Hive imp - RatneshKumarSrivastava/Ratnesh GitHub Wiki
hive :
-d,-- Variable substitution to apply to Hive commands. e.g. -d A=B or --define A=B
-e --SQL from command line -f-- SQL from files -H-- Print help information -i--Initialization SQL file -S-Silent mode in interactive shell -v--Verbose mode (echo executed SQL to the console)
$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -e 'select a.col from tab1 a'
$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -S -e 'select a.col from tab1 a' > a.txt
$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -i /home/my/hive-init.sql
understand that the fsimage is loaded into the memory on startup and any further transactions are added to the edit log rather than to the fsimage for performance reasons. The fsimage in memory gets refreshed when the namenode is restarted. For efficiency, secondary name node periodically does a checkpoint to update the fsimage so that the namenode recovery is faster. All these are fine
select e.empno, e.ename, e.deptno ,d.dname,d.location from emp e,dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno order by e.deptno; select empno,deptno,sal, FIRST_VALUE(sal IGNORE NULLS)over(partition by deptno)ratnesh from emp;
7782 10 2450 2450 7934 10 1300 2450 7839 10 5000 2450 7566 20 2975 2975 7369 20 800 2975 7788 20 3000 2975 7876 20 1100 2975 7902 20 3000 2975 7844 30 1500 1500 7654 30 1250 1500 7521 30 1250 1500
select deptno, sal, avg(sal) over(PARTITION BY deptno order by sal) as name from emp;
10 1300 1300 10 2450 1875 10 5000 2916.666666666666666666666666666666666667 20 800 800 20 1100 950 20 2975 1625 20 3000 2175 20 3000 2175 30 950 950 30 1250 1150 30 1250 1150 30 1500 1237.5 30 2850 1560
select empno, deptno, sal ,lag(sal,2,0) over(order by sal) sal_prev from emp;
7369 20 800 0 7900 30 950 0 7876 20 1100 800 7654 30 1250 950 7521 30 1250 1100 7934 10 1300 1250 7844 30 1500 1250 7782 10 2450 1300
select empno, deptno, sal ,lag(sal,1,0) over(order by sal) sal_prev, sal -lag(sal,1,0)over(order by sal) diff from emp;
7369 20 800 0 800 7900 30 950 800 150 7876 20 1100 950 150 7654 30 1250 1100 150 7521 30 1250 1250 0 7934 10 1300 1250 50 7844 30 1500 1300 200 7782 10 2450 1500 950
select empno, deptno, sal ,lead(sal,2,12) over(order by sal) sal_prev from emp;
7782 10 2450 2975 7698 30 2850 3000 7566 20 2975 3000 7902 20 3000 5000 7788 20 3000 12 7839 10 5000 12
select empno , deptno, sal , rank() over( partition by deptno order by sal) rank from emp; 7934 10 1300 1 7782 10 2450 2 7839 10 5000 3 7369 20 800 1 7876 20 1100 2 7566 20 2975 3 7902 20 3000 4 7788 20 3000 4 7900 30 950 1 7521 30 1250 2
select empno , deptno, sal , dense_rank() over( partition by deptno order by sal) rank from emp;