Interview Question - RatneshKumarSrivastava/Ratnesh GitHub Wiki
1. Write a mapreduce to find maximum dep salary Wordcount program and explanation in mapreduce .
1. Hadoop Developer at Infosys was asked⦠8 Aug 2015
1. What is RDD (spark) What r the problem with In u place How do u use global sort in hive and partitioning logics Diff between bucketing and partitioning When will u use this.. Syntax for bucking and partitioning
1. β>1. How hadoop works?-
2. How Mapreduce works ?
3. How file of 100MB will be stored in Hadoop
4. How I will update data in hive files
5. How to read csv file of 10 gb and store it in database as it is within few seconds.
1. hashset and hash map diffrence.
They are entirely different constructs. A HashMap is an implementation of Map. A Map maps keys to values. The key look up occurs using the hash.
On the other hand, a HashSet is an implementation of Set. A Set is designed to match the mathematical model of a set.
1. how we can remove reduce part??
1. how more than one files can be access in mapreduce ?
1. how to strt all services?
1. what is xml files?
hadoop tasktracker &
1. If you are using Hadoop 2.2.0 which has YARN framework, there is no jobtracker in it. Its functionality is split and replaced by ResourceManager and ApplicationMaster. Here is expected jps prinout while running YARN1.
1. Why does Hadoop need classes like Text or IntWritable instead of String or Integer?
In order to handle the Objects in Hadoop way. For example, hadoop uses Text instead of javaβs String. The Text class in hadoop is similar to a java String, however, Text implements interfaces like Comparable, Writable and WritableComparable.
1. These interfaces are all necessary for MapReduce; the Comparable interface is used for comparing when the reducer sorts the keys, and Writable can write the result to the local disk. It does not use the java Serializable because java Serializable is too big or too heavy for hadoop, Writable can serializable the hadoop Object in a very light way.
β>For effectiveness of Hadoop, the serialization/de-serialization process should be optimized because huge number of remote calls happen between the nodes in the cluster. So the serialization format should be fast, compact, extensible and interoperable. Due to this reason, Hadoop framework has come up with one IO classes to replace java primitive data types. e.g. IntWritbale for int, LongWritable for long, Text for String etc.
1. Below parameter points to default hive table location.It can be used for dev purpose, where you just want to perform some tests on internal tables.
1. Below parameter points to some hdfs location, where you can mount external hive tables.This is useful in production environment, where you want every data to be available to some external dir and external table.
In my last article I have explained how we can use β -target-dir to import data in particular directory. But the limitation of target-dir is that the given directory which we will pass it to the argument must not create earlier. If this directory already created then an error will be thrown by the SQOOP Tool.
But when we pass particular directory with βwarehouse-dir it will treat directory as parent directory and create sub directory inside the parent directory with the name of table name.
The SerDe interface allows you to instruct Hive as to how a record should be processed. A SerDe is a combination of a Serializer and a Deserializer (hence, Ser-De). The Deserializer interface takes a string or binary representation of a record, and translates it into a Java object that Hive can manipulate. The Serializer, however, will take a Java object that Hive has been working with, and turn it into something that Hive can write to HDFS or another supported system. Commonly, Deserializers are used at query time to execute SELECT statements, and Serializers are used when writing data, such as through an INSERT-SELECT statement.
1.What are the differences between -copyFromLocal and -put command?
2.What is the default block size in Hadoop and can it be increased?
ans: The default block size in Hadoop 1 is 64 MB while in Hadoop 2, it is 128MB.
you can do it by setting fs.local.block.size in the configuration file easily.
3.How to import RDBMS table in Hadoop using Sqoop when the table doesnβt have a primary key column?
ans: βsplit-by or perform a sequential import with β-m 1β
4.What is CBO in Hive?
ans: CBO is cost-based optimization and applies to any database or any tool where optimization can be used.
5.Can we use LIKE operator in Hive?
WHERE table2.product LIKE concat(β%β, table1.brand, β%β);
6.Can you use IN/EXIST operator in Hive?
No, Hive doesnβt support IN or EXIST operators. Instead, you can use left semi join here. Left Semi Join performs the same operation IN do in SQL.
So if you have the below query in SQL-
SELECT a.key, a.value
WHERE a.key in
(SELECT b.key
7. how to open configuraration file in hive?
