Mohit gurgaon - RatneshKumarSrivastava/Ratnesh GitHub Wiki
diffrence between fs and dfs ?
fs refers to any file system, it could be local or HDFS but dfs refers to only HDFS file system. So if you need to perform access/transfer data between different filesystem, fs is the way to go. to check where files has stored ? hadoop fsck / -files -blocks -locations
update query in hive ::: select e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.FIRST_NAME,e.LAST_NAME,e.EMAIL,e.PHONE_NUMBER,e.HIRE_DATE,e.JOB_ID,e.SALARY,e.COMMISSION_PCT,e.MANAGER_ID,e.DEPARTMENT_ID from employees e left outer join employee e1 on (e.employee_id = e1.employee_id) where e1.employee_id is null union select e1.EMPLOYEE_ID,e1.FIRST_NAME,e1.LAST_NAME,e1.EMAIL,e1.PHONE_NUMBER,e1.HIRE_DATE,e1.JOB_ID,e1.SALARY,e1.COMMISSION_PCT,e1.MANAGER_ID,e1.DEPARTMENT_ID from employees e left outer join employee e1 on (e.employee_id = e1.employee_id) where e1.employee_id is not null;
insert and update concept in hive before 0.14 truncate table empone;
insert into empone select e.EMPLOYEE_ID,
e.JOB_ID ,
case when t.employee_id is null then 'I' else 'U' end from employee e left outer join emptwo t on( e.employee_id=t.employee_id);
create table upd_emp as select e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.FIRST_NAME,e.LAST_NAME,e.EMAIL,e.PHONE_NUMBER,e.HIRE_DATE,e.JOB_ID,e.SALARY,e.COMMISSION_PCT,e.MANAGER_ID,e.DEPARTMENT_ID,e.flag from emptwo e left outer join empone e1 on (e.employee_id = e1.employee_id) where e1.employee_id is null union select e1.EMPLOYEE_ID,e1.FIRST_NAME,e1.LAST_NAME,e1.EMAIL,e1.PHONE_NUMBER,e1.HIRE_DATE,e1.JOB_ID,e1.SALARY,e1.COMMISSION_PCT,e1.MANAGER_ID,e1.DEPARTMENT_ID,e1.flag from emptwo e left outer join empone e1 on (e.employee_id = e1.employee_id) where e1.employee_id is not null; commit;
create table ins_emp as select e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.FIRST_NAME,e.LAST_NAME,e.EMAIL,e.PHONE_NUMBER,e.HIRE_DATE,e.JOB_ID,e.SALARY,e.COMMISSION_PCT,e.MANAGER_ID,e.DEPARTMENT_ID,e.flag from empone e left outer join emptwo e1 on( e.employee_id = e1.employee_id) where e1.employee_id is null; commit;
truncate table emptwo; commit;
insert into emptwo select * from ins_emp union select * from upd_emp; commit;
drop table upd_emp; drop table ins_emp; select * from emptwo;
Query to fetch latest record from table
select e.employee_id,e.department_id, e.salary from employees e1 join (select department_id, max(salary) sal from employees group by department_id) tm on (e1.department_id = tm.department_id and e1.salary = tm.sal) order by e1.department_id;
query to delete duplicates select distinct * from ratnesh1_bkp; with abc as (select rat_sk, no, name, amount ,row_number() over(partition by rat_sk, no, name, amount order by rat_sk, no, name, amount) col from ratnesh1_bkp) select no, name, amount,col from abc where col = 1; SQL Queries Interview Questions - Oracle Part 1
Write a SQL query to find the products which have continuous increase in sales every year? select product_id,(quantity - name) as name1 from (select product_id, quantity, lead(quantity,1,0) over(partition by product_id order by product_id) as name from sales) where (quantity - name) >=0;
Write a SQL query to find the products which does not have sales at all? select p.product_id, p.product_name from products p left outer join sales s on (p.product_id = s.product_id ) where s.product_id is null
Write a SQL query to find the products whose sales decreased in 2012 compared to 2011? select p.product_id,p.product_name from products p ,(select product_id from (select product_id,quantity,lag(quantity,1,0) over(partition by product_id order by product_id) as back from sales where year in (2011, 2012)) where (quantity - back) < 0)b where p.product_id = b.product_id;