API series - RapturePlatform/Rapture GitHub Wiki

Series API

For manipulating time series objects.


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.createSeriesRepo(seriesRepoUri, config);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_CreateSeriesRepo(seriesRepoUri, config);

Entitlement: /repo/write

Creates a repository for series data.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesRepoUri String
config String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
boolean retVal = seriesApi.seriesRepoExists(seriesRepoUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_SeriesRepoExists(seriesRepoUri);

Entitlement: /repo/list

Check for the existence of a given repository

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesRepoUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
boolean retVal = seriesApi.seriesExists(seriesUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_SeriesExists(seriesUri);

Entitlement: /repo/list

Check for the existence of a given series

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
SeriesRepoConfig retVal = seriesApi.getSeriesRepoConfig(seriesRepoUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetSeriesRepoConfig(seriesRepoUri);

Entitlement: /repo/read

Fetches the series repository config, or null if the repository is not found.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesRepoUri String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Configuration info for a repository that stores series data.

Field Type
description String
config String
authority String
seriesName String
sampleColumn String


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesRepoConfig> retVal = seriesApi.getSeriesRepoConfigs();
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetSeriesRepoConfigs();

Entitlement: /repo/read

Fetch a list of all series repositories.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.deleteSeriesRepo(seriesRepoUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_DeleteSeriesRepo(seriesRepoUri);

Entitlement: /repo/write

This method removes a Series Repository and its data from the Rapture system. There is no undo.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesRepoUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.deleteSeries(seriesRepoUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_DeleteSeries(seriesRepoUri);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesRepoUri)

This method removes a Series and its data from the Rapture system. There is no undo.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesRepoUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<String> retVal = seriesApi.deleteSeriesByUriPrefix(seriesUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_DeleteSeriesByUriPrefix(seriesUri);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Recursively removes all series repositories that are children of the given Uri.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addDoubleToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddDoubleToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds one point of floating-point data to a given series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKey String
pointValue double

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addLongToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddLongToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds one point of type long to a given series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKey String
pointValue Long

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addStringToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddStringToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds one point of string data to a given series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKey String
pointValue String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addStructureToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddStructureToSeries(seriesUri, pointKey, pointValue);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds one point containing a JSON-encoded structure to a given series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKey String
pointValue String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addDoublesToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddDoublesToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds a list of points of floating-point data to a given series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKeys List
pointValues List

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addLongsToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddLongsToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds a list of points of type long to a given series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKeys List
pointValues List

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addStringsToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddStringsToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds a list of string points to a given series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKeys List
pointValues List

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.addStructuresToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_AddStructuresToSeries(seriesUri, pointKeys, pointValues);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Adds a list of points containing JSON-encoded structures to a series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKeys List
pointValues List

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.deletePointsFromSeriesByPointKey(seriesUri, pointKeys);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_DeletePointsFromSeriesByPointKey(seriesUri, pointKeys);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Delete a list of points from a series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
pointKeys List

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.deletePointsFromSeries(seriesUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_DeletePointsFromSeries(seriesUri);

Entitlement: /data/write/$f(seriesUri)

Removes all points in a series, then removes the series from the directory listing for its parent folder.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
SeriesPoint retVal = seriesApi.getLastPoint(seriesUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetLastPoint(seriesUri);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Retrieves the last point in a series.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


*This object holds the data for a series value that was requested, without specifying what type to present data as. *

Field Type
column String
value String


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesPoint> retVal = seriesApi.getPoints(seriesUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPoints(seriesUri);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

If the series size is less than the maximum batch size (one million points by default), this returns all points in a list. If the series is larger, an exception is thrown.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesPoint> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsAfter(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsAfter(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets one page of data from a series

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
startColumn String
maxNumber int

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesPoint> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsAfterReverse(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsAfterReverse(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets one page of data and reverses the normal sort order

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
startColumn String
maxNumber int

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesPoint> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsInRange(seriesUri, startColumn, endColumn, maxNumber);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsInRange(seriesUri, startColumn, endColumn, maxNumber);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets one page of data from a series range.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
startColumn String
endColumn String
maxNumber int

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesDouble> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsAsDoubles(seriesUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsAsDoubles(seriesUri);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets the entire contents of a series and casts each value to type Double.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesDouble> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsAfterAsDoubles(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsAfterAsDoubles(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets one page of data from a series and casts each value to type Double.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
startColumn String
maxNumber int

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesDouble> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsInRangeAsDoubles(seriesUri, startColumn, endColumn, maxNumber);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsInRangeAsDoubles(seriesUri, startColumn, endColumn, maxNumber);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets one page of data from a series range and casts each value to type Double.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
startColumn String
endColumn String
maxNumber int

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesString> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsAsStrings(seriesUri);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsAsStrings(seriesUri);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets the entire contents of a series and casts each value to type String.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesString> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsAfterAsStrings(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsAfterAsStrings(seriesUri, startColumn, maxNumber);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets one page of data from a series and casts each value to type String.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
startColumn String
maxNumber int

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesString> retVal = seriesApi.getPointsInRangeAsStrings(seriesUri, startColumn, endColumn, maxNumber);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_GetPointsInRangeAsStrings(seriesUri, startColumn, endColumn, maxNumber);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(seriesUri)

Gets one page of data from a series range and casts each value to type String.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
seriesUri String
startColumn String
endColumn String
maxNumber int

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
List<SeriesPoint> retVal = seriesApi.runSeriesScript(scriptContent, arguments);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_RunSeriesScript(scriptContent, arguments);

Entitlement: /data/user

Executes a series function program and returns its default output.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
scriptContent String
arguments List

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
void retVal = seriesApi.runSeriesScriptQuiet(scriptContent, arguments);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_RunSeriesScriptQuiet(scriptContent, arguments);

Entitlement: /data/user

Executes a series function program and returns success status only.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
scriptContent String
arguments List

Return value

Type Description


HttpSeriesApi seriesApi = new HttpSeriesApi(loginApi);
Map<String,RaptureFolderInfo> retVal = seriesApi.listSeriesByUriPrefix(uriPrefix, depth);
retVal = baseAPI.doSeries_ListSeriesByUriPrefix(uriPrefix, depth);

Entitlement: /data/read/$f(uriPrefix)

Returns full pathnames for an entire subtree as a map of path to RFI.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
uriPrefix String
depth int

Return value

Type Description
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