8.yes we can change location of internal table from /user/hive/warehouse to some other location
by changing location in configuration file.
9. When to use external and internal tables in Hive?
Use EXTERNAL tables when:
The data is also used outside of Hive. For example, the data files are read and processed by an existing program that doesnβt lock the files.
Data needs to remain in the underlying location even after a DROP TABLE. This can apply if you are pointing multiple schemas (tables or views) at a single data set or if you are iterating through various possible schemas.
Hive should not own data and control settings, dirs, etc., you may have another program or process that will do those things.
You are not creating a table based on existing table (AS SELECT).
Use INTERNAL tables when:
The data is temporary
You want Hive to completely manage the life cycle of the table and data
10.We have a Hive partitioned table with partition column as country. We have 10 partition and data for now is jut for one country, If we will copy the data manually for other 9 partitions, whether those will be reflected if we will run a command.
Ans: This is really a good question. As the data has been kept manually in all the other file directory and so directly it wonβt be available.
11.Data will be available directly for all partition when you will put it through command and not manually.
Where the Mapperβs Intermediate data will be stored?
Ans: The mapper output (which is intermediate data) is stored on the Local file system (not in HDFS) of each mapper nodes. This is a temporary directory location which can be setup in the configuration file by the Hadoop administrator. The intermediate data is cleaned up after the Hadoop Job completes.
can we handle xml file with mapreduce?
can u expain about couter in mapreduce?
What is a SerDe?
The SerDe interface allows you to instruct Hive as to how a record should be processed. The Deserializer interface takes a string or binary representation of a record, and translates it into a Java object that Hive can manipulate. The Serializer, however, will take a Java object that Hive has been working with, and turn it into something that Hive can write to HDFS or another supported system. Deserializers are used at query time to execute SELECT statements, and Serializers are used when writing data, such as through an INSERT-SELECT statement.
--Collection Data types
STRUCT {first STRING; last STRING}, then
the first name field can be referenced using name.first.
struct(βJohnβ, βDoeβ)
CREATE TABLE employees (
name STRING,
salary FLOAT,
subordinates ARRAY,
deductions MAP<STRING, FLOAT>,
address STRUCT<street:STRING, city:STRING, state:STRING, zip:INT>);
Avro is a serialization format developed to address some of the common problems associated with evolving other serialization formats.
Some of the benefits are:
rich data structures, fast binary format, support for remote procedure calls, and built-in schema evolution
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data serialization format used commonly in web-based applications.
(HDFS) A distributed, resilient file system for data storage (optimized for scanning large contiguous blocks of data on hard disks.) Distribution across a cluster provides horizontal scaling of data storage.
Blocks of HDFS files are replicated across the cluster (by default, three times) to prevent data loss when hard drives or whole servers fail.
Strictβthese are used to protect large data in partitioned tables.Instead of extracting all data from partitioned table strict mode is safety measure which allows queries with where cause only on partitones.
Orderby-ascending or desc pushing all dat through one reducer
Sortby-orders data at each of n reducers but each reducer can receive overlapping ranges of end up with one or more sotrted files with overlapping ranges
Distributeby-ensures each of n reducers gets non overlapping ranges of x,but doesnot sort the o/p of each reducer.u end with n or more unsorted files with non overlapping ranges
Clusterby-ensures each of n reducers gets non overlapping ranges,then sorts by those changes at reducers.this gives global ordering and is same as doing distributed by and sort end up with n or more sorted files with non overlapping ranges.
Speculative execution is a feature of Hadoop that launches a certain number of duplicate tasks.
While this consumes more resources computing duplicate copies of data.
word count program using hive
CREATE TABLE word_counts AS
SELECT word, count(1) AS count FROM
(SELECT explode(split(line, β\\sβ)) AS word FROM docs) w
ORDER BY word;
SELECT SPLIT_STRING(βapple, pear, melonβ, β,β, 1)βapple
What is distributed cache and what are its benefits?
Distributed Cache, in Hadoop, is a service by MapReduce framework to cache files when needed. Learn more in this MapReduce Tutorial now. Once a file is cached for a specific job, hadoop will make it available on each data node both in system and in memory, where map and reduce tasks are executing.Later, you can easily access and read the cache file and populate any collection (like array, hashmap) in your code.
