Reflex Functional Aspects - RapturePlatform/Rapture GitHub Wiki
Functional Aspects of Reflex
Functions can be defined in Reflex and these functions can be passed around as first class objects to a number of special in-built functions. This page describes these special functions.
The map built-in function takes two parameters -- a pre-defined function that takes a single parameter and returns a single value and an array. The map function calls the pre-defined function for each element in the passed array, generating a new array which is formed by the return values from this invocation. The return value of the map function is this transformed array. The size of the array returned will match the size of the array passed as the second parameter.
def double(x)
return x*2;
res = map(double, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
assert(res == [2,4,6,8,10]);
The example above demonstrates this. We first define a simple function that doubles its passed parameter "x". We then map using this function an array of the first 5 integers. The result is an array of the first five even numbers, as each element in the first array has been multiplied by 2.
The filter built-in function takes two parameters -- a pre-defined function that takes a single parameter and returns either true or false. The filter function calls the pre-defined function for each element in the passed array. If that function returns true the parameter passed to the filter function is added to an array that will be ultimately returned by the filter function. In this way the return array will only contain the values in the passed array for which the "filter function" returns true.
def even(x)
return x % 2 == 0;
res = filter(even, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
assert(res == [2,4]);
In the above example we define a function that returns whether a passed number is even -- a number is even if the result after dividing by 2 is zero, and this is what this function returns.
After passing this function and an array of the first five integers to the filter function we produce a new array that just contains those elements that are even -- in this case the numbers 2 and 4.
The any built-in function takes two parameters -- the first is a built-in function similar to that used by the filter function, one that returns true or false. The second parameter is an array. The any function returns true if any of the elements in the input array returns true when passed through the built-in function. Note that the test will stop as soon as any element returns true, and the elements are tested in the order they are given in the passed array.
def lessThan5(x)
return x < 5;
l1 = [ 1, 2 , 3, 7 ];
l2 = [ 7, 8, 9, 10 ];
res1 = any(lessThan5, l1);
res2 = any(lessThan5, l2);
assert(res1 == true);
assert(res2 == false);
In this example we define a simple function "lessThan5" that returns true if the passed parameter is less than 5. We then call the any function with two different arrays -- one where there is a number less than 5 (l1) and one where none of the numbers are less than 5 (l2). The first call returns true (there is at least one element in l1 that is less than 5) and the second call returns false (there are no elements in l2 that are less than 5).
The all built-in function works in a similar way to the any function. It takes two parameters -- the first is a built-in function similar to that used by the filter function, one that returns true or false. The second parameter is an array. The all function returns true if all of the elements in the input array returns true when passed through the built-in function. It will return false if any of the elements in the input array returns false when passed through the built-in function. The function will stop checking if it sees any check returning false.
def greaterThan(x)
return x > 5;
l1 = [ 1, 2 , 3, 7 ];
l2 = [ 7, 8, 9, 10 ];
res1 = all(greaterThan5, l1);
res2 = all(greaterThan5, l2);
assert(res1 == false);
assert(res2 == true);
In this example we define a simple function "greaterThan5" that returns true if the passed parameter is greater than 5. We then call the all function with two different arrays -- one where there is a number less than 5 (l1) and one where none of the numbers are less than 5 (l2). The first call returns false (all of the elements are not greater than 5 in l1) and the second call returns true (all of the elements are greater than 5).
The Reflex function takewhile takes two parameters -- the first is a function that takes a single parameter and returns true or false. The second is an array. The return value of the function consists of all of the elements of the input array up to the point at which the return value from passing the array element through the passed function returns true. We in effect "take the elements of the input array while the test is true".
def lessThan5(x)
return x < 5;
l1 = [ 1, 2 , 3, 7 ];
l2 = [ 1, 7, 8, 9, 5, 10 ];
res1 = takewhile(lessThan5, l1);
res2 = takewhile(lessThan5, l2);
assert(res1 == [1,2,3]);
assert(res2 == [1]);
In this example we use a standard "lessThan5" function that returns true if a number is less than 5. We than pass that to the takewhile function using two different arrays. The first, l1, has a 4th element (7) which is greater than 5, and the result of calling takewhile is to return only the first 3 elements. The second, l2, has the 2nd element greater than 5 and therefore the result of the takewhile call is to only return the first element of the array.
