1. Initializing the project - Ray-F/youth-elections GitHub Wiki

When creating a fresh copy of this repository, you can do the following to quickly get started.

1) Download nodeJS and Yarn package manager

Link to installation: https://nodejs.org/en/download/

brew install node on MacOS (if you use brew), sudo apt-get nodejs on Linux

Then, download and install yarn: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install

2) Clone repository to local folder

Repository link: https://github.com/Ray-F/youth-elections.git

git clone https://github.com/Ray-F/youth-elections.git <custom-foldername>

Remember to replace <customer-foldername> to any folder name you like.

3) Download dependencies

IMPORTANT: For each of the following, cd into root directory first before executing.

  • Run yarn install to download all project dependencies.
  • Run cd client && yarn install to download dependencies for front-end react-app (client).
  • Run cd server && yarn install to download dependencies for back-end express-app (server).

4) Starting development environment

Run yarn run dev-start in the root directory to start your local development server (default http://localhost:3000).

When you save changes to files in development (in both server and client folders), these changes will be reflected in your browser when you refresh the page.