$ bin/hadoop fs -copyFromLocal mytgz.tgz /myapp/mytgz.tgz
$ bin/hadoop fs -copyFromLocal mytargz.tar.gz /myapp/mytargz.tar.gz
how to set replication factor β
hadoop fs -setrep -w 3 /my/fact/filename;
for all file:
hadoop fs -setrep -w 3 -R /my/fact/;
how to alter partitions into existing table ??
You can use ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION to add partitions to a table. Partition values should be quoted only if they are strings. The location must be a directory inside of which data files reside. (ADD PARTITION changes the table metadata, but does not load data. If the data does not exist in the partitionβs location, queries will not return any results.) An error is thrown if the partition_spec for the table already exists. You can use IF NOT EXISTS to skip the error.
ALTER TABLE page_view ADD PARTITION (dt=β2008-08-08β, country=βusβ) location β/path/to/us/part080808β
PARTITION (dt=β2008-08-09β, country=βusβ) location β/path/to/us/part080809β;
ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION partition_spec RENAME TO PARTITION partition_spec;
ALTER TABLE table_name_2 EXCHANGE PARTITION (partition_spec, partition_spec2, β¦) WITH TABLE table_name_1;
Can Indexes be created in hive?
CREATE INDEX table01_index ON TABLE table01 (column2) AS βCOMPACTβ;
SHOW INDEX ON table01;
DROP INDEX table01_index ON table01;
How to change number of mappers
Tuning the number of mappers and reducers used by your Hive request; this could be done by tuning the input size for each mapper mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize, and the input size for each reducer: hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer
Informatica BDE Hive dynamic Partitions
in incremental import we specify the last value how do we know what is the last value..we need to go to hdfs/hive and see what was the last value importedβ¦is there any other wayο»Ώ
we can create a job using below cmd
sqoop job \
-create jobname1 \ \
import \
βconnect jdbc:mysql:// \
βusername sqoop \
βpassword sqoop \
βtable visits \
βincremental append \
βcheck-column id \
βlast-value 0
Once you have created this job with name jobname1. You can run this job by command: sqoop job βexec jobname1
to see the current parameter for this job run cmd: sqoop job βshow jobname1 it will print all the details on console.
You can see all the sqoop jobs that are already created by command: sqoop job -list.ο»Ώβββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ-
yes got it so in the job we specify last value as 0 and sqoop will automatically get the last value from the metastore..thanksο»Ώ
This mode is not stateful i.e., you cannot keep track of dataa in the previous records using stateful variables. Your transformations like sorters, sequence generators wont work fully or properly.
Your update strategy transformation will not work in hive mode just because hive does not allow updates. You can only insert records to Hive database.
In this mode the data gets read from source to temporary hive tables , transformed , and the target also gets loaded to temp hive tables before being inserted to final target which can be RDBMS database like oracle or Hive database. Hence the limition of hive also follows on to Hive mode in Informatica BDE.
List the difference between Hadoop 1 and Hadoop 2.
This is an important question and while answering this question, we have to mainly focus on two points i.e. Passive NameNode and YARN architecture.
In Hadoop 1.x, βNameNodeβ is the single point of failure. In Hadoop 2.x, we have Active and Passive βNameNodesβ. If the active βNameNodeβ fails, the passive βNameNodeβ takes charge. Because of this, high availability can be achieved in Hadoop 2.Γ.
Also, in Hadoop 2.x, YARN provides a central resource manager. With YARN, you can now run multiple applications in Hadoop, all sharing a common resource. MRV2 is a particular type of distributed application that runs the MapReduce framework on top of YARN. Other tools can also perform data processing via YARN, which was a problem in Hadoop 1.Γ.
What are the different ways to restart NameNode in Hadoop?
ans β: There are three ways to start the Daemons in Hadoop
1. & : To start/stop all the deamons on all the nodes from Master machine all at once.
2. a)., : to start/ stop HDFS daemons separately on all the nodes from Master machine, : : to start/ stop Yarn daemons separately on all the nodes from Master machine3. a) namenode/datanode : To start idatanode/Namenode on an individual machine manually(e.g. this can be used when a new datanode is added and this datanode needs to be started on that particular machine)
b) resourcemanager : To start a Yarn service on an individual machine manually, and, are preferred over & stop-all.
Type of table in Hive :
How can we optimize Hive tablesβ¦.
How can we optimize MapReduce jobβ¦.
What kind of data you will have β¦
What is the size of cluster ?