The Reflex dropwhile function is similar to takewhile -- it takes two parameters, a test function that accepts on parameter and returns true or false and an input array. The result of calling dropwhile is to remove elements from the input array while the test function returns true. As soon as the test function returns false the checking is stopped and the remaining elements of the input array are returned. We are effectively "dropping elements of the array while the test function returns true".
def lessThan5(x)
return x < 5;
l1 = [ 1, 2 , 3, 7 ];
l2 = [ 1, 7, 8, 9, 5, 10 ];
res1 = dropwhile(lessThan5, l1);
res2 = dropwhile(lessThan5, l2);
assert(res1 == [7]);
assert(res2 == [7,8,9,5,10]);
This example is similar to the takewhile example - and in this case the return value from the dropwhile call is the exact complement of the takewhile call. If we concatenated the result of a takewhile call to the result of a dropwhile call with the same parameters we would get the same input array passed in.
assert((takewhile(lessThan5, l1) + dropwhile(lessThan5, l1)) == l1);
The Reflex splitwith function works on the property that the takewhile and dropwhile functions are complementary -- they each select a different part of the passed input array. The result of splitwith (which takes the same parameters as the other functions -- a function that returns either true or false, and an input array) is to return an array of two values -- one the result of calling takewhile and one the result of calling dropwhile.
def lessThan5(x)
return x < 5;
l1 = [ 1, 2 , 3, 7 ];
l2 = [ 1, 7, 8, 9, 5, 10 ];
res1 = splitwith(lessThan5, l1);
res2 = splitwith(lessThan5, l2);
assert(res1 == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [7.0](/RapturePlatform/Rapture/wiki/1.0,-2.0,-3.0],-[7.0));
assert(res2 == [1.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 5.0, 10.0](/RapturePlatform/Rapture/wiki/1.0],-[7.0,-8.0,-9.0,-5.0,-10.0));
In the above example we split the array at the point where the first element is not less than 5 - so that the first element in the return value is all the elements to the left of that point, and the second element in the return value is all of the elements to the right of that point.
Fold is a classic accumulator technique in functional programming -- it takes three parameters, the first being a function that takes two parameters (an accumulator and an input parameter, returning a value), the second being an initial value of an accumulator and the third an input array.
The function works by calling the passed function with the initial value of the accumulator and the first element of the input array. The return value of calling this function is the new accumulator that is passed to the invocation of the passed function with the second element. This continues for all elements and the return value of the fold function is the final return value of the final call for the final element.
def totalFn(total, x)
return total + x;
def multFn(total, x)
return total * x;
input = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
res = fold(totalFn, 0, input);
res2 = fold(multFn, 1, input);
assert(res == 15);
assert(res2 == 120);
In this example we define two functions -- one that adds the two passed parameters and returns their sum (totalFn) and one that multiplies the two passed parameters and returns the result (multFn). We then call the fold function on a simple input array (the first 5 integers) with each of these functions. For the totalFn we set the initial value of the accumulator to be zero and for the multFn we set the initial value to be 1 (a value of zero would result in every number being multiplied by zero).
The calls to the totalFn work according to the table below:
Input | Accumulator | Result |
1 | 0 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 3 |
3 | 3 | 6 |
4 | 6 | 10 |
5 | 10 | 15 |
With the result of 15 being returned by the fold function.
For the multFn we have the following steps:
Input | Accumulator | Result |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 2 |
3 | 2 | 6 |
4 | 6 | 24 |
5 | 24 | 120 |