies only after https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weaning
- developing fetus excretes pufa/efa and shows "it does not want it"
- developing baby cells/mitochondria are deficient in pufa/efa
- brain did not develop properly when deficient of saturated fat
- extreme amounts of pufa/efa in baby feed will produce a retarded brain
- whole chain of oxygen consumption / enzymes in young animals at every stage is inactivated by pufa/efa
- the more unsaturated fat the worse the interference, the less metabolic rate, the lower the thyroid activity
- there is a human metabolic rate vs age curve: 1) weaning, 2) puberty, 3) twenties, 4) rest of life
- curve shows less and less metabolic rate at each turning point
- you can restore oxygen respiration enzymes by changing the dietary fats
- it takes 4 years for complete exchange of body fats after a complete change in the diet
- sudden start of coconut oil consumption will cause a temporary metabolic increase effect
- to correct for age associated or pufa/efa associated decline in respiration you could take a thyroid supplement
- alternatively you could change your diet away from thyroid inhibitors
- age pigment: thyroid inhibitor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipofuscin
- produced by combination of iron + pufa + stress -> lipofuscin
- lipofuscin accumulates with age and stress in cataracts, blood vessel walls, heart, brain, skin
- lipofuscin have own negative enzyme function, after curtain level of lipofuscin diet change is not enough
- at this level of lipofuscin whole system of degenerative conditions sets in
- blood vessels lined with mucoproteins, blood cells oxygenation capacity reduced, lungs expand
- now smaller amount of stress will make animal more acutely oxygen deficient
- have a vicious cycle - will now produce lipofuscin at even higher rate
- researchers working on ways to remove lipofuscin from tissues
- experiment: vitamin e removed lipofuscin from culture cells in 2 weeks
- experiment: ethanol was as effective as vitamin e. ethanol blocks the chain of lipid peroxide production
- there are probably many anti-oxidants that can eliminate lipofuscin
- but you can change your diet now: remove pufa, excess iron, etc
- example: meat eating in US makes for iron overload; immune system is better in people with less then fda iron
- give us practival thyroid how-to
- adequate protein
- milk, cheese, eggs, (ordered by iron content increase)
- shellfish source of copper instead of iron
- vegetables are low on iron
- bread and pasta have iron as supplement in the US - reason to give up
- avoid pufa
- pufa are produced according to the organism habitat temperature
- pufa are stable at low temperature, not stable at human body temperature
- pufa are in cold water fish oils
- pufa are in seed/bean/grain oils
- pufa from cold organism become lipid peroxide when consumed by warm organism
- ideal calorie source
- fruit evolved to be safe for the animals
- tropical fruits - papaya, pineapple,
- fruits high on vitamins, minerals, magnesium
- tropical fruits have low levels of thyroid inhibitors
- fruits low on iron
- tropical oils - coconut oil
- avoid seeds
- plant evolved seed poisons to avoid seeds be eaten by the animals
- potato is good
- the only vegetable protein as high quality as egg yolk
- potato contains protein precursors