What is the size of data ?
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dataset1 ( eid int, first_name String, last_name String, email String, gender String, ip_address String) row format delimited fields terminated BY β,β tblproperties(βskip.header.line.countβ=β1β);
You need to use the special hiveconf for variable substitution. e.g.
hive> set CURRENT_DATE=β2012-09-16β;
hive> select * from foo where day >= β${hiveconf:CURRENT_DATE}β
similarly, you could pass on command line:
% hive hiveconf CURRENT_DATE=β2012-09-16β -f test.hqlββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
Why and When to use lastmodified mode?
β lastmodified works on time-stamped data
β Use this when rows of the source table may be updated
β And each such update will set the value of a last-modified column to the current timestamp
β Rows where the check column holds a timestamp more recent than the timestamp specified with βlast-value are imported
When to use append mode?
β Works for numerical data that is incrementing over time, such as auto-increment keys
β When importing a table where new rows are continually being added with increasing row id values
Arguments which control incremental imports:β
β βcheck-column
β The column SHOULD NOT be of type (Char/NChar/VarChar/VarNChar/LongVarChar/LongNVarChar)
β βincremental Specifies how Sqoop determines which rows are new.
β Legal values for mode include append and lastmodified. Before creating table, you must take care of field DATATYPES to avoid any loss of data or discrepancies. Most of the issues mainly occurs with Date, DateTime or TimeStamp fields. It is advisable to use βstringβ datatype for date-time fields. See Hive-QL command for creating Hive External table.
Incremental import of data from MySQL to Hive (after initial load is done)
From 2nd load onwards you just need to import data as HDFS load ONLY.
Use below SQOOP command for incremental loads.
sqoop import \
βconnect jdbc:mysql:// \
βusername SOMEUSER -P -m 1 \
βtable TWITTER_TBL \ # Table name in MySQL
βappend \
βhive-database hcatFinDB \
βhive-table TWITTER_TBL_HIVE \ # Existing table name in Hive
βwhere βTWEET_DATE <= β2015-12-22ββ \
βcheck-column TWEET_DATE \
βlast-value 2015-12-21 \
βincremental lastmodified \
βfields-terminated-by β\tβ \
βtarget-dir hdfs://;
Create a SQOOP JOB for the above command in-order to use it for regular imports as shown below.
- Creating Sqoop Job
sqoop job-create incrementalImportJob -import \
-connect jdbc:mysql:// \ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
βusername SOMEUSER -P -m 1 \
βtable TWITTER_TBL \ # Table name in MySQL
βappend \
βcheck-column TWEET_DATE \
βlast-value 2015-12-21 \
βincremental lastmodified \
βfields-terminated-by β\tβ \
βtarget-dir hdfs://;
Best way to merge multi part file into single file?
We have huge data set in hdfs in multiple files and want to merge them all into single file to be used by our customers. We tried using hdfs getmerge command but running into OOM issues on edge node. Any other ways to achieve this merge functionality?
Answer :::If you are using spark then use below code:
This will merge all part files into one and save it again into hdfs location
Hadoop fs getmerge -nl ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ-
how to set number of mapper and reducer for hive ?
difference between map and mapPartition ?
map works the function being utilized at a per element level while mapPartitions exercises the function at the partition level.
oalesce uses existing partitions to minimize the amount of data thatβs shuffled. repartition creates new partitions and does a full shuffle. coalesce results in partitions with different amounts of data (sometimes partitions that have much different sizes) and repartition results in roughly equal sized partitions.
hive β how to set parquet/ORC as default output format
For external tables, execute the following:
set hive.default.fileformat=Parquet
For managed tables, execute the following:
set hive.default.fileformat.managed=Parquet
This would be set only for the current session. If you want to set these for your entire hive configuration, set these properties in your hive-site.xml and restart your hive service.
Difference btw database and datawarehouse
Data warehouse is generally for huge storage of historical records
It is used for reporting purposes whereas database is for current day to online transaction processing.
Normally, the data in data warehouse is not supposed to be updated only inserts should happen into data warehouse
Ideally, the current data should become part of data warehouse, after some pre-decided time period, after which it will only be used for analysis purpose and not for transactions.
Most important difference between them is: in Database, data is normally kept in normalized format whereas in data warehouse, it is purposely De-normalized to avoid joins while generating huge reports to save time.