List of useful CLI commands - Raruto/wordpress-git GitHub Wiki

Quick start

  • run wp core download to install wordpress (or even better wp core install)
  • run composer install to install any required plugins/themes (composer update it's also fine).


To update:

  • “Wordpress”: wp update core

Solving common issues:

  • “Another update is currently in progress”: wp option delete core_updater.lock

MySQL Server

1. Connect to Server:

  • for a MAMP installation use: mysql --host= -uroot -proot

2. Show saved DBs:


3. Create a new DB:

  • CREATE DATABASE my_new_db_name; (to delete a DB: DROP DATABASE my_db_name;)

4. Exit:

  • exit;

The short way (MAMP)

  • mysql --host= -uroot -proot -e "CREATE DATABASE my_new_db_name;";

All in One WP Migration (WP CLI Plugin)

Install the plugin

wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration --activate (You must reload the page once before continuing)

Do a backup (DB only)

wp ai1wm backup --exclude-media --exclude-themes --exclude-inactive-themes --exclude-muplugins --exclude-plugins --exclude-inactive-plugins --exclude-cache

Suggested: use "rsync" to sync media files.

Restore a backup

  1. cd wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (go to backup directory) or mkdir wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (create if does not exist)

  2. wget (download the backup)

  3. wp ai1wm restore backup-name.wpress (restore from the backup)

    Remember: backup file must be located in the "ai1wm-backups" directory.

  4. wp rewrite flush (flush permalinks, do it once or twice if you encounter problems)

  5. rm backup-name.wpress (remember to delete the backup file from the source as well)